"Wakey wakey!"
Who the hells trying to wake me up?
A little kid whispered in Kai ear saying "If you don't wake up I'm snatching your toes again."
"Oh, good morning!"
"Oh! Call me Vin! You new little brother!"
"Mhm, nice to meet you, Vin. You can call me what you wish to call me."
"Hmm.. ah! Okay big brother!"
"Alright, Vin that's enough shouting, he just woke up silly."
"Big sister!"
"Hi, vin."
"Good morning."
"Good morning to you too Kai."
"Ah, is there something you would like me to call you?"
"Then, good morning to you too big sis."
"…My, my, you sure have one smile for someone who been through a lot."
"Is that supposed to complement?"
"Depends on what you think."
"Then I'll take it as a compliment."
"If you say so!"
"…Big sis!"
"Yes Vin?"
"When is big brother Averlin coming back?"
"You must be curious right Kai?"
"He's the eldest out of all of us."
"Well, I'll be going now! I have somewhere to be!"
"Ah, then I'll be going back to sleep then."
"Then I'll be going to! Goodnight big brother!"
"Mhm, Goodnight then Vin."
"Ah you're awake your highness."
"Morning…oh, you must be Cyrus, right?"
"Yes, indeed, your highness."
"It's nice to meet then, Cyrus."
"You too your highness."
"Yes, your highness?"
"Could you please get some clothes for me to wear other than these pjs?"
"Of course, I'll be back soon, your highness."
Ah, I'm alone again…
'Oh, it's you again… hello to you to I guess.'
'Says you, A!'
"Your highness."
"We need to measure you if you want new clothes."
"Understood, but when?"
"Around noon I think."
"Mhm, thank you."
"There no need to thank me your highness."
"Mhm, if you say so."
"And this last room is the dining room."
"Mhm… this dining room is bigger than the last, can you tell me why?"
"This one's for us employees, and the other is for you and your new family or relatives."
"Oh! That makes more sense! Thank you for the information."
"No problem your highness."
"I'm heading to the library to be alone for a bit, could you bring some tea?"
"Of course."
"Finally some alone time."
"Is there something you want A?
"Really! When can I have it though?"
Hm, if I remember there should be a system…
'I wonder if it works if I just say it in my head?'
'Let's see.'
"Your highness."
"Oh! Hi Cyrus!"
"Looks like you're getting use to how the system works. Would you like me to show you how to use it?"
"That be nice."
Nice… I wonder if I can just…
Ah, it really does work like that…
"…Your highness."
"Sorry, you alright?"
"Ahem, yes, I'm good. Thanks for asking."
"Looks like you gained a skill, your highness. What did you get?"
"Something called 'The Nights Stars Upon'?"
"Oh, you can manipulate stars."
"Is that what that is?"
"Mhm, pretty sure."
"I recently heard from my sister that you use to teach magic right? Would you like to teach me?"
"I would be more than grateful, your highness."
"What is it?"
"The spot where you usually read has been occupied today."
"By who?"
"Cyrus had texted me saying it was him and a guy named Kai were."
Kai? … oh.
"It's fine. I'll go on my on."
"If you say so your highness."
"…Cyrus do you think I can speed up the lifespan of the star and make it explode?"
"Yeah, pretty sure you can."
"What he said."
"Oh, I'm sorry didn't intend to scare you."
"It's fine! But, who are you??"
Averlin? … Oh!!
"Your the brother big sis mentioned!"
"Oh! So she's mentioned me!"
"Yes! It's nice to meet you big brother!"
"You too."
*hair ruffling sounds I guess?*
"I'll get going soon. I'll see you again at your crowning ceremony."
"Mhm! You too!"
"Your highness, you still have a lot to learn."
"Then let's get it started shall we?"
"Of course your highness."
I didn't get my alone time as I wanted.
Whatever, as long as I can sleep comfortably!
"Holy cow!"
"Good job your highness."
"I have one last idea I would like to try. Could bring another dummy please?"
"Yes, of course your highness."
"… now let's think."
.15 minutes later.
"Your highness."
"Oh! Cyrus!"
"Sorry for the long delay, it seems it had been placed somewhere else."
"It's not a big problem, Cyrus."
"If you say so."
"Yes your highness?"
"I kind of just realize how empty it is in here. Where are my siblings?"
"They are also training."
Hm, what else is there to do here.
'I'm getting bored…'
"Then let's play a game, shall we, your highness?"
"Let's go to the library then."
"Ahaha you lost again!"
"We're almost tied can't you see your highness?"
"How rude! I can see you know!"
*Knock knock!*
"Who is it!"
'Mm… I want you to guess, Kai!'
"Mhm… is it Vin?"
*door opening sounds*
"How did you know big brother!"
"It's probably because your voice sounds a lot higher than the people i met."
"Hey it's okay Vin, you still did your best right?"
"Mhm! Okay big brother, I have to get going now, we should hang out someday alright?"
"We should. See you soon, okay?"
"…Your highness, I must say you're very skilled in how you hear things. It's very impressive."
"Thank you Cyrus!"
"My pleasure, your highness."
"Now then, we should probably finish the games right?"
Now that I think about it. I never really tried to remember what happened in the castle… maybe I should have paid more attention back then.
"..Ugh… to much thinking.. I should get some rest."
"-Uh, your highness? You don't seem like you prepared for your upcoming debut…"
"…Sorry I just think about that after being kidnapped and forced to become crowned prince."
"-Ah, bu-"
"Sh shh!"
"Oh, but I have one more thing though, your highness.."
"What could it possibly be? I had just finished signing the papers…"
"We, what?"
"I-I mean his and her highness wants you to look your best for your debut. So…"
"I-I'm sor-"
"There's no need to be sorry, let's just get over with alright?"
"Yes your highness!"