Chereads / From lowly undead to King / Chapter 12 - Chapter twelve: The old baron

Chapter 12 - Chapter twelve: The old baron

Kaijo wakes up at the fire again and collects himself to fight the old baron again. He runs past the old iron knight and enters the arena. The old baron equips his armor and swords and approaches him with a chill mist. The old baron attacks him and Kaijo dodges carefully avoiding the fast and continous hits. The old baron stomps the ground and freezes it. Kaijo backs off. The ice explodes and the old baron attacks him again lunging at him. Kaijo dodges carfully managing his stamina. The baron extends his left blade by using ice magic. Kaijo doges by rolling under and closes the distance and attacks. The old baron hits him and unleashes more attacks. Kaijo activates divine retribution "Hp: 20/60". A gold aura surrounds Kaijo. He charges up powerful strike and hits the old baron tanking through one attack. He hits sending the old baron crashing into the ground dealing massive damage reducing his hp to 80%. Kaijo heals back to full by taking two swigs of his healing flasks. "Healing flask: 3". The old baron attacks again swinging his swords around. Kaijo dodges the left sword but is hit by the right one slowly leading to Kaijo bleeding out. He hits four times with the right sword inflicting bleed and massive damage on Kaijo. "Hp: 15/60". Kaijo backs off. The old baron launches a big gust of ice magic at him but Kaijo uses gust to dispell the mist. The old baron moves in to attack him and catches him off guard killing him. "You died!" and Kaijo respawns at the fire. Kaijo runs back and decides to face the old iron knight first. The old iron knight rushes at Kaijo thrusting with his sword. Kaijo blocks the attack consuming some stamina. Kaijo parries a slow winded attack of the old iron knight and smashes the old iron knight´s helmet in dealing massive damage reducing it´s hp to 60%. The old iron knight stands up but Kaijo charges up powerful strike. The knight attacks him but Kaijo doesn´t let himself be interrupted and activates divine retribution to boost his damage. "Hp: 25/60". He unleashes the attack and sends the old iron knight flying reducing it´s hp to 20% sending him off the bridge further reducing it´s hp to 15%. The old iron knight stands up again and looks at Kaijo and launches ice magic from it´s sword at Kaijo. Kaijo blocks but his arms and legs get frozen. The old iron knight cast another sorcery and launches a barrage of ice swords at him. Kaijo uses his healing flask to not die. He is hit but he can maintain his hp at 45 by using 3 healing flasks. Kaijo picks him off by using his magic orbs but the old iron knight dodges them. One orb did go trough though but only reduced it´s hp to 13% indicating the old iron knight is resistant to magic damage. Kaijo gets out his bow and shoots at him but it is frozen by the old iron knight and fall down. Kaijo gets out his gun from his inventory and shoots the old iron knight. The bullet is frozen but due to it´s higher mass and velocity it hits him reducing it´s hp to 3%. Kaijo uses magic orb a few times more and the old iron knight dies. "+8.000 souls". Kaijo goes down and loots the old iron knight picking up it´s armor and weapons. "Item acquired: Old iron knigh straight sword. Attack: 280. Item description: A cold steel sword of the old iron knights. Allows the use of some sorceries." "Item acquired: Old iron knight armor. Defense: 900. Item description: Armor wor by old iron knights. Requirements: 30 stamina. It´s heavy weight will cost more stamina and requires more endurance." Kaijo equips the set and runs and jumps around getting a feel for the armor. It costs slighty more stamina to wear but the defense boost is well worth it. Kaijo returns to the fire and levels up stamina to 30 and faith to 13. Now Kaijo can wear the armor and it will cost less stamina to use. Kaijo travels back to the hut near the old village and purchases more red powder from the talking squirrel. "Item acquired: Red powder x3" Kaijo travels back and goes back to the old baron trying again. The old baron approaches him and starts attacking Kaijo strafes and steps back when needed. He dodges the attacks the old baron stomps the ground freezing it. Kaijo backs off and uses the red powder on his sword covering it in flames. The old baron jumps in with his ice magic and hits the ground. Kaijo dodges and charges up powerful strike hitting the old baron in the head reducing his hp to 70%. The old baron attacks again with his swords. Kaijo parries one blade but the other follows soon after giving him no opportunity to attack. Kaijo backs off and looks at the movements of the old baron and focuses on avoiding the attacks noticing the pattern of his movements the way he moves his sword. Time slows down after Kaijo enters a flow state. He can strafe and dodge with minimal effort and parries both swords knocking them aside allowing him to hit him two times reducing his hp to 50%. The old baron´s eyes glow red and blue and he unleashes a flurry of attacks with speed, power and precision. Kaijo manages to dodge all the attacks and hits him with a critical hit reducing his hp to 10% and Kaijo finishes it with a powerful strike. The armor of th old baron shatters illuminating the room. The healthbar fills up again. A second phase. The old baron´s eyes turn a glowing yellow and he loses all sense of finesse or elegance. He shatters the blue sword transforming the room into a icy grave. He grabs the red sword thightly and runs it across his palm cutting his flesh and covering the blade in a red coat that starts glowing. The old baron starts launching the blood at Kaijo. Kaijo dodges and recognises the attacks. The old baron rushes in swinging his sword with increased range from the blood. Kaijo is hit and comboed by the old baron and it inflicts bleed dealing massive damage. "hp:10/60". Kaijo tries to back off but is caught by the old baron who grabs his head and crushes his skull finishing him off. "You died!"