Kaijo wakes up back at the old bridge and makes his way back. "Why did he suddenly kill me!? The vice-captain and the crew didn´t care." Kaijo says rushing back. He makes way on the streets and sees the same knight clad in iron armor with shield and a sword. The knight rushes in with extreme speeds and strikes at him. Kaijo parries the attack and goes for a critical hit. This reduces his hp to 40%. The knight continues attacking with an extreme speed. Kaijo runs back to avoid the attacks and throws his shield at him. The knight blocks and goes in for another attack. Kaijo blocks and retaliates with his sword slashing at him a few times at the armor. This reduces his hp to 30%. Kaijo uses red lightening strike and hits the knight in the helmet finishing him off with a crackling red light. "Phew!" Kaijo says easing up. "Item acquired: Human soul." Kaijo uses it and gains a human appearance with smooth skin and bigger muscles. "AH! Much better." Kaijo says continuing onwards. He finds more undead knights which he kills using the red lightening blade buff. He continues on and finds a dead end. The wall is extending higher and seperates the lower part of the old capital from the royal higher up part that glows in the sunlight and reflects off of the white marmor buildings layered with gold and other metals. Kaijo follows along the walls and finds a path leading down to the docks. The way there is guarded by demons which fight agains the pirate crew. There are wooden houses and rafters on the way with goods stowed away. He kills some demons and continues down. The dock consists of multiple piers and extend into the lake. The lake is agains the mountain side and reflects the glowing moss growing on it illuminating it in a blue light. The pirate ship can be seen from here. Kaijo is now all the way on the piers and all of the demons in the area have been taken care off. They are still on guard. Kaijo takes his helmet off to show his face and waves at the vice-captain on top off the ship with his gun. "Calm down everyone it´s Kaijo. Let´s greet our crew member properly will ya!" he says going down the plank onto the pier. The crew is cheering for him. "Good to have you back!" one of them says. "Looking sharp!" another says. "Good job making it here!" another says. "We´ve got some goodies for you!" another says handing him some meat. "Thanks!" Kaijo says making his way to the vice-captain. "You son of a gun! You made it here!" he says shaking Kaijo´s hand. "I did wasn´t easy taking the land route!" Kaijo says. "Wasn´t much easier taking the sea route. Littered with sea monsters and unpredictable waters. T´was a good fight though." he says. "It seems we´ve had similiar experiences." Kaijo answers. "You buying anything?" he asks him. "Let´s see what you got." Kaijo says. He buys more bullets and some ores. "Thanks." The vice-captain says. "Impressive that you made it this far alone." he says. "I wasn´t alone there were other people who helped me!" Kaijo answers. "Count me in among them!" he says handing him something. "Key item acquired: Old silver coin. Item description: an old silver coin from an unkown country. This allows you to summon the vice-captain." "Good I can always count on more help." Kaijo says. "I´ve got some more Intel on the whirlwind warriors and hawks. Some of them have nestled on the old capitals towers. Might be worth a visit." he says pointing at a tower on the old capital wall. Kaijo uses his binoculars to zoom in. He can make out some kind of nest. "I see it. I´ll go take a look." Kaijo says. "Was good seeing you again but I have to go." Kaijo adds. "Be careful of the gargoyles up there. Some of them are alive!" the vice-captain adds. "Thanks for the info." Kaijo says heading off into the old capital again. He follows the outer wall whitout any incidents and finds a door to the old capital walls and tower. It is guarded by two undead knights. "Kaijo kills them off using the red lightening strike and blade. "Red lightening really is effective!" Kaijo says. Going up the wall to the towers above. He can´t go further up and has to go along the capital walls. Kaijo takes a moment to take in the scenery from both sides on one hand a beautiful mountain range and on the other a pristine capital. He takes in a deep breath and continues along to the tower with a nest. On the way from another tower two gargoyles come sweeping in pincering him in between them. "Great another problem!" Kaijo says looking at the stone gargoyles. "What do I use?" Kaijo asks himself. Kaijo equips the dragon claw and the demon generals hammer and drags them along the ground. One gargoyle attacks with a halberd. Kaijo uses the gods armor to push through and uses gigantification to smash the bludegeons into the gargoyle. Creating cracks. Kaijo can squeeze in antother hit and kills it off. Now with no stamina the other gargoyle swoops in with it´s sword. This breaks the gods armor. Now behind him it aims to strike again but Kaijo uses gigantification a second time. And blows through the strike he uses the momentum and starts spinning and launches himself into the air with the weight of the weapons and frontflips and smashes the gargoyle in. Finishing it off. "Victory achieved." "+200.000 souls". "That was easy!" Kaijo says. His muscles are broken and bloods comes flowing from his nose dealing some damage. "HP: 60/75". Kaijo takes a swig of his healing flask healing all of his injuries and rejuvinating his muscles. "Much better." Kaijo says continuing ahead. He makes his way to the tower and sees multiple whirlwind hawk warriors fighting off gargoyles slaying them in two hits. "That´s strong!" Kaijo says continuing onwards. The whirwind warriors wear light metal armor and a mantle made from feathers flowing like bird wings. They wear a helmet shaped like a hawk´s head and use two short axes with spikes on the other side shaped like a beak. They don´t move and greet him with a bow. Kaijo continues on to the tower and starts scaling the ladder inside. He is on top and two whirlwind hawks are resting there. One swoops in from another side and takes him with him. They take him off into their homeland. A place where time flows differently a country before any kingdoms were founded. The winded mountains. He is dropped off at a mountainous and stony region. The mountains are jagged and the strong wind whistles around it. There are multiple whirlwind hawks flying along the strong currents and manipulate them. Kaijo is at a thin mountain path that leads in. Kaijo continues along the path equipping venom fang and the rune covered shield. He continues along and can make out lights under the bridge and rough outlines of houses. He is in the mountains truly now. The mountains extend far above and there is pillar of wind extending from three peaks each one a challenge and giant pillar of wind in the middle and covered in a wind barrier powered from the others.