Chapter 4 - CHAPTER 3

No one pov

It's been 3 hours since MC and Herobrine started travelling to try to find a city and while travelling, they encounter different monsters like slime, giant slime and horde of hilichurland mitachurl. Herobrine asked to MC kill them even tho MC is still mad and furious at herobrine because the reason was, what herobrine did by kidnapping him for entertainment and he still did what herobrine tell him because he knew that herobrine want him to trained his self without relying on his power to make Mc so strong enough that he doesn't need to use his powers to beat gods and archons even in their prime form and even the celestia itself because MC is not a human but god or even beyond but our MC is still a human because since he still not unlocked his true form but even if our MC is human he still beat gods and archons even in their prime form and even the celestia despite being a human or mortal and what currently happening to our MC. He fighting a horde of hilichurl and a mitachurl, beating and killing them easily.

"Hah hah hah..... God that was so tiring!" Mc said panting with small sweat across his face.

"Impressive, that you can last long against them (teyvat monsters) and look like you can still fight, your stamina is incredible and monstrous." Said herobrine.

"Hah hah... I don't if I should be thanking you for the compliment or the fact that you it sound like I am that weak and can't last longer"

"Hehe... Just think it as compliment"

"Whatever.... Anyway where should we go at." MC ask herobrine where they should go.

"Hmmm... We should go north." Herobrine told him.


"Because I think that where our first destination.... The city of freedom."

"How do you know that it was our first destination and also even know that was going be the city of freedom?" MC asked

"Because I can sense so many aura's there and how I knew that was going to be the city of freedom. Two reason, other nations doesn't have this place but the city of freedom and other is I already know our first destination is the city of freedom." Herobrine said to him.

"What do you mean by *I already know our first destination is the city of freedom* huh so tell me what do you mean by that!?" MC ask him in confusion and suspicious look.

"Well I transfer us or you in here where the first nation that the traveler and his or her companion first travel." Herobrine tell the truth to our MC.

"Haaa..... I see you should have told me before we traveled."

"Well sorry about that and I may have forgotten to tell you."

"It's ok, no worries and since our first destination is the city of freedom then we should go to the north then." Said MC.

"Then let's go." Herobrine said to him.




"Ha ha... It's been 2 days since we travel." MC told herobrine.

"i know and for the past 2 days you became so strong that you can fight against archons in prime form at the same time." Herobrine said

MC nodded

"Anyway are we almost near to our destination?" MC ask

"No." Herobrine tell him

"How far is our destination anyway?"

"Our destination not that far and will reach in about 6-7 hours."

"I see then we sho-" MC is about say something but got interrupted by unknow female voice.

"Hey, you! stop right there!"

Out of nowhere someone jump in front of MC. MC and herobrine look shocked but mostly MC because...

"W-wait, it's that one of my wifu! Amber!?" MC said in his mind.

"May the Anemo God protect you, Stranger."

"I am Amber, Outrider for the Knights of Favonius." Amber introduced herself.

Amber look at MC with suspicion look and said.

"You don't look like citizens of mondstadt. Explain yourself!"

"Hello there, I'm hiroki and-"



"My name is hiroki and I'm 17yr old and was going back home from the school and while I was going back home. I was playing a game called `Genshin Impactʼ and out of nowhere I suddenly got knock out and waking up in this unfamiliar place because all I see is grass, bushes, and trees. I was looking around me to see something but nothing just grass, bush and tree and out of nowhere I hear sound in the bushes and I got up and look at bush and someone came out, it's not a human but a monster and what make me shocked was the monster appearance because the monster appearance is similar to hilichurl from my favorite gamea and not only the appearance but everything... Don't tell I got isekai into my favorite game but how did I get ise- before I could finish my thought. I suddenly hear a scream that make me came out of deep thoughts and look at the hilichurl who charge at me and attack me but I was lucky to dodge the attack and the hilichurl keep attacking and while I dodging the attack and out of nowhere a male voice told me to raise my right hand to the hilichurl and I froze for a few second before looking around me but there's no one there and I shout saying who's there and the male voice just told to raise my right hand to the hilichurl, so I did since I can't defeat the hilichurl. I raise my right hand to the hilichurl and my right hand start to spark and out of nowhere white lightning shot out of my right hand toward the hilichurl and killing it, I was in amazed but I remember the male voice so I ask voice what his name and I suddenly was in shocked by the name he told me. His name is herobrine and I ask if he is the same herobrine from the game called minecraft and he said yes and I shake in fear because what the legend told him that he like hunt, stalk and kill player and if he is then the mean minecraft is real but I shake my head and ask another question where are you and the answer was me terrified and his answer was I'm in your mind and ask him what he want and he nothing but make strong and why and the answer was I'm his successor, wait what and I ask what he mean by the and he tell everything including my kidnapping and I was enrage what he said because if he kidnap me what about parent or my sibling they be worry sick about. (time skip because it's too long) It's been 2 days since traveling with herobrine and I got to say he was a best companion and I already forgive herobrine from he done and while me and him chatting I suddenly hear a familiar voice and someone jump in front of me and I recognise her as one of my wifu amber and, she introduced herself and ask so I tell her my name....."


"Hello there, I'm hiroki and to be honest I'm from a different world and I accidently transfer to this world." I introduce myself and told half true to her.