Oberon glanced at Oscar and said. "Oxcar, after sensing the ripples of your essence crystal today, I believe that your essence power value should be around sixty. Nevertheless, Yara will still do the testing for you when I get back, okay?"
"Yes, master. Thank you, sir." Oscar agreed, thinking in his heart.
So the power value of an egg-sized essence crystal is about sixty. My own essence crystal is also the size of an egg, but since it's black, I don't know how much essence power it'll have.
"Okay, everyone, it's time for food. After eating, I will go back to my chamber to do some research. Then starting from tomorrow, I will add some theoretical lessons to your studies addition to your physical training. Oxcar, since you are joining a bit late, you have to slowly make up for your physical training as from tomorrow." Oberon ordered.