"He woke up after a good sleep but the dream he had".Ā
Same dream i never new i would love someone so much that they showing up in my dreams can make me so happy and sad same time. It all started then when i was 19 i loved to listen music but never gave much preferences to romantic stuff all pop and jazz. i joined a company while i was studying my higher education while i was still training for my job i met her Mia Eleanor she and i where close i never had someone like that in my life i never saw her like a actual girl but feeling never match we would always challenge each other to do crazy things. and after one month was pass and our training was over. now we started working seriously only talking a bit in breaks and sending texts in homes. one day i asked her why do you love lipsticks so much (she always complement other when they apply and also ask me randomly did you liked the shade i be like i am a guy i don't know) so she replies because my family doesn't allow me to apply. her family was hard on her but then she ask would you buy me one i was having second thoughts but i know how hard is that on her so i excepted and said but you have to give me a kiss she said yes. it was normal to us to joke like that.
on Saturday i bought her the shade she wants and told her to meet near emergency exit stares. she showed up after working hours we talked and the i gave her the lipstick the she said what about kiss don't you want i though i was a cheek kiss (It was not). she kissed me on my lips her eyes was closed but not mine i was in shock it was a deep kiss like she was saying can you understand me now i love you understand me now. we stopped my mind was blank i didn't know what to say so i said lets go while walking she hold my hand tightly i knew i had to ask her i said why you kissed me?.
she said because you love me right i was confused because i though we was just making jokes then she said i have loved you all this time sorry if (i didn't let her finished that i kissed her) she was against the wall i saw her face and though she loves me it was awkward she asked can you hug me? i said okay and when i hugged her i felt her body after been with her over one year now i felt that she is a girl her body touching my body her heart bursting her shampoo everything was going wrong because i was having a issue i was not like it was my first time hugging a girl but she made me feel that its not that i love her but there is something in my heart which want her to be mine.