In the prosperous village of Ayedun, a complicated web of love entwined three lives. Wumi, a beautiful and kind hearted middle- class woman, and Adeshewa, the stunning princess of Ayedun, found themselves vying for the affection of the same man, Dayo.
Dayo , a handsome, wealthy and hardworking entrepreneur, was the epitome of every woman's dream. His sparkling eyes , chiseled features, and charming personality made him irresistible. With a perfect blend of intelligence, ambition and compassion. Dayo was the ultimate catch .
Wumi , with her easygoing nature , captivated Dayo's heart . Her beauty , kindness and gentle spirit drew him in , making him feel at peace . Adeshewa, on the other hand , fascinated Dayo with her bold and caring personality. Despite her princess status , she was not arrogant, but rather a passionate and strong - willed woman who fought for what she believed in . Adeshewa always fight for her right unlike wumi's easy going nature who doesn't care .
As the princess of Ayedun, Adeshewa life was marked by privilege and power , her father , the king , ruled the village with wisdom , And Adeshewa was determined to make a difference in her own right . Wumi , however came from a humble background where her family valued simplicity and hard work.