Chereads / A Wheel of Time Fanfiction : Heir of the Shadow / Chapter 5 - Chapter 5: The Ascent of Lord Naravoss Mantear

Chapter 5 - Chapter 5: The Ascent of Lord Naravoss Mantear

Under the cover of a moonless night in Caemlyn, within the opulent walls of his estate, Lord Naravoss Mantear executed a necessary but grim task. He stood in his study, the flickering candlelight casting deep shadows across the room filled with ancient tomes and artifacts of power. Mrs. Pendleton, his elderly housekeeper whose unwitting involvement in his ascent had served its purpose, now represented a loose end that needed tying.

Approaching her with a facade of gentle sorrow, Naravoss whispered, "Mrs. Pendleton, your loyalty has been the bedrock upon which I have built my ambitions. Rest now, freed from the burdens of this world." His voice was soft, masking the ruthlessness of his next actions. Channeling Saidin, he delicately wove a pattern of Air and Spirit, a weave so subtle and precise that it left no trace. The life faded from her eyes with a simple, silent exhale, her body slumping gracefully into the plush armchair.

He draped a fine shawl over her, staging her passing as one of peace. As he prepared to leave, his thoughts briefly lingered on the Aes Sedai, their current weakened state a shadow of the formidable power wielded in the Age of Legends. "If only they knew the true potential of the Power they so clumsily grasp," he mused dismissively.

The next morning, the household was steeped in a somber mood, the staff whispering in hushed tones as they prepared for the day. Lord Mantear observed the orchestrated mourning with a critical eye, ensuring that every detail depicted a natural and sorrowful passing. The facade was perfect for solidifying his standing and eliciting sympathy from the higher echelons of Andorian society, all while masking the calculated removal of a potential threat.

Dressed in a dark, elegantly tailored suit that spoke of his noble status, Lord Mantear sent a formal request to the palace, seeking an audience with Queen Morgase. His intention was clear—to be officially recognized with noble titles and to solidify his place within the kingdom's elite. The message was penned with a tone of utmost respect and urgency, emphasizing his desire to contribute to Andor's prosperity.

As he awaited confirmation of his appointment, Lord Mantear began to lay the groundwork for what would become a sophisticated intelligence network. Using his charm and considerable wealth, he recruited a series of informants and spies, placing them strategically throughout Caemlyn. From the bustling marketplaces to the stoic guardsmen at the palace gates and even among the lesser nobility, each was carefully selected and, when necessary, compelled to serve his cause. This network operated in shadows, gathering information, and weaving a web of surveillance that would be the eyes and ears of House Mantear across the city.

Upon receiving confirmation, Lord Mantear was granted an audience in the resplendent throne room of the royal palace. Queen Morgase, known for her discerning mind and regal demeanor, awaited his approach from her throne, flanked by her advisors and high-ranking nobles.

"Your Majesty," Lord Mantear began, bowing deeply, the respect in his voice matched by his demeanor. "I am here to pledge my fealty to you and the great kingdom of Andor. It is my earnest desire to be granted the titles and lands that befit my station, that I might serve you and our people with greater efficacy."

Queen Morgase regarded him thoughtfully, her eyes sharp with intelligence. "Lord Mantear, your reputation as a man of vision precedes you. Tell me, once these titles are bestowed, how do you intend to uphold the responsibilities they entail?"

With a confident yet humble smile, Naravoss responded, "Your Majesty, with the Mantear name, I plan to extend our trade routes, not only to enrich Andor but to strengthen our bonds with neighboring nations. Furthermore, I intend to establish a base of operations here in Caemlyn, from which I can coordinate our efforts to enhance our kingdom's defenses and cultural wealth."

Impressed by his plans and clear articulation, Morgase nodded slowly. "Very well, Lord Mantear. I hereby recognize your noble titles and the lands that accompany them. Serve Andor with honor and integrity, and may your actions reflect the trust we place in you today."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. Your wisdom and leadership inspire me. I am dedicated to advancing the glory and prosperity of Andor," Naravoss declared, his voice resonant with loyalty and ambition.

As he stepped back, the room filled with the quiet murmur of nobles and courtiers, many speculating about the rise of this new, influential player in the Game of Houses.

In the weeks following his royal recognition, Lord Mantear wasted no time. He established his operations base in a strategic location within Caemlyn, a sprawling complex that housed not only his administrative offices but also rooms dedicated to the gathering and analysis of information. His agents, spread across various strata of society, reported back with valuable insights that allowed him to maneuver with precision in the political landscape.

From the lowest taverns where merchants lamented taxes, to the opulent halls where nobles plotted alliances, his network brought him an unending stream of data. This information was meticulously cataloged and analyzed in the war room of his new base, every piece a part of the larger puzzle he was assembling.

As night fell over Caemlyn, Lord Naravoss Mantear looked out over the city from his private study, his mind abuzz with plans and strategies. The chessboard of Andorian politics was complex, but he was now a player with the power and influence to move pieces at will. His ascent was just beginning, and he intended to rise high, reshaping Andor in his image.