Chereads / CW Flash: I Copy Attributes / Chapter 10 - Stalemate

Chapter 10 - Stalemate

"You work with the Flash?"

Team Flash, all standing before the masked Derek, nodded individually as he asked this.

It hadn't been long since he had woken. 

Since then, they had been trying their best to console him, convincing him they were the good guys despite the state they put him in.

Not that Derek needed this confirmation. He simply let them do as they pleased. 

Truthfully, it was a little amusing to him.

"The same Flash who did this to me?" He asked, causing the others to slightly glance at each other before Barry spoke.

"He says he's sorry for that. From his point of view, it wasn't clear what was happening. All he saw was his friend bleeding with a masked person over him."

Barry spoke in a soft tone, his words seeming genuine and sincere as if they were coming from the heart.

To which Derek knew they were. After all, he was apologising for his actions he truly felt guilty for.

'But I can't complain. This is what I wanted, after all.'

Derek's plan wasn't a profound one. No, it was quite simple. 

He needed to naturally infiltrate Team Flash without raising any suspicion.

Which was especially important.

This was because Barry currently suspected Wells of being Reverse Flash, the same person who killed his mother.

It was only him and Joe that knew. 

During these episodes, he was highly paranoid after learning someone he trusted was the same person who ruined his life and the life of his imprisoned father who was framed for the murder.

So much so that he even suspected Cisco and Caitlin of being traitors.

It was most likely the same reason why he didn't reveal he was the Flash despite almost killing Derek after he'd saved his friends.

However, it was this episode in which Derek interfered in that Barry would tell Cisco and Caitlin his suspicions of Wells.

If Derek hadn't interfered, the bee would have stung Cisco, causing him to almost die before Barry saved him.

The fact they were willing to die for the greater good was what finally caused Barry to trust them.

'But that didn't happen. I need to find another chance to get Barry to trust them before I ruin this story and lose the only advantage I have.'

With this extra time he'd created, he could also build trust with Team Flash so that he wouldn't be the only one left in the dark. 

Therefore, he needed everything to be perfect.

This way, Derek was able to find himself here but it was them who had brought him here.

'And like I said once before, all Team Flash currently cares about are the Metahumans created by the Particle Accelerator explosion.'

With him claiming to be a Meta, the fact they owed him for putting his life in danger multiple times today and after saving three of them, Derek was confident things would play out exactly as he wanted.

Of course, they didn't know he sabotaged Ray's suit and intentionally moved the van on the railroad despite it never landing there.

'They don't need to know that nor will they ever.'

"But he's grateful for what you've done. Truly. Some of us wouldn't be in this room if it weren't for you today. You're a hero."

Ray and Cisco smiled as Barry said this, clear that they felt the same way.

Felicity turned to Ray with a smile.

"He's right. We owe you." Caitlin had on a warm smile, looking Derek in the eyes.

"Maybe we can help you by making you a better superhero suit, 'cause the bandana and baseball cap aren't really doing you any favours."

Cisco laughed as he continued.

"I mean, seriously, I almost thought you were a lowlife crook before..." But he slowly came to a stop as he noticed everyone's intense glare on him.

"...Too early? Sorry." He spoke in a hushed tone, apologising with a nervous chuckle as Joe rubbed his forehead, the other sighing.

'Wow, not only do they look exactly like their Show's counterpart, but they act the same as well.'

He thought, seeing Barry look identical to his real-world actor, Grant Gustin.

Same with Cisco, Caitlin and the others.

"It's okay, I don't need clothes." 


Derek extended his hand toward his hoodie at his feet. As he did, the hoodie wriggled a few times before transforming into an obsidian ball of slime.

The others narrowed their eyes as they stared at the slime crawl onto Derek's body, conjoining at his torso as it reformed into a simple shirt, as opposed to the previous hoodie.


Barry muttered. Ray, Cisco and Caitlin had already seen Derek's Eclipse achieve greater feats, but it still surprised them to see how many applications it had.

"So you're a Meta?" Joe asked, to which Derek nodded.

"I can control my Eclipse however I like."

"That's a sick name." Cisco nodded satisfyingly.

Joining him in this child-like amusement were Ray and Barry as they smiled, still staring at his shirt.

Though Felicity was also fascinated, she had her own questions.

"Everything you're wearing is just this "Eclipse"? So if you were to suddenly lose control of your powers you'd..."

"Yes," Derek confirmed before she could continue.

She and Joe suddenly nodded with an expression of realisation.

"Good thing we didn't have to use those Meta-Dampaner handcuffs you brought," Felicity whispered as Joe nodded.

"At first, I thought of hiding these powers, but upon seeing the good Flash was doing and the fact most Metas have chosen to misuse this power, I thought to step up."

"That's very noble of you. A lot of these Metas have no problem with killing whoever stands in their way." Barry replied.

For a second, silence descended as Derek scanned the room.

"What now?" As he asked this, the others glanced at each other as if to confirm their next words.

"If you choose to do so, you can walk out of here, no questions asked with your identity still secret." 

Barry was the first to speak as Derek nodded at his words.

"And option two?"

"Let us help you," Caitlin replied, her tone the warmest of them all.

"We can help you find the limits to your abilities and how to better control them," Cisco added right after, grinning as if he were more eager to do so than Derek.

"If you're going to continue as a Hero, it's better to have others to help you. And we all know the Flash could use the help as well." Barry finished in succession.

"Trust me..."

This time, a voice spoke from behind them as everyone turned to see a man in a wheelchair rolling toward them.

With dark hair and glasses, wearing a simple black long-sleeved shirt, the man oozed a sense of wisdom in both his presence and tone.

"You'll be in good hands if you choose the latter."

"Professor Wells," Cisco said, making room for the man to enter and sit before Derek.

'Thawne. He probably knows I have some connection to the person he saw beat Savitar. After all, neither one was supposed to be here.'

Derek thought. Despite this, he didn't back down.

'I mean, do I have much of a choice?'

[Quest: Spread the name of Derek Bond]

[Failure: Termination]

Therefore, without saying a word, Derek brought his palm to his face.


The bandana and hat changed in colour to obsidian black, losing their form as they transformed into something with the consistency of slime, gathering into his hand, and lowering it.

The others finally lay their eyes on a boy with wild, unkempt black hair that sat on his forehead, almost blocking his vision.

With rather simple features, the most that stood out about him were his bright green eyes.

"You're...just a kid," Ray muttered unknowingly, the others having the same thought.

However, Derek didn't pay any mind to this.

Instead, he locked eyes with Wells.

Though slightly, he was able to catch the man's eye twitch.

Derek knew there was no way he didn't recognize him.

However, he continued to stare, his eyes narrowed, almost piercing. 

Though no words were exchanged, both knew what the other was thinking.

'I know you know me. But I know you too.'

Finally, Derek broke eye contact as he looked around at everyone still surprised by the reveal.

"My name is Derek Bond."

[Quest Complete!]

'I knew it. The importance isn't to spread my name amongst the masses, but to instead make it known to characters who matter to this story.'

Contrary to the others, the first to speak up surprised Derek.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Derek Bond." Caitlin smiled as her words snapped everyone out of their trance.

"It is. We're glad you're with us. Can I have a moment with Mr Bond, please?" Wells turned with his last question, addressing everyone in the room as they were quick to comply.

Walking out, Barry's eyes lingered on Wells for a few extra seconds before he too ultimately left.

Harrison turned in his wheelchair, watching them leave.

"That's rather forward." 

Derek spoke with a forced grin.

His heartbeat increased rapidly as a familiar chill ran down his spine.

"Shhh, not yet. Just wait...till they're far enough."




Derek coughed up all the air in his lungs as he was slammed into the wall, Wells, or rather Thawne, holding him by his throat, his other arm pulled back while vibrating.

"You...I have to be honest, I've never met a child more interesting than you." Thawne chuckled with a mocking smile as he stared at the struggling Derek.

The latter, his feet failing to find the floor, tried his best to inhale whatever air he could.

But it was almost impossible with Thawne's grip around his neck.

The pain of his injuries ran through his body like electricity as he remained pinned against the wall.

His mind flashed with the memory of Savitar's metallic grip around his wrists.

The powerlessness he felt was returning as the cold touch of death wrapped around his heart.

"You could see me, couldn't you? I saw your eyes following my movement just now. How?"


Thawne widened his eyes in surprise as he watched Derek's legs shoot up, wrapping around the speedster's arm and neck.

'Times have changed since then.' 

"A triangle choke? How laughable. Do you really expect to choke me before I can shoot this arm through your chest?" He chuckled.

" just to hold you in place."


Eclipse stretched out from Derek's shirt, coiling around Thawne's body like snakes.

"With just a thought...I can tear you to shreds."

Derek struggled to speak but Thawne completely understood, staring with a smile.

"You know I can phase, right?" 

"You could have also avoided my Eclipse and choke with your speed. But I'm guessing the fight with Savitar drained most of your juice."

"But if you want, we can continue. We'll see who dies first."

Thawne stayed silent, his cold eyes and menacing smile never faltering.

"Do you not fear death?"

"I do. I just know you won't be the one to deliver it to me."

The two stared at each other like two animals in the wild, waiting for the other to make the first move.

In the next second, Derek witnessed Thawne's arms return to normal as the grip around his throat loosened.

And so, he too let go.


Derek hit the ground hard, coughing violently as he breathed heavily.

"Who are you? And how do you know what you know? It was you who was responsible for Savitar's early release, wasn't it?" 

Thawne got out all the questions bugging him with both hands behind his back, taking a few steps back.

"Something like that." 

Derek looked up as he stroked his neck, seeing Thawne's eye twitch.

"Another flippant answer will cost you your heart…"

"You won't do shit."

Thawne paused as he was cut off, watching the boy struggle to his feet.

"I heard what Savitar said to you. He told you, didn't he? He told you you don't return home to the future and everything you're doing will end up fruitless."

Thawne's smile faded while Derek took a step closer, face-to-face with the man.

"Who asked how I know what I do? It's because I've seen the future. And I can confirm he tells the truth."

"But it also means that I'm your only chance at getting home. So drop the threats, because we both know you need me."

The two eyed each other, neither saying anything as Thawne soon turned, taking a seat in his wheelchair as he put his glasses back on.

"You're right. But you forget one thing…"


Thawne's eyes crackled with red electricity as a suffocating bloodlust oozed from him.

"You do not hold the upper hand here. Because if you don't help me get home, I'll have nothing to lose. You'll die."

Derek furrowed his eyebrows. He knew he didn't hold the advantage here.

Every scenario he could think of ended with him dying or the ruin of the story.

"You will help me, boy. You don't have a choice in the matter."

But that didn't mean all hope was lost.


Derek smiled as he too took a seat.

'Those words you said will be of use to me later.'

"Let's make a deal."