I land around 2pm and it feels so good to be back, especially now that I have someone who understands me. I wear my jean ripped high waist trouser and black crop top hoodie, I've removed the braids and done a side part afro. I decide to go straight to the stadium for Lan's game. The players start getting into the court and my heart just melts seeing Lan. I smile and wave at him and he just smiles at me.

The game starts and I see the way Lan is playing the game; it's more like he's the untouchable of the team. I heard he's real good, but I didn't know this good. Now it has gotten me thinking; why choose me? he's undoubtedly someone with so much potential. He makes a last shot and throws the ball into the basket and winks at me; the whistle goes and the game ends. They won, he's so good at what he does; it's like he was born for this.

I get up to shout with the rest of the crowd and I see Milan coming towards the side and he's caught up by a lot of people who are asking for handshakes and stuff.

"Wait for me here, I'll be back." He mouths to me and then leaves.

I smile at him and just spend the rest of my time scrolling on Tik Tok and I've grown quite a lot lately. Some fifteen to twenty minutes pass by and then I see Milan approaching in his black shirt and black jeans ripped at the knee calf and he's carrying a bag. Upon seeing him, I rush to him and hug him with all my strength; putting my arms around his neck and he drops the bag and holds my waist.

I just get this great feeling in his arms. Whenever I'm in these arms I always feel safe. His presence in general makes me feel safe. He holds my chin up to look at him and he's always looking at me; eyes lock. His eyes are so charming that I fall right into that trap and he puts his hand of my neck and the other on the cheek and leans in to kiss me. I close my eyes and kiss him back; like I mean it. Lan's the best kisser I've known so far. He's very gentle and smart, he first rubs his lips against mine hen bites my lower lip and his and my tongue later intertwines, I pull away as soon I notice the crowd looking at us.

"People are watching." I tell him.

"Well then, let them watch." He says.

"If we keep on like this we might end up making mistakes."

"I'm not scared of mistakes." He says.

Milan goes on to tell me how he doesn't believe in mistakes as every single thing, either good or bad has consequences so there's nothing to be scared about. Milan tells me that he's left out something and hands me his car keys to unlock the car whilst he goes back. I press the key button and the car lights up for some seconds and I put his bag on the back seat and then go for the passenger's seat. I find a wuthering heights book on the dashboard and reach out for it. I've heard a lot about it; it was my mom's favorite book.

I see Milan coming carrying a pair of white Alexander McQueen sneakers and he's talking to some two guys wearing similar basketball jackets.

"Good game dude." One of the guys says shaking his hand.

"You did great out there Partner." The other says and I suggest that's the captain.

"Come on, it was a hands down game." Milan replies. How is he so cool all the time. They discuss a bit and Milan tells them that he needs to get going.

"See you in two weeks' time at the semifinals." The captain says.

"Wait, it's Friday." The first guy says.

They agree and Milan then comes to the jeep and gets in.

"Reading wuthering heights, are we?" he says closing the door and putting his pair of shoes on the backseat.

"Just checking it out. I like it a lot, you know." I say flipping the pages.

"You read it before?" Milan asks.

"Not really, but my mom usually told me of this book. It was her favorite." I tell him, looking at the book.

"Great, so it's your favorite too. Right?" he asks.

"Yeah, I really like the famous lines in it."

"Whatever our souls are made of, your and mine are the same." We both say at the same time and burst out laughing.

Milan lends me the book to return it to him whenever I feel like it and that he wished he just gifted it to me, but he can't coz it's school property. I tell him that's him and he asks me if I'm just teasing him, but I tell him that it's his superpower.

"Were those your friends?" I ask.

"Nah, just some teammates."

"Wow, I guess they don't hate you the way you make it seem." I say.

"They don't go to the same school with me." he says.

He tells me he's quite thirsty and he pulls over at Sebastian's. on our way inside the café he tells me he needs to also get Daryn from her friend's place and I ask him to get an extra one for her. As we are coming out of the door; I spot a lady wearing a purple summer jumpsuit and a purple shoulder bag wearing shades and silver gladiator heels with a man wearing a black tuxedo and blue shirt, also in glasses. I identify the lady as Misha. Her pretty brown hair radiating through the sun and blowing side to side with the air like a movie star.

"Lan." I say taking his hand.


"Isn't she your mom?" I say pointing at the lady.

"I don't think so, why would she be here?" he says without even giving a glance.

"I was only pulling your leg." I tell him.

"Wait, it's her!"

"Look, I was only-"

"But then who's that dude?" Lan asks and he looks really pissed.

"I don't-" I begin, but Milan cuts me mid-sentence.

"Does this mean she's cheating on my dad?"

That question scares me, I regret having asked that question.

"I don't think so, might just be a friend." I try to tell him.

"I have to end this right now. My dad might not be the nicest person to me, but he definitely doesn't deserve that!" he says about to leave.

"Lan, no. wait." I say and he stops.

"What, this woman is cheating on my dad Real, nowadays that dad isn't available; she always comes late and this man-"

"No, Milan, please hear me out and understand." I tell him.

"What's there to understand, Real. I can't just seat around and watch."

I somehow manage to calm him down and take him to his car even though he's still busy looking at Misha and the strange guy in the corresponding restaurant and they seem to be enjoying and laughing. I'm kind of scared right now; but I can't let Lan do anything without enough evidence. The same misunderstanding killed my mother five years ago.

"I don't understand why the fuck she'd do that!" he says and hits the dashboard which scares me. I quickly get his hand and check it. He tells me to just let him go.

"No, Milan, you'll listen to me." I tell him as I put my palm on his cheek and he looks at me.

"Sometimes we act in pure anger just because of what we've seen whilst ignoring what our hearts are saying. Tell me what's in your heart, do you believe she can really do all this?" I ask.

"I don't fuckin' know." He says looking away.

"Right, but do you think anger will solve anything? That will make it worse." I tell him

"So, you mean I should just watch as she does that?"

"Of course not. But if you act in anger it will not change a thing but only make you miserable. Take my advice, wait for yourself to cool down first and then speak to her properly. Ask her about it and maybe you'll find out those were just your assumptions.

"And if it's true?"

"Well, then ask her why she's doing it. But trust me." I put my palm on his cheek.

"Anger is never and will never be a solution to any problem." I tell him and he sighs.

"Let's hope she's not a two-phased bitch." He says.

"Milan, please don't speak like that about her."

"Fine, I won't say nothing." He says.

"Thanks, real." He says as he wraps me into a hug.


Milan cools down and we drive off to get Daryn from her friend's place. I seat in the car to read the Wuthering heights book whilst he goes to the front porch and talks to the lady for some few minutes and afterwards, Daryn comes out. She seems really to see me and tells me how much she misses me. she tells me how she sang a song at her school with my inspiration. Milan tells me Daryn is running a fever.

"Did you take any medication?" I ask as I put the back of my palm on Daryn's cheek which is kind of too warm.

"No." she says.

"Lan, don't you have any?"

"Not in here. She'll have some when we reach home." He says.

We arrive at their home and I give the drugs to Daryn and in about thirty minutes, her fever lessens. We have some pizza and watch some talk show. Around half past eight, Daryn asks me to wait for her to fall asleep and I do just that. by 08:55, I gently close the door and go downstairs and find Milan just seating on the couch.

"She asleep?" he asks.

"Yeah, I need to get going."

"Just now?"


He asks me to spend the night here, but I tell him maybe next time. I get he might be kind of sad about his mom, but I tell him I have some work and have to get going.

"Need a ride home?"

"Nah, it's fine. Plus, you need to watch Daryn, she's precisely not well."

"A'ight." He says.

"Take care." I say and lean in to give him a peck.

"That's not a proper goodbye." He says.


I go to him and holding his cheek, I blush my lips against his and he holds my neck and waist and I seat on his lap as our kiss becomes more intense and hotter. Then I suddenly pull away and just rest my arms on his shoulder.

"Daryn might wake up." I tell him.

"I don't fuckin' care." He says.

"Causse you don't." I say getting up.

"I need to get going, remember to control yourself when your mom arrives." I tell him.

"I'll try."

"Try harder."

Milan walks me through the door and we say our last goodbyes.