Chapter 10 - Chapter 10:

Chapter 10:

"She's beautiful," Harry said honestly. He felt a pang of jealousy that Hedwig had chosen another mate in this timeline, but perhaps it was for the best. She'd been a valuable companion for him when he was an orphan and felt terribly alone, and perhaps she could sense that same feeling in Neville, eager to fill that void for him. Harry hoped she would serve Neville as well as for him.

"I'm Ron Weasley, by the way," said Ron, extending his hand to Harry. "This is Hermione Granger, and heis none other than Neville Longbottom." Neville blushed slightly at the grand introduction, but Harry shook his hand the same as the other two.

"I'm Harry Potter. Nice to meet you three," Harry said politely, taking the empty seat.

"That's your only reaction?" Ron asked, bewildered. "Don't you know who he is?"

"Yes," said Harry simply. "My parents spoke very highly of yours, Neville. Pleasure to meet you."

Neville nodded appreciatively at this. Harry knew from experience that Neville would just want to be treated as normal, not like a celebrity to be gawked at. Ron, who had yet to realize this, merely shrugged.

"Your dad's James Potter, the Auror, right?" he asked Harry. "My dad always says he's the only person keeping things together at the Ministry. It must be mental to be his son!"

"He's just like any other dad, really," Harry said sheepishly. But deep down, it did feel good to hear that his parents were so well-regarded in the wizarding community. "Your dad's Arthur, right? My dad has said kind things about yours as well." Ron beamed delightedly at this.

Conversation quickly shifted elsewhere as the train whisked them across the British Isles. "D'you know what House you're going to be Sorted into, Neville?" asked Ron.

"Dunno," Neville shrugged. "My dad was a Gryffindor, and my mum was a Hufflepuff. So probably one of those.

"I'm gonna be in Gryffindor," Ron said proudly, puffing out his chest. "All my family before me was."

"Not all," Harry pointed out. "Your uncles Gideon and Fabian were Hufflepuffs."

"Yeah, but they're Prewetts," Ron said, rolling his eyes. "Us Weasleys are more the Gryffindor type. Besides, how did you know that about my uncles?"

"My dad told me," Harry replied. "He said he knew them before, during the first war." Indeed, Harry had spent much time over the past month asking James about his experiences as an Auror and Order of the Phoenix member.

Things had apparently played out much the same as in his original timeline, though of course this time, the war ended with Voldemort going after the Longbottoms rather than the Potters.

"Ah, yeah, makes sense," Ron said, suddenly looking downcast at the reminder of his uncles' murders. But he quickly recomposed himself and turned to Hermione. "What about you, Granger?"

"Well, my family didn't go to Hogwarts, but I've read all about the four Houses in Hogwarts, A History," Hermione said. "I think Ravenclaw sounds the best-suited for me.

What?" she asked in response to Ron's snort of derision.

"Ravenclaw are a bunch of nerds," Ron guffawed. "You don't want to go there. Not unless you plan on burying your head in books for the next seven years?"

Hermione shrunk in her seat a little at this comment, but Harry jumped in on her behalf.

"There's nothing wrong with being studious," he said practically. "She shouldn't be made to feel badly for wanting to challenge herself academically." Harry felt Hermione visibly relax a little beside him, which made him glad he spoke up – he remembered how much Hermione had been hurt by Ron's teasing in their original first year, and didn't want to idly sit by and watch it happen again.

"I guess," Ron grumbled. "How about you then, Potter? Got a preference?"

"Not really," Harry shrugged. "I'm sure all four have their pros and cons, and I'll accept whatever the Sorting Hat chooses for me."

"Even Slytherin?" Neville piped up, nose crinkling a little at the thought.

"Yeah, no way I'd go there!" Ron muttered.

"Not a dark witch or wizard in history that didn't come from Slytherin."

"Actually," said Hermione matter-of-factly, "there have been dark wizards from all four Houses, in fact. Slytherins may be ambitious, yes, but Ravenclaws can prove too curious in their studies of dark magic, Gryffindors too reckless in their pursuit of greatness, Hufflepuffs too loyal to their friends who went dark. It's all about excess."

"Exactly," Harry nodded. "It's all about what you take away from your House's values. Besides, Merlin was a Slytherin, and no one would dare say a bad word against him, would they?"

"Still, my brothers say the Slytherins can be a nasty bunch," Ron shrugged. "I'll pass." Neville nodded slowly, but he looked more pensive at Harry's comments.

No matter, Harry thought to himself. In a few hours' time, they would all be Gryffindors and this conversation would be moot. But one thing he hoped to rectify this time around was his inter-House relationships, which he'd neglected in his previous timeline.

Dumbledore's Army had comprised nearly as many Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs as Gryffindors, after all, and there were even a few Slytherins he didn't think were all that bad.

Perhaps he ought to connect with Daphne Greengrass, especially if their fathers were political allies in the Wizengamot…

The train arrived at Hogsmeade Station shortly after dusk, and the students quickly dressed into their school robes before disembarking. "Firs' years, over here!" boomed the familiar voice of Hagrid, holding a lit lantern aloft. Harry, Neville, Ron and Hermione joined the throng of first-years to follow Hagrid down the dirt path towards the lake.

They reached the shore of the lapping waters to find a fleet of enchanted rowboats waiting for them to enter. The students clambered aboard, jostling to get in with their friends they'd made on the train.

"Looks like this one only has room for three more," Ron remarked as they shuffled towards the nearest boat.

"You lot go ahead," said Harry quickly. "I'll find another one." Neville, Ron and Hermione thanked him as they joined Dean Thomas in the boat. Harry knew that he had to give the trio time to develop their own friendship, independent of his presence.

Harry instead found himself in a boat with the Patil twins and Sally-Anne Perks, who all oohed and aahedas they glided across the still waters towards the towering castle ahead. They arrived at the boathouse and followed Hagrid up the winding steps to the main entrance, where the half-giant instructed them to stop just outside the Great Hall.

"Wait 'ere for Professor McGonagall to come and collect yeh," Hagrid told the first-years.

"Best o' luck with the Sorting." And he lumbered off down the hallway, leaving them to fidget nervously.

Harry stood patiently waiting beside his anxious classmates, oddly at ease. He listened with some amusement as a few students nervously whispered their theories about what the Sorting Ceremony might entail, only for Hermione to set the record straight for them. Harry's eyes wandered across the spacious corridor and landed upon a man slinking through the shadows. A man he recognized at once, and was shocked to see.


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