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Chapter 1 - The Path

  Chapter two : the hell hunter

 After our three characters, Noah, Liam, and Luke couldn't find a way to stop the dominant power that they faced Named Retnuoc, they find out that his power disables any kind of power that comes near them. That means that they can't use their powers to stop him. The only way to stop him is to find someone with no power, but they all are just normal weak humans until Noah remembers that he knows a human whose strength is unnatural and whose name is Shane, but how do Noah and Shane know each other? and how Shane has unnatural strength and he is just a normal human? That is what we are going to find out in this chapter from The Path.

Back at Shane's house, where all of our characters are gathered together, Luke and Liam had a lot of questions while Shane was just smiling and looking at them, and Noah was so serious looking back at Shane in a moment of silence until that silence got broken by Liam asking a question to Noah.

Liam: Wo wo wo, Noah, how do you know this guy?

Shane: (Smiling) You didn't tell them, 'Oh man, that really hurt my feelings, bro.

Noah: There was no time.

Shane: Bro, you are still stupid; you could have told them that stupid story when you were coming on that plane.

Luke: You know what a plane is?

Shane: You racist Motherfu... what, just because I'm leaving for the middle of nowhere, this means that I don't know what plane is?

Luke: No, he didn't mean that; he meant...

Shane: So, he meant something even worse, oh my god. Noah, are they always like this?

Noah: more and less.

Luke and Liam felt ashamed.

Shane: (laughing) I'm just messing with you; yes, I know what a plane is, and yes, I have wifi in this house. It's without a password, so your device can stay connected in case something bad happens.

Liam: We are really sorry; we didn't mean it like that.

Shane: apologize, accept, but don't be racist.

Liam: (whispers to Luke) I'm really getting tired of this racist stuff that keeps happening to us.

Shane: So, what is the occasion for you to come here? Noah.

Noah: I need your help and...

Shane: I'll stop you there, from what I remember. The last time we met, which is also the first, you said...

Noah: "I don't think there is a way that I will ever ask for your help ever again." Yes, I remember, but this one is important, and there's no way I can stop this without you because I'm the only one who knows how strong you are.

Shane: First of all, you are not the only one in that city who knows how strong I am; Sarah knows too.

Luke: You know Sarah?

Shane: Yes, now shut up, you racist.

Luke: (don't know how to answer)

Shane: Secondly, you don't know my level of power because I don't know it myself.

Noah: But I do know it's enough for what is coming.

Shane: I don't know I have important stuff to take care of.

Noah: If this monster succeeds, I don't think there is a way that you could finish that stuff.

Shane: I don't know.

Noah: Shane, why are you so stubborn?

Shane: You know exactly why.

Noah: Oh, what happened? There is no way to change it.

Shane: But the blame persists.

Liam: I'm sorry. I tried to stay calm as long as possible, but what in the hell happened between you two?

Luke: Liam is right, even though we are in a hurry and we need his help, but before we do something that we could regret.

Noah: What do you want from me exactly? 

Luke: Answer Noah, we want answers, like, who this guy is? And how have we never heard of him? or seen him in the database?

Liam: Exactly. I thought we had all the information on every person we know.

Shane: Come on, tell them.

Noah: There is no time.

Shane: Oh, COME ON, you are still a joy killer.

Noah: I thought you don't love to waste time.

Shane: on something ridiculous, but come on, Noah, it's a story. Anyone have time for a short story?

Noah: Except that ain't a short story, but fine, I will tell you.

Long ago, after Luke and Liam separated from M.T.C.W. to try to find their way to help. Noah was the only leader there with Sarah at the time, and the core city was still growing, so Noah did his best not to be able to ruin things. Until a demon came to the city destroying everything in his way, Noah didn't know who he was, but like any other threat, he knew that he needed to be stopped before he killed any innocent people.

Noah: What is happening in the city?

Sarah: I'm still trying to get an analysis of what is happening.

Noah: Please hurry up just so I can have an idea of what I'm up against.

Sarah: And done, sir, you facing a...

Noah: Talk, what is it? 

Sarah: You won't believe it?

Noah: Oh, please, it cannot be that bad.

Sarah: You're facing a demon.

Noah: A WHAT, a demon like a demon demon.

Sarah: Yes, I didn't believe it myself in the beginning, but this is what the analysis said.

Noah: How is this even possible? There was no sign of the demons for a long time, and just out of nowhere there is one, here? There must be something wrong somewhere.

Sarah: Sir, why are you worried about this demon? You faced things that are far more dangerous.

Noah: not like the demons; you see, demons are the anti-life?

Sarah: Anti-life?

Noah: I will explain later, for now I need to try stopping this demon before he hurts somebody. Teleport me there?

With one click of a button from Sarah, she teleported Noah from his location to the middle of the city, where the demon was. Noah finds himself in the middle of destruction and tries to find the demon in the middle of the smoke that results from that destruction. While he was looking for him, he noticed in the far distance a small shadow that was getting closer to him—not just that but also bigger—and it was getting to him faster and faster the more he looked at it until he realized that it was not a shadow that a car was about to hit him, but before it happened, he was lucky to summon his trident fast and split the car in half. Noah realized that that was a close one, and he needed to stay focused. After that, he hit his trident to the ground, getting rid of all the smoke so he could see clearly. Then he found him far away from him, but he was there looking at Noah, knowing that he was there when he teleported. Noah was preparing himself so he could go to him and fight him. He was focusing on him, and the moment he blinked, he found the demon in front of him. Noah got trying and took a far step back, and then he took a close look at him. The demon was hulking and a scary monster with claws and sharp teeth, and his eyes didn't even have iris and pupils; they were just white. Even though Noah was scared and had never seen something like that before, he knew that he had a duty to do and tried to hit the demon with his trident, but it did nothing to him. He again took a far step back and called Sarah, telling her to teleport the people who were near the area of fighting because this was not going to end fast or safely. Sarah started reporting people inside the tower because it is the safest place in the city. After the area was safe, now Noah could focus on the demon. He started attacking him by using a water blast so he could send him far away, but the demon jumped from it and went straight to Noah so he could attack him with his claws. Noah barely dodged his attack, and he attacked him back by using his trident. This time the attack worked and it did some damage to the demon. The last one was surprised, so he kept attacking him at a close distance, and Noah just kept doing what he did, dodging him and then attacking him.

The demon grows mad and pretends that he is going to hit Noah with his claws, which drives the last one to try and dodge the attack in the air. The moment he did that, the demon tricked him and kicked him hard in the chest, which sent Noah into one of the nearby buildings. Noah stood up quickly to fight back, but before he even saw where the demon was, the last one was next to him, about to hit him again. Noah used his trident and blocked the attack, but the impact from the attack was strong enough to send both Noah and the demon flying back. "How the hell did I survive that?" Noah exclaimed as he found himself in the midst of a skyscraper, attempting to make sense of what had happened. This is not looking good. I have no idea how to get rid of this demon." A massive boulder was traveling toward him so quickly that, despite his best efforts to locate the demon from up there, the demon surprisingly discovered him first. He leaps into the air in an attempt to avoid it, but before he knows it, the demon grabs hold of his leg and throws him to the ground. Noah uses his power to lessen the force of the impact by enclosing himself in a thick bubble, and when he looks up to see the demon pursuing him, he makes a water-spin circular blade that can cut through anything in its path with such precision that it slices through the demon's neck with that the demon's body falls along with his head. Now that the Demon was defeated, Noah could finally relax and go. However, as soon as he turned to go, he heard someone behind him remark, "Not bad for a human." When he turned around, he discovered the demon was still alive, and he put his head back together. Noah wasn't surprised because he had anticipated this, the demon added. 

The demon: You must be really special because I don't know any other human who could've survived all of this but not for long.

Noah: (silence).

The demon: You don't want to talk fine; now I will give you another chance. I will do nothing, and you can attack me however you want, and you better kill me or I will kill you after that.

Noah: What's the catch?

The demon: There is no catch. I just want to see your full potential. You are strong but not enough at this moment. Either you kill me or the city falls. Think about it, human.

Noah saw that something was wrong, so he tried not to lose this opportunity. He called for his trident, took a deep breath, and began to concentrate all of his strength on it. At this point, the trident was full of power. With all of the power in both Noah and the trident, it began to vibrate, and a line of water surrounded it. Noah looked at the demon, but he remained where he was, so Noah wasted no time. He started hurling the trident. As he did so, he began to think back on the promises he had made, the things he needed to fix, and what was at stake. The trident was so swift and powerful that it pierced the demon's heart and pierced through his chest. Noah grinned as he believed he had triumphed, but then he noticed the demon smiling as he said, "I told you not to waste this chance." Noah discovered the demon on his left before he took action, and the demon just grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up. 

Noah: (struggling) How are you still alive?

 the demon: You really don't know anything about demons, do you?

Noah: I know you guys are anti-life.

The demon: then I bet you didn't know the demons also have three hearts.

Noah: Why are there three hearts on you? You're worried a woman will break one of them.​​

The demon: huh, sarcasm; it seems that these are your last words.

While the demon was still holding Noah by the neck, he began to run around and begin striking him against the buildings one after another until Noah had no strength left. The demon then threw Noah far, causing Noah to be struck into another building. However, the demon wasn't done yet, as he continued by throwing a full building in Noah's direction, but he was powerless to do anything.

However, it abruptly stopped two steps from him and Noah's final moments before the building fell into him. He saw a man in a black t-shirt, carrying a hefty sword on his shoulder and gripping the building with his other hand while he was conscious in a blur. Following that, Noah was afraid when he woke up in the MTCW tower, but when he noticed the scars on his body from his battle with the demon, he recognized it wasn't a dream. Afterwards, Sarah entered the room happy because she saw Noah awake.

Sarah: Oh my god, you are awake; I can't believe it.

Noah: what happened?

Sarah: You don't remember; you were fighting that demon, and you just...

Noah: No, I remember that I was talking about after I lost consciousness.

Sarah: Oh, I sent the black ops to retrieve you and try to stop the demon, which was successful.

Noah: I'm sorry what, the black ops stopped the demon?

Sarah: Actually, he surrendered after they stabbed him with electric spears.

Noah: Wow, I think I underestimated the Black Ops.

Sarah: Actually, he cooperated until we put him in the cell.


Sarah: Yes, I can show you where he is.

Noah: Sarah I need to see him now; that demon is no joke.

Sarah: Okay, I will show you, but after...

Noah: (stands from the bed) There is no after I need to see him, NOW.

Sarah: Before you interrupt me, I was going to say after you wear your clothes because you are still in the patients' clothes and it shows some of the inappropriate places.

Noah: (looks down) Oh.

Noah starts asking some questions to Sarah while they are going to where the demon is trapped.

Noah: Sarah, how long was I unconscious?

Sarah: about twenty-four hours.

Noah: twenty-four hours! Wow, I don't know what to say except that I'm sorry that I couldn't stop the demon.

Sarah: I'm sorry too for what I'm about to say, but you are stupid.

Noah: Sarah?

Sarah: You heard me. We both know each other well enough. You don't have to do everything on your own if the black ops couldn't stop that demon at that time. I was going to call Noah and Luke, and I started fighting him until they got here.

Noah: Thank you, Sarah, but I promise you it won't get to that.

Sarah: Anyway, do you have any other questions?

Noah: No, actually yes, there was a guy standing in front of me when I was losing consciousness—a guy with a black t-shirt and a huge sword.

Sarah: sir, Are you okay? 

Noah: Yes, why are you asking?

Sarah: (showing Noah the cell) The description that you give me matches exactly the demon that we trapped in.

Noah was looking at the guy with a black t-shirt in a jail cell while the guy was upside down, tied with chains and both his legs and hands, and he was sleeping.

Noah: Sarah, this is not the demon. Why is he here? 

Sarah: Are you sure?

Noah: Does he look like a demon to you?

Sarah: Well, the analysis said he is, plus he was the only one there when I sent the black ops.

Noah: This guy is the one who saved me from that building that was going to crush me.

Sarah: In fact, he was actually holding a building in his hand when they got there. I thought he was going to throw it at you.

Noah: No, we already passed that; the point is that this is not the demon, which means that the demon is still out there.

The guy: That is nice and all, but I have an important question. Can I go now? I have a demon to capture.

Noah: You've woken up.

the guy: Apparently so. Would you allow me to leave now?

Noah: Not until you answer some of my questions first. starting with Who the hell are you?

the guy: seriously. Fine, if you want to do this now, it's fine. I will play your stupid game. I'm the one that saved your ass before that building collapsed on you.

Noah: It was you?

The guy: No, it was Santa Christmas, which came early this year.

Noah: I'm grateful for saving me, but I'm still surprised. You are just a human; how did you stop the whole building?

the guy: with my hands.

Noah: Oh my God, alright, let's ask a different question! What is your name?

the guy: Shane.

Noah: That was really fast. The majority of people I know dislike having their names spoken out.

Shane: Bro, I just want to get out of here; I have more important stuff to do.

Noah: kind of like preventing the demon; I believe you previously mentioned that.

Shane: Yes, I've mentioned that before. Excuse me, the girl next to him, is he always like this?

Sarah: My name is Sarah, and yes, more and less.

Shane: See, this is how people talk fast with no time to waste. Sarah here understands the concept of a conversation.

Sarah: And I'm the leader of the black ops who came after you.

Shane: you WHAT? I am amazed. 

Sarah: To be completely honest, this is not the response I was hoping to hear from you. 

Shane: What did you expect?

Sarah: anger maybe! After all, my squad captured you. 

Shane: I won't say captured, more like I surrendered.

Sarah: No, I'm pretty sure we captured you.

Shane: because I didn't fight back.

Sarah: You didn't get the chance to.

Shane: No, I had the chance, but I just didn't want to make trouble.

Sarah: but...

Noah: Enough, you two like kids. Shane, how can I stop this demon?

Shane: huh! I'm not going to fall for that.

Noah: Fall for what?

Shane: You want me to tell you how to stop the demon so you can go stop him and I stay here.

Noah: yes. 

Shane: I know it.

Noah: I apologize, Shane, but I'm still unsure of your true intentions. 

Shane: I will nonetheless explain how to put an end to it.

Noah: I told Shane I couldn't. I'm sorry, what?

Shane: I will tell you how to stop him.

Noah: Why? Even though you know you're going to stay here.

Shane: Because this time when you fight him and he for sure will kick your ass again the moment before he kills you, I want you to remember that you had a chance to stop him, but you chose to ignore it. Plus, I'm sure you're not going to find the one thing you need to kill him.

Noah: What'm going to I need?

Shane: So you chose to ignore what I just... Okay. You need one thing to stop him—an ancient black stone.

Noah: ancient black stone?

Shane: What? You never heard of it.

Noah: I did hear of it; it's just...

Sarah: Does not exist anymore. At least on this earth.

Shane: And how do you know that?

Noah: Luke He is a friend of ours, and he is kind of an expert in stones and rocks and those kinds of stuff.

Sarah: If the black stone is how to kill them easily, that means you have one, isn't it, Shane?

Shen: Firstly, the black stone doesn't kill the demon easily but rather gives you a chance to do some damage to it. Secondly, I don't have the Black Stone itself because I kind of destroyed the last one.


Sarah: We are doomed.

Shane: For good reason, just hear me out.

Noah: Oh my God, OK. Go on.

Shane: I destroyed the last stone so I can change it to metal. In other words, I forged it into black stone metal.

Noah: So you can defrost it so you can create something like a sword. Not bad thinking, Shane.

Shane: Thank you, but no.

Noah: What?

Shane: My thinking is beyond that; I took black stone metal and changed it into something bigger. I used it to create nanotechnology.

Sarah: nanotechnology? It's hard to create this type of technology even in M.C.T.W. It takes months; how did you do that?

Shane: It wasn't easy, I tell you that; it took me a year and a half, but I managed to create a nanotech that changed to anything I could think of to kill a demon as long as I held that weapon in my hand before and I know how it operates.

Noah: That's impressive, but please, can I borrow that weapon to kill the demon?

Shane: Will, here is the problem. I didn't just stop creating that weapon.

Sarah: What do you mean by that?

Shane: I also used a sort of magic on every piece of nanotech, so no one can use or even hold it except me.

Noah: Why would you do something like that?

Shane: for this type of situation.

Noah: Oh, that makes sense.

Sarah: You're not as stupid as we thought you would be.

Shane: Thank you; wait a minute.

Noah: We need to think about this, Sarah alone. Follow me.

Noah: What do you think?

Sarah: I say we trust him.

Noah: what? Why? 

Sarah: If he wanted to hurt you, he could've done it when you were unconscious.

Noah: Good point.

Sarah: Also, please don't tell him; he didn't fight back when my squad surrounded him.

Noah: You're right. Also, I think he knows something about the demon we don't know.

Sarah: You mentioned something about anti-life or something.

Noah: Yes, anti-life; it's like an alternative world to ours but much more dangerous.

Sarah: and you think that demon is from there?

Noah: No, I'm sure of it; it's just I don't know how to stop something from that world.

Sarah: But Shane knows.

Noah: I don't trust him.

Sarah: I think I have a solution for that.

Noah: What is it?

Sarah explained to Noah that they could 

Plant a microscopic bomb into his blood system so he can obey the order they will give him; if he tries anything bad, they will activate it. Noah agreed with the plan, and they returned to Shane and asked him for his help. He immediately approved the moment he did that; he broke the chains easily and landed from the on his legs and broke the bars. snd got out to find himself standing in front of Noah and Sarah. Shane said that he knows they don't trust him, so approve of any way they can do so they can feel safe around him. Sarah admitted that they were going to plan a microscopic bomb without him knowing, and he said if they told him, he would approve. Because he is a stranger on a land not his, of course they won't trust him, and he understands because he also doesn't trust them but to manage to stop the demon, they need to help each other. because Shane can't find the demon and Noah can't stop him by himself, and Ravaha planted the bomb, and Shane was ok with it, and that was the first time Noah and Shane met.

Later, they go to the planning room, where that field of the latest technology and a big hologram of core city agents that work day and night to keep the city safe. Shane was amazed by what he saw.

Shane: Nice room. I like it. Who designed it?

Noah: Sarah did.

Shane: really? 

sarah: You seem surprised.

Shane: Of course I am. You are the leader of a block ops team and a technical genius. You are amazing. Noah gives this woman a raise.

Sarah (shy): You heard him. Noah I didn't say anything.

Noah: You didn't finish 15 minutes in here, and you already turned Sarah against me.

Shane: That's me.

Noah: Ok, let's find this demon. Shane, any idea about how to find him?

Shane: Have you ever heard about anti-life?

Noah: I do; it's like an alternative world, right?

Shane: not quite.

Anti-life is not an alternative world, but it's an energy coming from that world as the powers that Noah used, which is the energy of life itself that this world provides. The same thing goes for the anti-world; it has anti-life energy that people of that world use there, and to find the demon, we need a sample of a person to have a little of that energy. Noah asked how we could find it. Shane smiled and said that we didn't need to find someone with that power because what they were after was a demon, not a human with that energy; they just needed to use the city hologram and search for someone who has more than thirty-six- Celsius because demon body temperature is above the normal human body, and that's exactly what Sarah did; she changed the temperature of the search on the computer to find something above thirty-six Celsius, and they immediately found a match in the west side of the core city underground.

Without hesitation, Noah said to Shane to prepare himself because they were going after him. Shane created a big sword from the gloves that he was wearing, put it on his shoulder, and said, What are we waiting for? Sarah asked if that sword he was talking about Shane answered yes and no. Sarah got confused, asking for the meaning. Shane explained that his sword could also change to multiple weapons, from hand weapons to guns, thanks to the nanotech, and only he can control it.

Sarah admitted that even with the technology they never thought of, Shane laughed and said to her that she would be surprised at what she could do if she had limited resources.


Shane starts asking how they can go to the west of the city. Noah throws a small device at Shane, telling him that with the help of that small device, it can teleport anywhere in the city, with the help of Sarah because she controls the device that can teleport them. Shane wanted to ask another question, but before he finishes, Sarah sends them to the west of the core city in the blink of an eye. Shane was in shock, but he loved it, only to realize that he and Noah were next to a lot of people, and they were looking at them, especially Noah because he's famous. As for Shane, nobody gave him attention because they didn't know him. Noah started having doubts that they were probably mistaking the demon's location. He also wanted to ask Shane if he was sure of his knowledge about the demon, but before he asked, Shane threw a sword at a kid in the middle of his chest. People screamed loudly and started to run away. Noah shouted to Shane, "Are you crazy?" He also told him that he knew that it was a mistake to ask for his help. Shane tells him to shut up and look at the kid. Noah turned to the kid to see him transform from a little boy to

The demon that defeated him the last time he fought him.

Noah: They can shape-shift?

Shane: A few, but only if they ate that person.

Noah: Wait, that's mean.

Shane: Yes, he ate that kid.

Noah: That monster.

After the demon finishes transforming, he causes an impact and creates a fog, and while it's going away, the demon can see Noah standing there.

The demon: It seems you came back for another beating mortal and brought a friend.

The fog starts to clear, and the demon visions lock on Shane. Realizing who he is, he's begging to shiver in fear. The moment Shane sees him, he smirks.

Shane: There you are, Freddy.

Noah: Who? 

Shane: The Demon; his name is Freddy.

Noah: How do you know? You know what? Never mind, you have so much to handle. Once we deal with him, you leave the city.

Shane: I thought that was the plan all along.

Shane called his sword back from the demon's body while sprinting towards him. He aimed for his head and tried to cut it in one swing, but the demon barely dodged it. The attack was so fast that he got a small cut on his nose. Shane immediately changed his sword to a pair of large metal gauntlets and punched the demon with it, sending him to a building nearby that fell on top of him. Noah sends a blast attack created from water, thinking that he could kill him. While they are trying to check if the demon died or not, Noah asks Shane.

Noah: So, what are your powers? Shane: I have none. Noah: Nice joke. Shane: I'm not joking. Noah: You want me to believe that you punched a demon so hard you probably killed him without powers?

Shane: Believe what you want; you can check using the microscopic bob in my neck.

Noah (call's Sarah): Sarah, can you check what power Shane has?

Sarah: One moment, that's weird. I don't detect any type of power in his body, not the least supernatural one, but the rest, it's just ninety-nine percent human strength.

Noah: How could that be?

Shane: (smirking)

Suddenly the ground started shaking and a demon came out from underground in front of Noah, but this time doubled the size; he turned into what looked like a lizard demon with a tail and big hands the size of Noah, and he used them so he could crush him, but Noah created a barrier on the shape of a ball to prevent the demon's attack.

The demon gets mad and tries to perform another attack, but something stops him. He turns around to find Shane gripping his tail and saying to him, "Nice tail you have here." Shane grapes the demon and slams him to the ground so hard he creates a whole from the impact.

then he jumps on top of him, trying to cut his head before he stands up, but Noah says to Shane to stop. Shane was confused. He asked Noah why Noah told him that he could use him in the lab to do some experiments on him to understand the source of his power. Shane disagreed and told him that it's dangerous to keep this monstrosity alive, but before Noah repelled the ground star shaking, Shane turned around to find out that the demon was trying to escape using his full power, and he did. He exploded so hard trying to use his full power, sending Shane a way next to Noah. They look at him, and they see that a red energy is coming out of him, and it grows more and more, destroying everything next to them.

Freddy The demon: If I can't get the power of the crystal core, I might as well destroy everything with it, including you two.

Shane : You think this is the first time I'm dealing with a suicidal demon like you.

Shane turns to Noah and whispers to him.

Shane: This is actually the first time I'm dealing with a suicidal demon in a city.

Noah: WHAT? I thought YOU THE EXPERT. 

Shane: I am, but I'm not used to fighting them in a place where there are casualties.

Sarah calls them to warn him of what is about to happen.

Sarah : Noah, Shane, Do you copy?

Noah: Loud and clear.

Sarah: You need to stop him now if he explodes...

Noah: He will destroy the city, I know.

Sarah : Not just that, the impact of exploding will go to the crystal core too, and because it is still unstable, the energy that is going to come out of it will destroy a part of the earth, creating a hole in it. 

taking away forty percent from it, killing not just millions but billions in the process.

Noah : So what do we do?

Sarah: We need to get rid of his explosing, sending him to a distant place where the impact is not going to reach the crystal.

Noah : How about teleporting him? We can stick a teleportation device in him and...

Shane: No, we can't risk sending his explosion to another place; it could be dangerous to people who live around those places, even where I'm fighting them; it is not a good place.

Noah: Why?

Shane (laughing): It's next to my house.


Shane: But don't worry, I have a plan.

Noah : Are you sure it's a good plan?

Shane: Kinda, but do you trust me?

Noah: For the sake of my city, I have too.

Shane told Noah the plan. Noah wasn't sure, but he had to do it. 

. He used his power so he could create a small barrier around the demon, making him confused and unable to see what was in front of him. 

and the more he got angrier the more of his energy coming out, making it hard for Noah to hold him but Shane comes from behind the demon creating a giant translucent dome from his nanotech sword trapping him in there and Noah use his power to close more on top of the dome so he can levitate it a little up, so Shane can use his physical power and punching it with his hands, sending the dome up in the air away from the core city, but because the dome is heavy, it keeps falling, so Shane jumps in air punching it agian but this time Shane falls while the dome is going up but before he falls , he gets on one of the skyscrapers and jumps again so he punches the dome and he keeps doing it so fast . Even Noah didn't believe how fast he was.

So Shane kept punching it until he sent the dome to space, where the demon exploded, and the impact of it got to Shane while he was falling, sending him like a meteor to where they were fighting, the demon destroying everything next to him. Noah ran toward the crash, screaming at Shane, thinking he was dead, but to his surprise, he found Shane alive, and he was just trying to get unstuck from the ground. 

Shane: Can you give me a hand here?

Noah : What the hell are you, Shane?

Shane: Fine, I help myself.

Noah: I'm serious. There is no human who can survive that fall, especially one that has no power.

Shane: Oh, you don't need to be mean about it.

Noah: Hey look, I'm sorry for being rude and also for the destruction of your sword.

Shane: Oh, my sword is fine. It just scattered.

Shane calls his nanotech to him and creates his sword back, and before Noah and Shane want to finish their conversations. The people of the city surrounded them; they thought they wanted to thank them, but the reality is they were angry; they started screaming at them. Noah and Shane couldn't understand what they were saying. Noah thought it was because of the destruction of the city. He promised them that everything would be back to normal and that he was going to compensate for everything they lost, but the thing that he wasn't ready for is a mother going to him with the picture of her son, the kid that the demon ate to shapeshift, and the same kid that everybody saw Shane throw a sword to kill him. They didn't know that the kid was already dead; the only thing they knew was that a guy killed him. Noah tried to explain, but they refused to believe; they thought that Noah was just trying to defend his friend. They weren't mad at Noah, but they were mad at Shane. They started throwing him rocks, and the worst of all is they called him a child killer. That name hurt Shane, so he created a small knife and got rid of the chip inside his neck and jumped far away, so it could never be seen.

Noah was worried about it. Then he checked his pocket to find a business card with the name of Shane on it and his location written on it. I'll be here if you need me to see you later, and that was the last time Noah saw Shane until now. 

Back to the Present Luke and Liam didn't believe what they heard; it was so hard to believe that this happened while they were away. They asked why the news didn't cover all this. Noah admitted that he paid the N.C.A. (News Cover All) money, so they don't post this news outside the city or any video of any kind because it would corrupt the reputation of the city.

Shane: Well, that's a cool story and all, but I'm not going back to that city.

Liam: What! Why?

Luke: We need your help.

Noah: You said on the card that you will help me if I need help.

Shane: Yes, I said it, but now I have priorities and more responsibility that you will not understand.

Noah: What do you need? I will give it to you, but I need your help. The danger that is coming—I can't describe it—but he defeated all three of us, and somehow he knows where the crystal core is.

Shane : Wait, all three of you, really! how ?

Liam: He has a power that disables ours every time we try to attack him using it or getting close.

Noah: From what I saw, you can do it; you are the only one who can't get affected by his power because you don't have one, and somehow you are strong enough to punch a dome into space.

Shane was thinking about it. It was hard for him to return to the place where he was known as the Villan, but he remembered something: he didn't care about what people thought of him.

Shane: 1 billion dollars.

Noah: What?

Shane: This time is not for free. 1 billion dollars, and I will kill that monster for you.

Luke : Are you serious? The world is about to end, and all you think about money

Shane: Hey, if the monster succeeded and destroyed the world, I gain nothing, but if I defeated him, I win some money for my talent of being powerless. Plus, you are the M.C.T.W. Money Control the World is in it? It's literally in the name. So what do you say, Noah?

Liam: Are you really considering... 

Noah: Deal.

Luke and Liam: WHAT?

Shane: Alright then, gentlemen. Let's go hunt for us a monster.

 To be Continued…