Zyheed POV
A middle-aged man handed me a pouch of coins, I frowned.
"This is entirely too much," I tried handing the bag back to him but he shook his head.
"Please take it. This thief has been stealing from me for months," the man glared down at the young boy who was knocked out and tied up.
The man continued, "It's the only way I can show my appreciation. Please keep it."
I tightened my hold on the pouch and placed it inside of my pocket, "Thank you, sir."
The man smiled, "It's no problem. Actually, would you like to stay for dinner? My wife is cooking a nice porridge."
"No, thank you. I have other matters to attend to."
The people here are way too nice.
"I understand, I wish you a good day."
I nodded my head towards him and walked away. I walked through a dirt path with trees hovering over the trail. My mind trailed back to the young boy I captured and wondered if the man would get him put in prison. I wouldn't be surprised if the man let him go. The people here seemed to have a relaxed lifestyle. They didn't have to hunt for their food or fend for themselves if they ended up homeless. These people supported each other.
I walked out of the path and made it toward the Inn I was staying at. A bell rung as I opened the door. I walked toward the counter and waited for the woman who owned the place.
On the wall across from me, there was a portrait of a man and underneath it read:
In Honor of Jack Vereline for defending his people.
Of course, they were also impacted by the Dragon Reign. In the past, their village probably banded together in order to protect themselves. It was the complete opposite from my own home. Everyone fended for themselves, you had to be strong in order to survive.
An older woman walked up from behind the desk.
"I will be staying for a couple more nights," I dug into my pocket and grabbed a few coins from the pouch, and placed it on the counter.
"This should pay for the rest of the nights."
The woman pulled out a log book, "What's your name again sweetie?"
"Zyheed." I answered.
The woman began searching for my name, "How has your visit been so far?"
"It's been good. Your village is very beautiful."
The woman smiled, "Thank you," she began writing in the log book.
"You have an additional week with us."
"Thank you." I stepped away from the counter and back out of the door.
Soon this land will not be burdened by the Dragons any longer. The whole world will sing in praises once there are no more Dragon Reigns. The sky turned orange as the sun sunk below the horizon. I walked into a small tavern. It was filled with laughter and people. I made my way toward the bar and sat on one of the stools. Most people believed in the prophecy that a person will be born to defeat the dragons and restore peace to the lands. But if it was true then why hasn't it happened yet? So many people have lost their lives. It doesn't matter if the prophecy is true or not, it doesn't change my objective. For it will be me who kills the one who controls the dragons. She will suffer for killing my mother.