His whole body ached.As he tried to stand up,his legs gave up and dropped on his knees.His whole head,ached like someone hit him,with a hammer in the head.He slownly put his hands down,and laid down do the ground.Volaris hada great pain tolerancy,but this was unbearable.Slowly images started to appear in his mind.It was all about a person named Lucas Henderson.He was 20 yeas old.He had hazel-brown hair,brown eyes.His mother was a daughter of a woman named Samantha Hooper.Volaris couldn't understand exactly,the position his grandmother hold,but he could understand,that she is a very powerful figure,and totall hates him.That was probabably the reason why he didn't had the same surname.If he understood correcly,his mother Lara ran away with a man,whoose man he can't remember.They ran away,because Samantha wouldn't ever let them be together.It sounded like a silly love storythey ran away,settled down and lived their happy ever after.The only problem was,Samantha never gave up,forcing her goals on Lara,so she tried to tear them apart,by using her reputation.Lara and his father always had to make a deal with Samantha,by stating Volaris's younger sister Sarah have to spend most of her time with Samantha as a training to be her "heir".Volaris slowly started to understood the situation.The Lucas wanted to free his sister,by prove Samantha he was worthy the position.Thats why he wanted to be "NightShade".Volaris couldn't understand exactly what that meant,but probably it was some kind of mercenary job.They fought against thoose monsters called Seekers.Lucas accepted this job,with his party and they all pathetically died.The only thing he couldn't get it into his head why in the world he had theese memories.It was a mysteri until he stand up and saw his reflection in his sword.Hazel brown hair instead of his vibrant red."Fuck you,and your irritating games Durzanaad".Lucas died,and he became Lucas.Why would this help him to bring back Elizabeth,or bury Xudra?What should he do?Try to live his life as Lucas and find his peace?That's what Durzanaad wanted from him?Start everything from the beggining and forget his painful past?Volaris smiled."You can keep your second chances to yourself.If i stop now,they all died for nothing.I won't let that happen.I WILL HAVE MY VENEGANCE."Volaris slowly started to calm down.He didn't even know the time when he felt this angry last time.Even when Elizabeth died,he felt pain,sorrow and selfhatred more than wrath.Even,he had a new body he still felt the shadows lurking around him.That meant good things.That was,probably the most important thing.The second thing,he noticed,was he felt a strange phenomenon in his veins.Like it was something out of the world.He tried to concentrate on this phenomenon,and he noticed slowly letters started to appear on both of his arms.It was written on a language he never saw his entire life.Volaris figured out,it was probably something to do with his new life.Volaris coudn't shake of the feeling,that he was cold.He never felt the air cold around him,since he became a fire mage at the age of 10.He slowly opened his palm,but sparks started to dance on his fingers.His magic didn't dissapeared,so how could he...He slowly fut his fingers on his neck.He couldn't feel nothing.His heart didn't beat.Durzanaad really took his mortal heart.This usually meant one of two things:either he lost the ability to feel human emotions,or he became immortal.He hoped it will be the late,but knowing his luck,it was probably not the situation."First i lose the ability to see the world in its true essence,and now i lost the ability to fuckin connect to others?I don't know what i did in my last life,but i was probably the biggest piece of shit,to end up in this situation."It was a very grotesque situation,to the level Volaris couldn't help,but laugh.When he regained his calm,he decided to check the situation in whole."So,my flames and shadows are in place.My heart is gone and i have random tatoos.I am in a body of a 20 years old boy,who was weak and powerless,but wanted to help his older sister.Wonderful,I guess,it could be much worse...or not."Volaris slowly started to get up and looked around.He was in a cave,there wasn't much light,but he could totally see in the darkness.One of the good things that happen to you if you are a shadowwalker.He could use his flames,to make light,but he always felt better in the darkness.The cave was straight,without any branching.He tried to remember which directions Lucas came from,but the circumstances of his death was mistery.Probably he lost conciousness before he died.As he tried to make his new body remember anything useful,he heard a noise.It wasn't loud,but it was very clear.Crying.Probably 5-600m(0,3mile) from volaris.He tought,maybe the source of the voice know where the exit is from this strange place.While he walked he noticed something very unusual.The cave absorded magic.The place itself around him ate away the very air he breathed.It was like the cave itself was alive.