Chereads / Shadow Slave | School Days / Chapter 52 - Chapter 52

Chapter 52 - Chapter 52

Seeing Rain standing before him triggered emotions within Sunny he didn't know he had as he paced towards her slowly. Kneeling down to reach her height, he felt the girl gently grab him by the face as Sunny stared at her blankly. His mind was in shock, yet the overwhelming love he had for his sister continued to prevail.


Running her fingers through his hair, Rain laughed slightly as she studied his features. "You really do look like me! Are you a superhero like Aunty Revel says?" Sunny raised himself to his feet, gritting his teeth as he forced out a smile. "No, I'm the farthest thing from a superhero. I'm evil, dangerous and I beat people up! So don't ever have anything to do with me!"


Sunny's exclamation took Nephis and Revel by surprise as Sunny turned around, tears cascading from his eyes as he made his way back into his room. Nephis quickly followed suit, noticing him curled up into a ball in the corner of the room as she pulled him into her embrace.


"Sunny, why did you do that?" Nephis whispered, as Sunny's silent sobs slowly came to a stop. "She should never feel indebted to me in any way, including myself in her life will only ruin it. We're keeping her with Revel until this is done." Wiping his eyes with her fingers, Nephis pulled him forward into a deep hug, her hands slithering through his hair as she held him.


"Sunny, you being in peoples lives has never ruined it. Don't feel like you will ever be alone again because you won't be, I promise. If anything, the sick people who have an unholy obsession with you are at fault." Sunny's voice became caught in his throat, more tears swelling within his eyes as he mumbled out. "That's a lie, even you left me eventually."


Nephis could only remain silent as her grip on him tightened. There were no words she could use to refute what he said, so instead only her actions could speak for her. After a few moments, Sunny's sobs slowly subsided as he pulled away from her, his solemn expression slowly turning to fury as he raised himself to his feet.


"Who brought her here?" The bloodlust pressing against Nephis body made it hard to breathe, even breathing seemed like it would spell her doom as Sunny's glare remained fixed down at her form. Every ounce of her body became coiled to flee as Revel slid the door open. "I don't know what you two are getting up to, but you're scaring Rain." She stated pointedly, causing Sunny's eyes to soften slightly as he stared at Nephis seated form.


"I'm sorry for lashing out, but I need to know, and I need to know now." Nephis stared at him for a few moments, his piercing gaze only being amplified by Revels as the two raven haired warriors focused their intensity down on her. Letting loose a sigh, Nephis got up and began her explanation.


"Morgan got her kidnapped to coerce you into returning, Seishan interrupted them before Rain could be delivered to Morgan and gave her to me." At the mention of Seishan's name, Sunny's muscles tensed as his hands were balled into fists. His rage at Seishan clashed with his gratefulness at her actions, his conflicted mind only allowed him to ask a single question.




Nephis's eyes remained focused on him, not allowing his gaze to waver for even a moment as she simply replied. "She said it was her apology, for everything." Unable to understand what he was feeling, Sunny staggered backward as Revel held him in her arms, gently running her hand across his hair as she smiled softly at him.


"Kid, sometimes in life the people you hate end up being the most useful. During moments like these, you've got to persevere through your emotions, discover if they've really changed." Sunny could only nod slightly at the advice as he quickly calmed himself.


The thought of rushing to Valor and murdering as many people as possible had crossed his mind, but now this had become a more major issue. "If Rain's location is public in the underworld, then people who want to use me will always go after her. They're leaving me with only one choice left." Sunny mumbled, Nephis cocked her head slightly with curiosity, Revel staring at him expectantly too as Sunny smiled.


"We're going to destroy the underworld."


It had been a week since Sunny had made his declaration, yet before he was able to act Sunny had discovered his need for allies. Currently, he only had Nephis and occasionally Eubin at his disposal whenever he needed to get something done. Sunny needed more.


Turning to Nephis, Sunny stared at her curiously for a moment as she noticed her eyes were not focused on his own, instead focused on his body as he only had a towel hiding his nakedness. Blushing slightly, Sunny cleared his throat to get her attention causing Nephis eyes to snap up.


A trail of blood that trickled from her nose at the sight of Sunny was quickly erased before he noticed as Sunny placed his hand on his chin curiously. "Do you think white hair would suit me?" Sunny asked, studying Nephis hair intently as he tried to picture himself wearing it.


Nephis studied his expression with shock for a few moments before closing in on him, suddenly, Sunny found his hands interlocked with hers as his back was pressed against the bedroom wall. Capturing his lips furiously, Nephis dug her hands into his hair for a few moments before letting go begrudgingly.


"What... was that for?" Sunny asked between pants, Nephis wiped her lips with a furious blush on her face as she smiled at Sunny. "Nothing, I just thought white hair would look extremely attractive on you, and thinking about it made me want to kiss you." Getting his answer, Sunny smiled sheepishly as Nephis pulled him into a tight embrace.


"I want you to know that no matter how angry I get at you, no matter what I may say to you or what you do, I'll always love you." She whispered, Sunny's eyes widened as she planted a kiss on his neck, lightly guiding him toward the bathroom and placing some hair dye in his hand as she closed the door behind him.


Behind the door, Sunny clutched his chest firmly as his eyes widened, pants escaped his lips with quickening pace as blood rushed to his face. "I'm in love with her... but she caused everything. Yet I can't stop being in love with her!" Sunny groaned quietly to himself, little did he know Nephis was listening intently just behind the door, a smile settling across her lips at Sunny's exclamation.


It only took him twenty minutes to leave the shower, steam escaped from the bathroom as water trickled down Sunny's defined muscles, each one taught like a wire that had been pulled to its limits as Sunny wiped his hair. Nephis, who had been waiting for him just outside of the room studied him for a few moments before her eyes settled on his hair.


White as snow, completely contrasting his onyx eyes and typically blackened attire. It made for the perfect shift as Nephis mentally battled with herself which version of Sunny was more alluring. Deciding that such a battle was too difficult for a winner, Nephis lunged at Sunny, pinning him onto their cushioned floors as she stared at him.


"You look... amazing. But what brought on the change?" Nephis asked curiously as her finger curled Sunny's untamed locks as he searched through his mind for an answer. "I didn't want to keep seeing my sister in myself every time I looked in the mirror. The less I have to do with her the better." His voice was firm, indicating that he was not in the mood for an argument as Nephis merely pressed her forehead against his.


"Well, if it helps you, these days I've spent with you have been the best days of my life." Nephis lips closed in on his own slowly as the door flung open. Revel stood, with Rain at her side before the woman quickly covered Rain's eyes.


"I mean come on Sunny, not with Rain in here!" She groaned, turning the young girl around before sighing. "Breakfast is ready, so finish your make out session soon." Shutting the door behind her, Sunny shifted to move away from Nephis as she frowned at him slightly.


"You heard your mother, we need to finish soon." Before he could protest, he found his lips unconsciously close in on her own as the two shared a longer kiss. Sunny couldn't quite remember how many times he had kissed the young woman, but each time felt monumentally better than the last.


Hours had passed since Sunny shared an uncomfortable breakfast with Rain. Frankly, he didn't know what exactly to say to the girl and instead chose to keep his distance from her as he silently appreciated her presence from afar. Merely knowing she was ok and still possessed the childlike brightness that he once had warmed his heart.


But eventually, it was time for him to leave.


Nephis and Sunny stood atop a large array of electrical wires as the two balanced seamlessly, staring down below at a futuristic city as Sunny's hair was thrown about loosely by the wind as Sunny stared down blankly at the bustling environment below.


Instead of his typical mask, Sunny had reshaped it leaving only the mouth as it concealed the lower part of his face. Frankly, Nephis felt intimidated by the presence of death that Sunny exuded as he studied the city below with attentive eyes. Noticing him relax for a moment, Nephis took her opportunity to ask the question that lingered in her mind for minutes.


"Where are we going next?"

"A fight club."