Chapter 5 - HISTORY 1

"What! So you're my uncle ? I asked , my voice filled with surprise.

"And also your grandma's eldest son," Pastor James added . "We're all citizen of Ghanaland."

"Oh I see , I now understand, You said we came here because of my mother . Please, tell me everything. What happened?" I asked eager to know more

He sighed deeply and sat down , his expression clouded with memories.

" Seventeen years ago , we were all happily living in Ghanaland. Your mom started falling sick all the time, we sent her to the physician and they confirmed she was pregnant. She was only 20 at the time ."

I listened intently as he continued , his voice heavy with emotion.

Your grandma was furious . She believed your mom had brought disgrace to our family . In our family, we had one strict rule: Never marry anyone who doesn't believe and love GOD . Everyone followed it without question. But your mom broke it –not only by getting pregnant but by doing so with a man who had no regard for GOD.

"And that wasn't all. She made a blood covenant with him , which was a dangerous and forbidden act .

"In Ghanaland, after a blood covenant is made , the couple recite a curse word making their blood one and also making them sensitive to their emotions . They brought about the curse word to ensure that , no one leaves the other

And your parents curse word was , ( if one party is to run away , and the other senses it and says the curse word , the person running away will bleed to death)

I gasped , my eyes wide . Pastor James paused , as if trying to gather his thoughts before continuing.

" We we're all grieved when she told us about the rules pertaining the blood covenant.

It felt like our world was crumbling . So , we made a decision that she's won't be allowed to see your Dad again . We were scared the curse will work but it didn't. We assumed your Father knew your mom was pregnant.

She agreed but set one condition."

What condition?" I asked leaning forward.

" She said we must let your Dad see you after you were born ."

"Did you agree ?"

Pastor James voice grew quieter , almost a whisper . " Of course , we agreed. But we had no I dea that decision would put everything, our family , our faith , our future at stake .