Chapter 6 - 6

Just so we are clear here, Autonomous Ultra Instinct is obviously heavily inspired by a technique of the same name from Dragon Ball, however, the one used in this book is only INSPIRED. It's also partially inspired by Ultra Instinct from Lookism, like a mix of the two.



There was one thing Kenshin realized very quickly... he HATED staying in the hospital. Thankfully, through some miracle, he was let out relatively quickly. Maybe it was his new, more trained body that allowed him to be let out more quickly or the doctors just got better in that little short time. 

Nevertheless, he was happy to be out of that sterile room. Hasn't even been a month since that fish monster nearly killed him and now this deer thingamabob nearly finished the job. Not good. Life is not daijobu.

On the bright side, Kenshin had a new ability to play with. Partially. He noticed his attributes had risen even more yesterday, and for the first time, his Ability stat increased. It didn't do that when he used Compulsive Gambler or Perfect Self, so either those two didn't count, or perhaps he had to flex his metaphysical muscles a bit more. Neither of his two starting abilities nor his newly acquired Photosynthesis were combat-oriented, save for that one portion of Compulsive Gambler. So it made sense?

It was a pain in the ass to put into words and a bigger pain for Kenshin to think about, so he didn't. Instead, as he arrived home, free of bandages this time, he took out his phone and went online. 

"I wanna jerk off..."

We don't need to see that.


Ma-ia-hii~ Ma-ia-huu~ Ma-ia-hoo~ Ma-ia-haa~


Kenshin was confused, bamboozled, and already having a headache. He in his infinitely average wisdom decided to make a plan for the future. It didn't go well. It didn't go well at all. He had no idea how to plan ahead that far.

Step 1: Get strong.

Step 2: Join Hero Association.

Step 3: Make it to S-Class (eventually).

Step 4: Pawgtsumaki.

Step 5: Profit.

It truly was a plan of all time. But hey, at least it was something, no? Sigh, this was hopeless. Why did he even bother pondering over an hour just to get this as the result? Was he neurodivergent? Hopefully not. It'd be a pain to learn how to control Autonomous Ultra Instinct if he was. 

Another more versatile combat ability would also be greatly appreciated. Autonomous Ultra Instinct and the combat side of Compulsive Gambler were really the only two useful combat abilities he had. Granted, he could just try and get strong physically, hopefully, to be at least as strong as 1% of Saitama's power, but that was wishful thinking. 

"Fuck this," yes, fuck planning, who needs it anyway?

"Let's go gambling!"

Now that is something productive he could do!

...Don't do gambling in real life people, you are not the main character.

Random shit he had around his apartment quickly became fuel for his rapidly growing gambling addiction, and the sound of various slot machines quickly filled the apartment. The fear of being squashed by a bouncy castle has long been forgotten. He needed to get something good!

But as the hours dragged by and random shit came and went, it didn't look like today would be his lucky day. Not a single ability ticket, but at the very least there were a few golden tickets for his attributes, those being very nice indeed. There was a total of 16 golden tickets. An absolutely insane amount that surprised Kenshin to no end. That was a really good haul of the otherwise somewhat elusive golden tickets. It was kind of annoying, with days sometimes going by where he wouldn't get even a single one, and then after almost dying he got 16 of them at once.





Irrelevant, legal.

>[Ability List]

Compulsive Gambler [N/A]

-In combat: roll a d20, the higher the number, the greater the critical strike, however, low numbers run the risk of the attack outright missing.

-Out of combat: play a variety of minigames at the cost of currency or items, each giving special rewards. The greater the risk, the greater the possible reward~

Perfect Self [EX+]

-View and edit personal attributes portraying to one's physique and even luck.

Photosynthesis] [C-]

The user can survive off of sunlight.

Autonomous Ultra Instinct [EX+]

Activated automatically at the loss of consciousness during combat. An auto-combat ability that pushes one's body beyond its limits, maximising speed, power and durability at the cost of stamina. For continued use, go into monkey mode. Do not think. Just do.


Strength: D -> C+

Stamina: B- -> A

Speed: D+ -> A-

Charm: EX+

Ability: A+

Luck: EX+


"Hell yeah."

Seeing those attributes made him quite happy, even if he had nobody to compare himself to. He was hoping this meant he was quite strong, but at the end of the day, he didn't really have a point of comparison outside of seeing Saitama punch the shit out of a fish that one time. 

It was already dark outside, so going to the gym to try out the punching bag was out of the question. 


In all this time, since during the fish attack on the store he used to work at, Kenshin had not once checked his mailbox. Now, this wouldn't seem like something important at the time, but when you have bills to pay, it is VERY paramount to check one's mailbox daily.

Bolting to his apartment door, he was both relieved and confused to see only one letter in there. The bills weren't due yet, which was nice, not that he had money problems, but, um, who sends letters in an all-black envelope? 

"Oh boy..."

The envelope had no discernable features other than the large circular logo at the front. At its centre was the insignia of a bird—maybe a phoenix or a hawk; Kenshin wasn't sure. There was also text was also circling around the bird; it read, "Anti-Disaster Measures—Hero Association." 

That's totally not foreboding at all...

Going back into his room to sit on his bed, God knows he's going to have to sit down for this, he opened the letter. His eyes scanned the text, not that there was much of it mind you, it was the simple spiel about who the Hero Association was, how they work, and the usual corporate talk. 

The important part was the text at the bottom, it had a larger font than the rest and was bold. 

"We'd be thrilled to see you in the upcoming Hero Entrance Exam on XX.XX.XXXX."

How the fuck-

"It was the damn deer incident wasn't it...?"

Had to be. It was either that or the fish monster incident, and there was no way they would've given a shit about him then. He didn't do anything there except almost die. But he wasn't particularly impressive when that fucking deer nearly killed him. Then again, he did show off Compulsive Gambler a few times, there were bound to be cameras, not to mention that he received Autonomous Ultra Instinct around that time. Its description said it would activate when he was unconscious, so by that logic, it had to have been him who killed that damn deer. And the cameras probably saw everything...

"...I don't know whether to call this good or bad luck..."
