Dull thuds rang out through Sunny's body as he felt Morgan gently slap him across his face to awaken him once more. Laxatives in general typically were ineffective against him, the one they had used was no exception, quickly being broken down by his body and rendered ineffective.
However, it was the timing which made it all more useful. Sunny was still heavily fatigued from his fight, deflecting the missile had taken a lot more out of Sunny than he was capable of admitting. And so, he was trapped in a room with Morgan.
"Sunless, I know you're awake." Morgan's voice rang out through his ears as his eyes slowly slid open. He could already feel it; speech was now an option meaning he could converse with his captor. Yet there wasn't much he wanted to say to Morgan.
"Sunless, before I begin punishing you or hurting you once more, I think some praises are due, no?" Running her hand through his pale locks, Sunny could only grunt in disapproval as he weakly attempted to move from her grasp only for Morgan to hold him in place.
"See, when I first heard you had defeated Mordret I was in awe. Nobody barring my father had been capable of standing up to him, let alone keep up with him once he turned into even more of a monster. Yet that's exactly what you did, my most loyal dog defended his master even unwillingly."
Morgan's hands continued to snake across his body, running themselves across his abs as they moved further up onto his chest and finally down to the snake tattoo that she had left on his arm. Raising his arm up, Morgan kissed it gently before putting it back down at his side.
"But, even though you're so perfect, you still try and run. Hiding from who you really are, what you really are. You're a killer, a monster, my monster. Nobody will ever understand you except me." She cooed, making sure Sunny looked her in the eye as she spoke, refusing to allow herself to be denied by the boy once more.
Finally, unconsciously, Sunny found the strength within him to speak. "I hate you." He groaned, his voice rough and laced with fatigue as his eyes flashed with ever present hatred. Morgan heard him, her smile widening as Sunny's fury bubbled within his soul once more.
"I hate you; I hate you; I hate you so much that it hurts. I'm going to kill you Morgan, even if I see you in a different universe, where you're a different person entirely, I'm going to kill you. I'm going to make you suffer, you're going to die in as brutal fashion I can imagine."
Despite the vile, dismal words that escaped Sunny's lips, his voice remained flat, his eyes only betraying his emotion as Morgan smiled more and more at him. Snaking her hand towards his face, she slid her thumb into his mouth, prying his jaws open as she stared at his expression.
"So, you can still make that face!" She exclaimed, lowering herself down and kissing him viciously. Her tongue slid into his mouth, meeting no resistance as she gradually suffocated the boy below her. Finally, she pulled back watching as Sunny's hatred only bubbled within his soul further.
"See, here's the thing I don't understand. Why do you hate me and not Nephis or whatever that vile fiends name is, surely her existence is the entire reason why you got involved with us in the first place?" Sunny didn't respond, the answer building itself within his throat and coming out unconsciously as he spat out.
"She's nothing like you; she's a good person. You're fucking scum." Instead of replying, Morgan lifted Sunny off his feet before moving another mirror in front of him, allowing him to take a good long look at himself before slamming his head into the mirror.
"Do you understand why you're like this? You're like this because of her. And not only that, but you've also always been like this. Think about it, once you had been discovered you could have run away and left Changing Star behind, I wouldn't have even chased her. But no, you came into the underworld looking for me, admit it, you're addicted to this."
Sunny didn't offer a reply, and so Morgan picked up a broken piece of glass and slammed it into his palm, blood flying across her room as she removed it and slammed it into his palm once more. And yet, Sunny's expression didn't shift.
"Look at you! Healing like you're a mutant! Only here would a freak like you be accepted, only here would a monster like you be praised for being able to kill so many people! You could have knocked them out, no? You could have done it all in under twenty minutes with no casualties! And yet you killed them! You liked doing it because you're a monster, a freak, you're broken because I broke you!"
Morgan's scream collided with his head with more force than any blow, she raised his impaled hand to his face and forced him to watch as the large hole in his palm quickly healed before closing entirely. His lingering blood remained swelling in it's own miniature pool in his hand as Morgan stared down at him, a smile arriving on her face again.
"And even in the underworld, even here they fear you. I don't fear you, not at all. You're my dog, what type of owner would I be if I was afraid of a mere pet? Sunny, is that what you like being called? Only I understand you, only I can help you, only I can."
Lifting his arm which had gone limp from mental fatigue, Morgan licked the lingering blood from his palm as she stared down at Sunny, vile, hideous affection lingering within her eyes as she pointed towards a cage seated in the corner of her room.
Pulling him to his feet, she gently placed him within the cage before shutting the door, the solid steel chains that were wrapped around his neck reverberating within the silent room as Sunny's mind went blank. Morgan crouched to his height, placing a hand on her chin mildly before placing a mirror in front of his cage.
"You can't be a killer and remain normal. So, I want you to look in this mirror every day and ask yourself a simple question. 'Who am I?' Keep asking yourself that until you come to a decision what you want to be. Because it can't be both."
Turning around, Sunny watched as Morgan exited the room without another word. Slowly shifting himself so he could be seated upright, each sound within the room became infinitely louder, the pressure of isolation weighed itself upon Sunny's mind as the minute cracks began to show.
Who am I?
When will they come to save me?
Is Nephis ok?
Everything hurts.
I can't save anybody.
I'm a monster.
I'm broken.
I'm alone.
I've always been alone.
Nobody is coming to save me.
Sitting around Sunny's table, Nephis held her head within her arms as she ran through every possible location Sunny could have been in. She had watched the video Morgan had sent her tens of thousands of times and yet not a single clue could be discerned.
Effie, Kai and Cassie surrounded her, they too shared their own portion in the brainstorming as Kai took a moment to scroll through his phone. Instantly, the sound of screams erupted through his phone speakers as the effects from Sunny's fight made themselves well known.
Blood erupted on his screen, mangled corpses being thrown left and right as he watched Sunny kick someone's head so hard it exploded, covering his allies in a shower of blood only useful in leaving them blind as Sunny took their lives.
Dropping his phone in shock, Kai's sudden actions elicited looks of confusion from all those around him as everyone's heads snapped in his direction. "He's not human... he's a monster. What type of kid kills three hundred thousand people? And like that? That's... that's genocide!"
The fear riddled across his face could not be ignored nor dismissed, his entire body vibrated with fear as Nephis just let out a sigh in response. Frankly, she would have preferred if Sunny had killed more of the bastards. Each one of them criminals in their own right, none of them deserved to live for what they had done.
"Why don't we... leave him there?"
This time, it was Effie's voice that rang out as Nephis' eyes widened immensely, bloodlust pouring from her body as Effie continued. "I mean, the entire reason they wanted us in the first place is because of him. And now that they have him, we have no reason to stay, right? Even if we're witnesses, since they decided to livestream the entire thing it's clear they don't care about that anymore."
Her reasoning was solid, yet Nephis' mind refused to accept such an option as she shot to her feet, anger bubbling within her soul as she stared at Effie. "His mother just died, at the hands of these people, and now he's being left locked in a room with the woman who traumatised him. And you're telling me you just want to abandon him?"
Before Effie could respond, Kai spoke in her stead. "Yes! That's exactly what that means, this... thing isn't a regular human. I've seen strong people, hell I've seen fucking odd people like Mordret, but this isn't normal! Maybe we would be better off if we left him here. There's something wrong with his mind that we can't fix, why are we trying to be heroes? I'm not a fucking hero; I want to be a singer!"
Storming up to him, Nephis grabbed him by the chest and pulled him so that the two looked each other in the eye. Her silver orbs piercing deep into his soul as her lips contorted into a grimace. "I didn't know I was friends with such cowards. That's what you all are, cowards! Running from danger at the first fucking sight of it because you're too weak to stand up for what you think is right!"
Shoving Nephis backward, Kai levelled a glare at her before dusting himself off. "And what's wrong with being a coward? It's not like Sunny's ever done anything for me personally. So, what's the issue if I leave? He's an acquaintance, or to you, a fucking teen crush. Nothing worth risking your life over."
Storming out the room, Kai didn't offer Nephis the opportunity to say another word as he slammed the door behind him. Effie quickly followed suit, turning around for a slight moment to glance at Nephis. "It's cool that you've found someone you like and all, but we have families to get back to. We can't risk our lives over some... monster that we don't even know."
"He's not a fucking monster!" Nephis roared, throwing a nearby bottle in Effie's direction which was quickly caught before it could explode. "He's a person, just like any of us are. And you're treating him like a laboratory case because you're too much of a coward to stop and put yourself in his shoes."
At this, Effie turned around, her expression impassive as she cocked her head to the side. "Alright, I'll humour you. Say if we did go help you and Sunny went haywire. Could you stop Sunny from killing us if he put his mind to it? Could we all combined stop him?" Nephis wanted to say yes but the lie died in her throat as silence continued to ring out through the room.
"That's what I thought, it's best to put ourselves far out of the way of powers like that. Wouldn't want to join those three hundred thousand." She joked, leaving the room herself as the door shut silently behind her. Nephis could only sit in silence, abandoned by two of her friends who had stormed out based on crippling fear of her lover.
Cassie's hand placed itself on her shoulder as she came into view, sitting next to Nephis and offering her a shoulder to lean on as the two remained in silence. "Sunny's our way out of here, and he's also so much more from what I've heard. But that doesn't matter, push Sunny out of your mind for a moment and ask yourself what you want to do."
Her calming words were caught by Nephis' mind like a lifeline, not abandoning them for even a second as countless thoughts ran through her mind. "I want to crush the underworld, crush every single one of them till there's not a single one of them left."
"Well, let's go do that then."