[Song Recommendations: Scars To Yours Beautiful by Alessia Cara~] 

"You'll have to go through a lie detector test, miss." James blurted out in turn earning himself a glare from Michael. 

"No! There's no need for that." Michael's deep voice spoke volumes in favor of Layla. 

"It's okay, Master… If that's what it takes to prove my innocence, I'll do it." Layla stated in a voice filled with determination as she stared at the cop with no fear. 

Soon a lady cop entered the room along with two people who carried the machine. She first instructed her to get rid of any ornaments but there was nothing on her other than the locket that she's been wearing since her childhood. 

"Please come with me, mam." The lady cop pointed toward the bathroom and before Michael could protest, James reassured her that it was part of the procedure to check if she was carrying anything that may hinder the result. 

"Seriously, James?" Michael's heart squeezed just at the thought of what Layla must be going through where she had to even strip herself in front of a stranger. 


Layla exited the bathroom and although she tried her best, she couldn't manage to hide her tears. Michael noticed it and even cursed the cops without holding back. He even tried to get to Layla but thankfully she came close to him instead. She reassured him that she was okay. 

Thankfully, Layla didn't regard him as "Master' in front of the lady cop and the men as she didn't want to spoil his image by revealing Michael Specter enslaving a girl. Talking about James, he already knew their story. Michael liked it when she called him by his name in front of them. 

The arrangement was done soon with Layla ready to take the test. James decided that he'd take the lead in encountering the test. 

"You have to answer in 'YES' or 'NO'. Got it?" Layla nodded in appreciation. Michael asked him prior to not ask her anything that might make her uncomfortable but he was a cop at the end of the day.

"So tell me Miss Mcaln… Do you know Michael Specter is a billionaire?" His voice was devoid of any emotion. Layla just nodded her head.

"YES or NO!" 

"Ye-Yes…" Her voice quivered but the needle pointing towards green indicated she wasn't lying. 

"Do you know who is responsible for this attack?" Layla glanced towards Michael to notice him holding a nervous gaze. She looked back facing the cop.

"NO." Again green. 

"Hmm… Tell me would you ever hurt him to free yourself from the Master-Slave agreement?" The revelation shocked the other cops. Soon the room was filled with whisperings and chatter. 

Micahel passed a cold glare to James who just broke the promise he made a few moments back. Michael wasn't concerned about his image but he didn't want the world to look down on her. He cursed himself inwardly for making her his slave in the first place but that was necessary for his mission.

Michael had been keeping tap over David's moves and he was searching for the right opportunity to strike. When someone passed him the information, he at first got intrigued by it. Why would someone want to get rid of a mere maid from the mansion? 

That's the very reason he bought her as he suspected her being knowing something grave about David's secrets but when he found it she knew nothing; he still wanted to use her to get his hands on David. Thinking of it now, he felt himself to be a terrible person. 

Layla closed her eyes in fright that her tears surfacing in them might just pour out. She never questioned her Master about enslaving her. The way James directed the question made her look as if she was hellbent on killing him. How could she reassure them that she could even die for him?

"Tell me, Miss. Mclan—" 

"NOOO!" Layla screamed in sorrow. The monitor showed green; Tears started to roll down her cheeks as she wailed like a child surprising everyone. Frank was present there too who couldn't help but curse the cop for his behavior.

"Layla…" Michael got rid of the IVs connected to him in one go and left his bed. He groaned in pain but advanced towards Layla. James tried to stop him but ended up receiving a solid punch below his cheek. The lady lunged ahead to take the matter into her hands but James just shook his head.

"Layla, I'm here see; The test is over." He said caressing her cheeks. "You… bastard, GET OUT; GET OUT NOW!" Michael growled at them; his voice made everyone tremble in fear. Soon Frank accompanied them out before closing the door behind him.

"Layla… See they are gone." He tried to console her by rubbing her back as he settled down beside her on the couch. She didn't look like she was stopping anytime soon as she took deep sobs. 

"Shh… If you don't stop now, I'll cry too!" The words seemed to have worked as Layla hiccuped while trying to stop. She stared at him; her eyes red and swollen.

"Hey, I trust you. I know how much you care for me…" Michael uttered in a gentle voice caressing his cheek before he pulled her into his embrace. Layla didn't protest feeling the warmth that soothed her burning heart rather she just buried her face in his chest.

"I'll… ne-never d-o a-n-ything t-o hurt you." Her voice trembled as she hiccuped. 

"I know… Now stop." Michael felt dread creep up his chest just seeing the soft figure cradled in his arms. An urge to protect her from this vicious world suddenly clouded his thoughts. He'd never hurt her. Moreover, he was thinking about confessing his growing feelings but would she accept him?

"Master… I'm sorry, You must be hurting." Her soft voice broke him from his trance and he looked down to meet her concerned gaze. The way she pouted her lips with her swollen eyes, Michael tried to control the urge to kiss her then & there but he failed…

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