Luffy had settled down and was now back to chasing Chopper around the castle, asking him to join his crew. While this was happening, Nami, Grace, Sanji, and Greg were talking about how they could leave as soon as possible without Kureha killing the girls.
"She scares me." Grace said.
"Us too." the other three said before Chopper came bursting through one door of the room and out the other with Luffy chasing after him.
"What was that?" Grace asked.
"Looked like a raccoon dog." Greg said.
"Better question. Why does Luffy want him to join so badly?" Sanji asked after lighting up a smoke before shivering. "Stupid idiots left the door open. Nami and Grace will freeze." Sanji said as he walked towards the door. "You should all be resting!" Chopper said as he ran inside, looked out to see if Luffy was still chasing him, then shut the door. "The men need to regain their strength after all that time in the cold. And the girls still have the Kestia bacteria in their bodies." All of them just looked at him as he stared back at them.
"He does look like a raccoon dog." Sanji said.
"I'M A REINDEER YOU JERK!" Chopper yelled before gasping and 'hiding' behind a chair.
"It's still wrong." Nami said, causing Chopper to gasp again and properly hide. "Too late."
"Hey, Mr. Reindeer." Grace said. "Did you cure us?"
"Huh?" Chopper said. "No. Doctorine did. I only helped."
"Really?" Grace said before smiling a little. "Thanks. "You humans," Chopper said looking ready to freak out before smiling and dancing around. "Saying stuff like that isn't going to make me feel better, ya bastard!"
"Not one to hide his feelings huh?" Sanji said. "Um...are you guys...really pirates?" Chopper asked as he inched over to them cautiously. "We are." Nami said.
"Really? With a skull and crossbones as well?" Chopper asked.
"Yep." Nami said. "You wanna be a pirate?" "WHAT?!" Chopper yelled as he flew back into some furniture.
"Come with us." Nami said. "We need to leave quickly. Plus, we need a doctor on our ship." "Please Mr. Reindeer." Grace said. "What? No way! I can't be friends with humans!" Chopper shouted before Luffy starting shouting again.
"Auntie?" Greg said.
"Crazy?" Sanji said before they both walked out the door. They looked around before Luffy ran past them before following him as all sorts of weapons came flying at them.
"COME HERE JUST A MOMENT BOYS!" Kureha shouted as she ran past the door and after them.
"Now I'm really scared!" Grace said, looking a little blue in the face.
-Moments later-
It took awhile, but the trio had finally managed to get away from Dr. Kureha. "That...that crazy." Greg wheezed.
"Is she really...a doctor?" Sanji asked before the two shivered and saw that the whole castle was cold and full of snow. "Who left the door open?!" Sanji demanded.
"Let's close it. I'm freezing!" Greg said as he walked over towards it.
"Stay away from that door!" someone screamed. All three of them looked up to see Chopper looking down at them. "Get away!"
"He's want the door open?" Sanji said.
"Forget it." Greg said as he walked closer.
"Don't close it." Luffy said as he looked up at the top of the door. "You'll hurt them." Both of them followed his line of sight until they spotted a nest full of baby snowbirds chirping.
"Oh, so that's why they leave it open." Sanji said. "Fine. I won't touch the door." Greg said before the wind blew and they both ran back inside shivering.
"Let's go join Nami and Grace." Sanji said. "Okay Luffy?...Luffy?" Sanji said looking around. "Now where'd he go?"
"Who cares?" Greg said as he rubbed his arms. "Let's get out this cold!"
-Back with Nami and Grace-
Sanji and Greg had rejoined the women before Kureha joined in. Both Sanji and Greg looked ready to run before they saw that she was unarmed.
"That friend of yours with the Straw Hat is an energetic one." she said as they heard Luffy and Chopper yelling and running around the castle. "Also, what's with you trying to take him with you?" "We need your permission?" Nami said with a smile.
"Heeheehee." Kureha laughed. "Take him with you. I don't care. But it won't be easy." she said. Everyone looked at her as she went on. "Inside his heart is a wound that even a doctor can't heal." She then began to explain Chopper's past.