Warm hands grasped Sunny's face as he was broken from his stupor by the sight of Morgan. She was staring at him, with her body fully prepared for battle as he exhaled into her hand, his warm breathe beating against her skin as he looked blankly up at her.
His body didn't even have the strength to flinch backward as he stared at her. Those velvet eyes that had taken everything from him. Offering him a smile, she ran her hand through his hair as her smile widened. Sunny felt sick, so very sick.
"That was quite a scream, Sunless."
Her voice was laced with pride, pride for his strength, he has her object. Her weapon. Sunny moved backward, forcing his body to leap away from her as he sheathed his knives, his body tensing for battle as she simply offered him another one of her sickening smiles.
"You're my property, you said it yourself. So why do you continue to resist like you do? Is it because of the Lightslayer? Did you really need her anyway? All you need is me, do you understand?"
Sunny didn't respond immediately, he watched as Gilead and Tyris landed at Morgan's side as she continued to stare at him. Finally, his lips parted. His voice laced with hatred, defiance and grief from the passing of the woman who he loved.
"I don't! What do you want? What do you want from me!? No, it doesn't matter. Morgan, I will kill you. I will kill you; I will kill Gilead, and I will Anvil. Do you understand me!?"
Morgan only smiled, pulling out a spiked collar from her pocket as she stared at Sunny. "Once we're done, I'm going to leash you. It seems you've forgotten where you stand." Without leaving any more room for conversation, all four of them blitzed towards each other.
Gilead moved like wind, a blur of motion that left no room for thought. His foot slammed into the ground, his body twisting as a heel cut through the air like a honed blade. Sunny barely brought his arm up in time, the impact rattling him as he took a step back.
These attacks were weak, far too weak to pose a challenge to him usually. He could see each and every movement Gilead made like he was operating in slow motion, and yet his fatigued body refused to move how his mind willed it.
A second strike—this one from below, a sweeping kick meant to take him off his feet. Sunny leapt back, but a fist was already waiting, hammering into his ribs like a battering ram. Breathe shot from his lungs in a torrent.
Sunny's vision swam, but his instinct pulled him forward. He threw a sharp elbow, aiming for Gilead's chin—only to roll with it, absorbing the strike as Gilead raised his lumbering knee with frightening speed to meet Sunny's ribs.
Yet, Sunny gripped the blow, absorbing it's full force into his hand as he gripped Gilead's knee. In a moment, the other man had been roughly slammed into the floor. Revel's fighting style. Honed. Perfected. Despite this, Gilead had shot to his feet in moments, a punch flying through the air.
In mere moments, Sunny had disappeared from his view, his weight pressing on Gilead's extended arm as he placed one hand on it to balance himself in a handstand. The other, firmly placed in his empty pocket as he slammed his foot downward into Gilead's head.
Before the attack could land, Morgan had arrived, blocking the blow with gritted teeth as Sunny was forced to leap back. Pants escaped his lips, there were three people, and he was hurt, tired, and his mind was swimming. Despite this, that didn't change the simple fact.
He was going to kill them all, brutally, slowly.
Tyris was already on him, closing the gap with a step so smooth it was unnatural. A blade flashed Sunny barely turned his body in time. The tip of the blade carved through his shirt, slicing a piece of his skin as Sunny's indifferent expression didn't change.
'Mordret would have a field day with her.' Sunny mused as the wound quickly healed. Morgan stepped into range as soon as Tyris finished her attack. A fist launched towards his ribs. Sunny shifted, twisting his torso to absorb the impact. Her blow rattled his bones. Forcing him backward.
Their moves were practiced, their teamwork impeccable.
It would be so easy, to fall unconscious and allow his body to kill them in minutes. And yet, he wanted to experience it all with his mind intact. He wanted to hear them suffer; he wanted to drown them in their own blood.
Gilead flowed back in, spinning—another kick, another shift of balance, his heel snapping toward Sunny's temple. Sunny ducked, but the moment his knees bent, Tyris' sword came down. He threw himself sideways, feeling the air split where the blade should have cut him.
Morgan surged forward, not giving him a second to breathe. A strike to the gut—Sunny barely blocked. But his arms felt heavy, sluggish. His exhaustion was building quickly. He tried to step away, build some space and yet the three monstrous opponents wouldn't let him.
Gilead continued to press forward, his attacks possessed enough force to heavily damage Sunny should they land correctly. He was to create an opening for the other two. He faked a low strike, then sprang high. Sunny twisted to avoid the heel aiming for his skull, only for Tyris to lunge at him.
Gritting his teeth, Sunny slammed his fist into Gilead's chest, sending him flying backward as he gave Tyris his full attention. Dodging a downward strike, Sunny flicked his foot forward, yet Tyris raised her hands to block the attack. "Many people have tried that before, but they all ended up getting hurt, and killed."
Sunny's dull voice rang out, lingering between indifference and malice as he hooked Tyris forearm with his foot as he pulled her sword wielding hand downward. Pushing himself off her forearm, Tyris eyes widened as Sunny spun in front of her with blinding speeds. Only for a knee to barrel towards her face faster than she could see.
Acting on instinct, Gilead blitzed forward, putting himself in the line of the attack as his face became indented by Sunny's knee as he found himself placed three feet into the dirt by the attack. His vision swam, he was alive yet wounded as he watched Tyris stop the follow up.
Her sword bit at the air, aiming for Sunny's ribs like a predator before it's prey. Sunny pivoted, reaching for the blade. His fingers caught the flat of the steel, redirecting it enough to allow it to pass by his side harmlessly. But Morgan was already there.
A fist slammed into his jaw. But in the same moment, Tyris found a large gash on her arm.
In the same moment he had been hit, Sunny had unsheathed one of his knives, managing to nearly remove Tyris arm from her body if not for Morgan's interference. Flying backwards, Sunny's vision blurred. Stars exploded behind his eyes as he staggered with blood pouring from his mouth.
"Ah, even while so fatigued you're still incredible Sunless! And your blood, it's so beautiful! Show me more!" Morgan demanded, her knee driving itself into his stomach. Sunny gasped, body folding for a fraction of a second.
But that was all they needed.
A second kick, likely from Gilead slammed into his ribs, sending him rolling across the ground. Sunny barely had enough time to avoid the sword that came flying through the air in a silver streak as Tyris came for his neck in moments. Pushing himself off the ground with both hands, Sunny wrapped his feet around Morgan's head from behind, pulling her backward as he slammed her into the ground.
Before he had time to follow up, another streak bit at the air as he was forced to jump backwards. Tyris had returned once more to close any gaps left by her two allies as they faced off against Sunny.
A choked breathe escaped his lungs as he watched them gather himself. His wounds were healing rapidly, but his body was slowing. He was losing.
Sunny slowly pushed himself up, wiping blood from his lips. His breathing was shallow yet controlled. His body felt like lead, but he stood. Drawing a circle in the dirt, Sunny stood in it's centre, allowing himself to catch his breathe as Tyris blitzed toward him.
A simple movement.
Sunny grabbed her sword by it's flat, slamming his knee into her ribs as a torrent of blood escaped her lips, sending her flying out the circle. Gilead game in soon after, his fist pierced through the air at Sunny and yet with a simple movement of his arms the larger man was upside down.
At this range, nothing could attack him without receiving an attack itself. At this range, he could heal and regain stamina as they gradually lost it.
Morgan stayed back, pressing her phone to her ears as Sunny's senses fired upward. A third helicopter, not designed for battle. Only to deliver a singular soldier who fired a rocket where Sunny stood at monumental speeds. At the speed it was moving, and the fact his opponents had disappeared, Sunny was sure the explosion would nearly kill him.
But he wouldn't lose.
Not here.
Not now.
Sunny didn't run, he stared up impassively at the rocket, watching it encroach on his position with blinding speeds as it pierced through the sound barrier in seconds. And then, it was only a few inches away. He didn't need anything else to defend himself, all he needed was this.
His ultimate gift from his mother. Her fighting style.
He allowed his body to relax, grasping the rocket's immense force like a vice before using it's force against it. He had to time this perfectly; he had to move before the order was given to detonate it. Allowing his body to flow like water, Sunny shut his eyes, allowing his mind to focus on only what was before him as he flicked his wrist with ease that would make Revel proud.
"This, is my Mom's fighting style you fucker!" Sunny roared, in a moment, the rocket had been flicked back upward, Sunny used the full extent of his force to shove the thing into the air as far away from his body as possible as he watched it detonate overhead.
"Remember her name! Her name was Revel!" He roared at the helicopter overhead. Morgan had returned in a heartbeat, her expression laced with pride and fear as she closed the distance in a heartbeat. A fist shot toward his face—Sunny barely blocked it, twisting with the impact to lessen the force. But Morgan's fist was already there.
It attempted to drive itself into his ribs, but Sunny wasn't there. She felt his hand grasp her head gently as he did a one-handed handstand over her head. "Let's try this again." Sunny wheezed as he slammed his foot into her head, pain shot through her body as Sunny moved to follow up, only for Gilead to make an appearance once more.
Spinning, his foot lashed out. Sunny ducked, but his reaction was too slow. The heel clipped the side of his head. He stumbled. Tyris came next, sword flashing. Sunny raised his arm, barely deflecting the blade with his knife as the impact sent an ache through his body.
His fist bit through the air, an instant counterattack intended for revenge. Sunny's fist soon contorted into an open palm as he pulled her head forward, his knee drove itself into her face, but he wasn't finished there. Lashing out with his foot, he slammed his foot into the side of her face in a spinning roundhouse kick.
Before she could fly off, Sunny span in the opposite direction, hooking her head with his foot as he drove her face into his knee once more. Suddenly, Sunny felt something sharp indent itself into his side as he turned to see Morgan standing in front of him with a bloodied smile, syringe in hand.
"These are anaesthetics. Not enough to knock you out, but enough to leave you immobile." She grunted, Sunny instantly felt his body relax, watching as Tyris flew backward from the force of his attack as Gilead fell to his knees. Sunny replicated the gesture as he fell on his back.
His body wasn't listening to him.
Despite everything, despite all his strength.
He had lost, again.
Weight pressed itself on his chest as he felt Morgan mounting him, pulling her collar from her pocket as she placed it firmly around Sunny's neck before lifting him up. His entire body wasn't obeying him, he couldn't even form more than a grunt as she lifted him.
Putting her phone to her ear, she made a few affirmative hums before stating with a hint of pride in her voice.
"Three hundred thousand have died, but we did it. We've captured Lost from Light."