Chapter 9 - Karios And Kyra

As the trio approached the outskirts of Karious, the sun began to set, casting a warm golden light over the village. The small buildings and narrow streets were bustling with activity, as the townspeople moved about their daily tasks. With each step toward the heart of the village, Zoser felt an odd sensation creeping into his chest. The village seemed familiar in some way, yet it stirred a deep sadness within him. He remembered his destroyed village, those memories that haunted him in every corner. Nothing in this place could erase the image of the devastation he had endured.

As Zoser walked with Lina and Orion, he couldn't shake the feeling that every stone, every tree, and every corner of the village resembled something from the lost past. The children running in the streets, the farmers working their fields, even the groan of the wind filling the air—everything brought back images of his village before the disaster. He imagined how the villagers had once tended their land, how their laughter had filled the sky. Now, all that remained of those memories was grief and solitude.

Unable to hold back his tears, Zoser stopped in the middle of the road, closing his eyes in an attempt to hide his sorrow. But before he could drown in his feelings, Lina noticed and quickly walked over to him. She placed a hand on his shoulder gently and said softly, "Zoser, we're here with you. You won't be alone." Her words were a gesture of kindness, yet also an attempt to ease his pain. Though sadness still gripped him, he found comfort in her presence and, for a moment, the weight in his heart lightened.

They continued walking until they reached the center of the village, where the governor's palace stood tall at the heart of it all. The building was immense, marked by grandeur and elegance. Its walls were adorned with intricate carvings, and its towering columns stretched toward the sky as if trying to reach an ancient time. Zoser had never seen a structure of such size. It looked like something out of another age, not a part of a small village like this.

"It's so huge..." Zoser whispered to himself, marveling at the palace. He wondered how a building of such magnitude could exist in such a place. He felt a strange mix of awe and curiosity, as if the palace carried secrets of times long gone.

As they entered the palace, they were greeted with respect by the guards and directed to a lavish guest room on the upper floor. The room was decorated with pharaonic-style carvings, the air thick with the scent of ancient incense. The three of them sat in silence, taking in the atmosphere of the place, which promised answers to many questions.

After a short wait, the governor hurried into the room, his face expressing both relief and hope. He first looked at Lina and Orion, then his gaze fell on Zoser, who stood out among them. The governor froze for a moment, clearly taken aback by the child's presence. "This child..." he muttered to himself. "He's not from our village, is he?"

For a brief moment, the governor studied Zoser, his curiosity piqued by the boy's unfamiliar appearance. Zoser didn't resemble anyone from Karious. There was something in his eyes, an ancient wisdom beyond his years, that made the governor wonder about the story behind him. But instead of asking immediately, the governor smiled warmly and said, "At last, you've returned. Have you completed your task?"

Lina slowly reached into her leather bag, trembling slightly from the weight of the moment. She opened it and carefully pulled out the glowing "Moon Herb with Seven Petals." As the governor laid eyes on it, his expression changed, and he sank into his seat, overwhelmed with emotion. His tears welled up, and he whispered in disbelief, "You did it! Finally! I'll be able to hear my daughter laugh again."

His voice wavered with gratitude, his heart overflowing with thanks. After months of hopeless searching, the herb had arrived, and with it, a chance to heal his daughter. Zoser could feel the gravity of the moment, the joy and relief radiating from the governor.


Aminos carried his sturdy leather bag carefully, hiding inside it the "Seven-Petal Moon Herb," his last hope to save his daughter. The soft leather of the bag reminded him of how fragile the life he almost lost truly was. He entered the room with heavy steps, as if time itself was trying to stop him.

The room was simple in design, but heavy with the spirit of sorrow. The gray stone walls were adorned with faded golden decorations, testaments to an old glory that had withered with the passage of time. The flickering candlelight cast long shadows on the low ceiling, adding an air of gloom and dread to the place.

On the large wooden bed, Kyra lay like a wisp between life and death. Her frail body barely stirred under the woolen blanket that covered her. Her pale face and protruding bones made her look like a broken doll, and her long black hair was scattered as if even its strands had been abandoned by life.

Beside her sat Onar, the town's healer, calm and dignified. Despite her modest appearance in a simple white linen dress with a leather belt at her waist, her aura carried the authority of ancient wisdom. Her gray eyes gleamed with a sharp gaze as Aminos entered, her glance briefly resting on the bag he carried, reflecting a cautious hope.

"How is she?" Aminos asked in a hoarse voice, his eyes scanning his daughter's face.

Onar answered in a calm yet weighty tone: "The curse that afflicts her is not an easy one. It is slowing her body, preventing it from absorbing life. The Moon Herb might be the solution, but its use is fraught with risks."

Aminos opened the bag and carefully pulled out the herb, treating it as if it were a sacred treasure. "Please, Onar. I cannot lose her."

Onar nodded and began her work. She placed the herb in a stone mortar and crushed it slowly, her voice murmuring ancient words. The echoes of her words and the rhythmic pounding of the pestle against the stone filled the room, as if the earth itself was participating in the ritual.

She carefully poured drops of the extracted liquid into Kyra's mouth. For a moment, silence enveloped the room until her fingers began to tremble faintly. A slight flush of color returned to her face, as though life was being planted in her once more.

Kyra slowly opened her eyes and whispered in a barely audible voice: "I was in a dark place... but now... I feel something different."

Aminos bent down beside her, tears streaming down his cheeks. "You're here with us, Kyra. You've come back."

Onar looked at them cautiously and said, "The treatment has begun to take effect, but recovery will take time. Let her rest."

Aminos nodded, his voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Onar. You've saved her life—and mine along with it."