In the country of Dragosfeld a war had broken out with one town and one person at the center of it all. This town was nicknamed the City of Dragons, its real name was Dreschfeld. The person that this war was centered on was an 11 year old boy named Edward Granhamer. This young boy was a redhead with blue hazel eyes and he was very muscular. He had flipped the country's view on its head. He was a boy that was so smart that at the age of 7 he discovered a way to make himself immortal. The country viewed him as a monster and the boy himself thought he was a monster but he liked it, he liked being different from everyone around him. The townspeople supported him no matter what and he protected them. Until the fateful day that everything had changed.
He had a twin sister and on their 11th birthday she was kidnapped by another lord's men. Before she had been kidnapped the lord's son, Gabriel, had discovered what the lord was planning on doing. He rushed out of the castle to go search for Edward before the lord's plan could be carried out, but unknown to Gabriel his father had sent his assassins to kill Gabriel. Gabriel barely managed to escape and had stumbled into Edward right before the assassins could finish the job.
Gabriel: "Edward hurry my father…..he..has sent his….soldiers to kidnap your sister...he plans to ...make her his….he had sent his assassins to kill….me....."
Edward: "Gabriel hold on I'll save you. You have to hold on for Kelly, she is waiting for you."
Gabriel: "No it's too late for….me….save….Kelly….please...."
Edward: "Don't worry I'll save Kelly and avenge you, Gabriel."
After Edward had buried Gabriel in the town's cemetery he went searching for his sister. He knew the lord wouldn't keep her at his castle so he had to search in the abandoned buildings around the castle. He had searched for 4 days before he got a lead on where she was, after interrogating one of the lord's guards for her location. He finally found her, in the abandoned watchtower. But when he looked around he couldn't find them anywhere he searched the entire place and they were nowhere to be found. He vowed to get revenge on them and punish them for what they did to his sister. He healed her wounds and made sure that those memories were sealed away so she wouldn't lose her mind. He then took her back home.
When he walked into town he was told that the country had deemed the townspeople and himself all enemies of the country. He told them all that they could leave if they wished, but he was going to prepare for war. The townspeople looked at each other and then looked at him.
Townspeople: "Sir, we are going to fight alongside you. We will not leave you to fight alone."
Edward: "Don't risk your lives for a monster like me. Go save yourselves, protect your families. Live and lead happy lives please."
Townspeople: "Sorry sir, but we can't do that. We have supported you all these years and we will continue to support you no matter what. Also sir, you aren't a monster, you are family to us."
He started crying because he knew that they might not survive the war. Over the next few months he prepared in secret a protection circle to protect the town from invaders. He even went along with the task of turning his sister into what he was, but the process would take a year to complete and he feared she would die before it was completed. He was inexperienced in the process of turning someone because he had been trying to avoid doing it. Sadly unbeknownst to him his fear would be realized on their birthday the following year.
The war lasted all of two days because of a fateful day and the mistake of a certain lord. The country's army marched onto the town on November 27, 2400. Edward stood on the outskirts of the town and was waiting for the enemy soldiers to come over the crest of the hill. As he was waiting his sister came to stand next to him.
Kelly: "Are you sure you want to do this? You know you can rely on all of us in the town right?"
Edward: "Yes I know I can rely on you guys, but this is something I have to do on my own."
Kelly: "Ok, just know we are here for you."
As she walked into town the protective circle activated and Edward smiled.
Edward: "So they have finally arrived."
As Edward turned around he saw the army coming over the crest of the hill. He used his search magic and discovered that the soldiers totaled 400,000. *He thought to himself* 'I wonder if that bastard lord and his soldiers are here right now.'
As the army came over the crest of the hill, the king saw Edward and yelled at him.
King: "Sir Edward, please just surrender peacefully and no harm will come to your town."
Edward: "Really, Your Majesty. Then why was my sister harmed? Why was she kidnapped and raped by one of YOUR subordinates? Should I just forgive that man for doing that or was that under YOUR ORDERS."
King: "What are you talking about? Was Kelly hurt? Edward, what is going on here?"
*King's thoughts* 'What is going on behind the scenes of this war? Is he after my throne? Has he laid all of this out knowing I can't go back on calling Edward and his town enemies of the country? What can I do to alleviate the situation and give me enough time to thoroughly investigate all of this?'
Edward: "So it wasn't you who gave the order to kidnap my sister. He laid all of the groundwork for all of this without your knowledge. I suspected this was the case, since I found out about his plans."
And with that last statement Edward charges the king's army slicing through them like they are hay bales. He keeps on charging and continues on his rampage while also looking for the lord that had raped his sister. He is slowly making his way to where the king is with the lord. The battle keeps raging on and Edward has lost some ground but he hasn't given up yet. He has cuts on his legs and arms.
*Edward's thoughts* 'I need to heal these wounds quickly. That's it. I'm opening the first gate.'
Edward: "First gate of sealing Gate of the Vampire OPEN"
As Edward yells the last word a huge wave of energy pulses around him and a huge gate appears behind him with the visage of a vampire on the front. Slowly the gate opens and when it is fully open there is an illusion of a huge wave of water rushing out of the gate. It looks almost like a flood gate has just been opened. As the water hits the area that Edward is standing in, the water seems to enter a vortex that swirls around him pulling the water into him. His wounds heal on their own like they never even happened at all.
Edward is now standing there with his clothes ripped showing his muscular but lean form and looking perfectly fine like he hasn't been fighting for the last 24 hours. As Edward opens his eyes everyone notices that his eyes have changed. His eyes now have a thin vertical pupil and his iris is blood red. As he opens his mouth and yells they all notice that two of his top teeth are fangs now. As his voice travels across the battlefield there is a wave of fear that passes through the entire enemy army.
The king's men look around the battlefield and they realize that there are only 200,000 of the 400,000 soldiers left alive. The king calls for a ceasefire in an attempt to talk to Edward to end the war. As the king starts to talk to Edward a small group of archers, that are under the command of the lord that started everything, start to draw their bows and aim at Edward. As the archers are preparing to shoot, Edward sees a form of a girl appear in front of him just as he hears the sound of arrows flying through the air.
Edward yelled: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!"