Chereads / CW Flash: I Copy Attributes / Chapter 37 - Derek Bond Vs The Flash

Chapter 37 - Derek Bond Vs The Flash


The two fists made contact and an ear-piercing BANG rang out, causing small tremors to travel through the air.

Because he was the one without stable footing, Barry was pushed back, soaring toward the ground as he felt his arm and fists ache.


He noted. But he was given little time to recover as Derek, somehow flying, shot toward him like an arrow, both fists before him and aiming toward Barry's chest.

And just as he was about to make contact.


Barry phased, prompting Derek to travel right through him, coming to an abrupt stop before he hit the ground.

This gave Barry enough time to reach the ground, his feet touching the ground and prepared to leap forward once again upon seeing Barry near the ground.



Barry hit the ground, slipping before he could even take a complete step.

He instantly looked up, realising why.

The glacier had hit the ground, shattering into a million pieces and flooding the entire area with ice.

'No, that's not all…'

Something was off and it wasn't just the ice.

But he wasn't given a chance to figure it out as Derek appeared above him, his leg raised vertically as it came down in an axe kick.


But his foot hit the concrete below, shattering through any ice that stood in its way. 

But Barry was already on his feet, the two now face to face.

'If I run, I'll just slip again. I need to get out of this arena he has created. But I can't do that when he's here to profit from every mistake I make.'

Therefore, solidifying his stance, Barry clenched his fists.

He didn't need to run to make use of his speed.

And so, before Derek could even throw a punch, Barry broke his foe down, swinging a kick at his knee and making the youth buckle, before swinging a flurry of punches to his body and face.

Additionally, these punches were different to the ones before. 

They were far more powerful as if Barry knew he needed his best to put the tougher-than-normal Derek down.

Any attack Derek tried to throw with his fists or his eclipse would either be dodged or phased through.

The next punch Derek threw would be no better.

However, Barry found himself losing his footing, stumbling into Derek's fist.


Derek's fist was buried deep into Barry's gut as the air escaped from the latter's lungs.

But despite this, a thought occurred to Barry.

'It isn't the ice…sneaky bastard is doing something to the ground itself…'

He wasn't wrong.

Currently, Derek's eclipse was spread all over STAR Labs' grounds, invisible.

The glacier was only there to buy him some time so that Barry wouldn't immediately figure it out, getting him a few hits.

However, as soon as he did, Barry's feet touched the ground, only this time, his feet were blurred, vibrating.

'What…he's phasing only his feet?'

Derek didn't recall Barry doing anything like this in the show, especially not this early. 

However, Barry most likely knew there was no point in carrying Derek out of the space since the latter could simply reconstruct it no matter where they were.

It was clear what Barry was doing. He was planning to beat Derek in his own domain.

'Shit…this is what it feels like to fight a true speedster. They adapt, their weaknesses are almost non-existent and they're annoying to put down.'

And in the fraction of a second, as Barry's hand swiped the air, both Derek's bandana and baseball cap were gone, tossed off.

With this…


Derek's head flung back, blood gushing from his nose as Barry's hand landed square on his bare face.

Derek could feel his thoughts become foggier as he struggled to hold onto his consciousness.


He was given no time to recover as another punch struck him across the side of the face.

'He's hitting me faster than I can regenerate.'

Derek's body couldn't keep up. There was no point in reconstructing his clothes either since they would be torn off once again.


An invisible spear of Eclipse protruded from the ground, ready to pierce Barry in the back.

However, as soon as Barry felt the cold sting of something foreign on his suit…


Barry's entire body phased as he moved to the side, returning to normal in the next second, except for his legs, and continuing his onslaught.




Barry threw every combination he knew, reducing Derek's face to a mess of bruises and blood.

[You have put 12 points into Endurance]

Though better, the force of the punches still made it to his insides, rupturing his organs.

But despite this, despite all this pain Derek might have been enduring even, one thought lingered in his mind.

'My Eclipse…what's wrong with it?'

No, maybe not quite "Wrong". More like different.

'Is this the result of its level-up?'

He couldn't quite put it into words. Nothing major had changed in terms of its uses, however, it was like a third eye of the Eclipse had been opened.

New doors and new pathways.

Though it wasn't quite clear where these pathways led, upon his Eclipse coming into contact with the broken pieces of the Glacier…one of these paths became clearer.



Cisco and Caitlin stood outside the chaos, having just exited STAR Labs, staying clear of the battle to stay safe yet close enough for the two to be within earshot.

"Stop, you're killing him," Caitlin yelled out, beating Cisco to the jump.

And despite Barry continuing, his face was contracted as he spoke amidst his exhausted breaths.



Barry paused, cut off as he felt a sting on his arm. As he turned to look, he witnessed obsidian hexagonal shapes that formed like crystals spreading from his hand to his arm.


"I…understand it now."

Barry felt a powerful tug on his arm, so strong it lifted him off his feet.

Barry fell into a slight panic, phasing his arm to get whatever was on him off, but it didn't work like before, leaving him to be flipped over Derek.


The concrete shattered under Barry's weight as he hit the ground back-first, blood escaping his lips as the colour faded from his eyes.

'There were some properties I couldn't imitate before due to them being too complicated. My Eclipse would have to fundamentally change what it was to do so.'

However, it was different now.

Upon contact with the Glacier, it was like the Eclipse could use it as a reference, fusing itself into the ice and finally copying its structure.


Cisco and Caitlin watch, stunned, unsure of what exactly just happened. 

One minute Derek seemed like he was at death's door and in the next he was standing over a barely conscious Barry.

And with Barry's back on the ground, the Eclipse clung to him, spreading its black ice over the rest of his body.

'Maybe I won't need to "run" after all. The difference in my Eclipse, I should be able to…'


Derek snapped his head upward, leaping backwards in a backflip as he clicked his teeth at the sight. 


A man with a leather jacket, all-white eyes and a burning head landed beside Barry, propping his head up with his hand.

'Ronnie Raymond, Firestorm.'

Derek knew he'd be arriving just in time for the finale of the arc, but it was just his luck for it to be today.

"Ronnie." Caitlin and Cisco simultaneously mumbled, unsure if it was a good time to head in or not.

"What have you done?" Ronnie snapped at Derek upon seeing the cold obsidian crystals on Barry's body, the speedster struggling to breathe.

As he did, Barry struggled to place both his hands together, rubbing them against each other as lightning crackled around his fingertips.

"You bastard!" Without warning, Ronnie shot out a full blast of fire from his left arm.

But to this, Derek didn't move.

Instead, he raised a single arm.

"Outta my way."



In an instant, the flames threatening to burn Derek alive transformed into cold water and then splashed onto the ground.

Not just the flames before Derek, but all flames connected to it too, prompting icey water to splash onto Ronnie's head, soiling his entire body.


As the others asked themselves this, Derek's eyes were glued on the rising Barry, his hands moving so fast against each other that steam rose from it.

His entire body vibrated slightly as well, prompting the ice to melt.

However, this didn't change an important factor.

Barry was exhausted.

Phasing alone drained most of his energy, but phasing parts of his body for a prolonged amount of time was not something he could yet uphold.

Not to mention the hundreds of punches he'd thrown while still not managing to put down Derek.

Nevertheless, Barry rose to his feet, shrugging off Ronnie who tried to help him up.

'Let's see what this thing is capable of.'

The two glared at each other until…



"Black Sea."


A sea of obsidian water gushed from Derek's body, flooding the entire area as Barry widened his eyes in shock.

"Oh my god…"

Ronnie was quick to the jump, soaring to Cisco and Caitlin and flying them to safety at the top of STAR Labs.

During this, Barry leapt upward, speeding atop the water as if it were solid ground.

He could see Derek standing in the middle of it all, partly shrouded by the obsidian water.

Barry's eyes never left his foe as he traversed the rough waves, regaining his footing no matter how much it frenzied until he found the perfect opportunity to leap upward, pulling back his fist in what he thought was a guaranteed hit on the youth below him.

And he was right.

His fist hit Derek's face.

However, the BANG or CRACK he'd been waiting for never came, his fist instead laying on Derek's skin as if he'd just hit wet sand.



Barry's body convulsed as Derek's body released a million volts of black lightning into the Speedster's body.

His muscles contracted as he struggled to breathe, much less upholding his consciousness.

And though Barry didn't know it, a familiar figure appeared above him, grabbing the speedster's head then…


Derek SMASHED Barry's face into the solid concrete, so hard the latter's head now comfortably lay in its own crater.


Ronnie, having appeared above Derek, shot flames out of both his hands.

However, Derek leisurely looked up, snapping his fingers.



Black flames immediately shot forth from him, clashing with Ronnie's bright orange flames. 

But this only lasted a second as the hellfire immediately swallowed the other, and right after the man who it belonged to, prompted Ronnie to scream in agony as he subsequently dropped to the ground with a THUD.

In a second, both Barry and Ronnie lay on the ground, Derek standing over them both as he breathed heavily.

But despite this, despite finally beating a speedster fair and square when the latter even had help…his expression remained emotionless.

The racing heart and shaking hands he would usually feel were nowhere to be found. He felt nothing upon seeing this as if it weren't an achievement at all.

Derek said nothing, simply taking in a deep breath as the Eclipse formed around him once again.

An extra piece of Eclipse hit the ground, expanding as it formed into a deep cave-like entrance before him.

He looked up, staring at the two scientists who could only watch in awe at what they were witnessing.

But more specifically, his eyes locked with Caitlin's as the two stared at each other for a few seconds.

It was as if the whole world stopped as the two of them felt as though they were face to face despite the distance.

And with teary eyes, Caitlin mouthed a single word.


Derek stared, soon looking away.

His face darkened, and he stepped into his Eclipse.

'This'll all make sense soon, I promise.'

With this, the Eclipse swallowed itself, disappearing without a trace of the figure inside it.

Thus, once again, the silence of the night returned as darkness descended.


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