Chapter 115 - :)CH115

"Yeah...and dangerous." Luffy said.

"Why you?" Zoro suddenly asked. Luffy looked at him in confusion. "Of all the people in the world...why you?"

"He said that my crew and I were the closest to reaching Raftel, the island at the end of the Grand Line, so we were the perfect choice." "But if we failed, why ask us?" Zoro asked, now starting to grow more and more curious.

"Because I now know what happened, so we'll be able to prepare this time so we don't get caught off guard." Luffy said, now finally calming down.

"Makes sense." Zoro said. "Now I know why you're that strong."

"Yeah. When he sent me back, my scars, my memories, and my strength stayed. Only my body reverted back to what is was at the time I was sent back, which gave me time to train."

"Huh." Zoro said with a grin. "So what now Captain?"

"Huh?" Luffy asked.

"Now that we know what happened that time, we gotta make sure history won't repeat itself right?"

"That's the Phil said." Luffy said. "Phil huh?" Zoro said. "That guy that sent you back?"

"Yeah." Luffy said with a grin. "He's actually a really cool guy once you get to know him." he said before he put his thumb to his chin. "There was one thing that he said though."

"What?" Zoro asked.

"He said that I personally kicked the ass of two of his bosses." Luffy said.

"Wait, so you met him and didn't know it?" Zoro said.

"I asked him, but he said that they never met personally. Only that he saw me once when I kicked the ass of his second boss." Luffy said before his stomach started growling. "Talking about Phil made me hungry." Luffy said, nearly making Zoro fall over.

"How'd that happen from talking?!" he shouted. "Cause Phil made this really great doughnuts!" Luffy said before walking towards the door.

"Hold on!" Zoro said. "What about the others? Will you tell them?" Zoro asked. Luffy stopped dead at that thought before turning towards him.

"First we get Nami and Grace well and get to Alabasta." Luffy said. "Then I'll tell them." And without wasting anymore time, Luffy walked out with a smile as he shouted for Sanji to make him some food.

"Killed huh?" Zoro said to himself in the room. "Looks like I'm gonna have to double my training."

It was late at night that same day that Luffy told Zoro the truth. Sanji was keeping watch as he shivered in his blanket in the crow's nest.

"Geez, it's cold." he mumbled. "It looks like a full moon's out." -Inside the ship-

Nami slowly opened her eyes as she sat up in the bed and groaned a bit before looking around. What she saw made her smile before she heard Grace whimpering next to her. She looked to see Grace crying in her sleep, her face sweaty and red.

"Grace." Nami whispered as she placed her hand on Grace's head. "Grace. Wake up." she said. No sooner did she say that did Grace's eyes shoot open. Her eyes darted around for a moment until they saw Nami looking down at her.

"N-Nami?" Grace said.

"You okay Grace? You look like you were having a bad dream." she said.

"I was." Grace said as she stared at the ceiling. "I'm...I'm scared." she said. "I know. I'm scared too." Nami said before smiling. "But don't worry. We'll get better soon. These guys will make sure of it." she said as she looked around the room. Grace sat up and looked around too to see almost all of the crew scattered about, sleeping inside the room. "See?"

"Yeah." Grace said before they both laid back down and quickly fell asleep.

-3rd day of Grace and Nami getting sick-

Both ill girls laid in bed as their sickness got worse. Nojiko, Zoro, and Luffy stayed with them while the rest were wearing warm and clothing and keeping an eye out for an island as Vivi explained about the various islands on the Grand Line. How each island had it's own season from Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, and that the stabilized snowing weather meant an island was close. "She's right. I see an island straight ahead!" Sanji yelled from the crow's nest.

"An Island?!" Luffy said in excitement. "Hey Nami, Grace! You two hear that? An island! Now you two can get better!" He said as he tapped his foot while repeating island.

"Go look if you want too." Zoro said before Luffy ran off.

"He's more of a child than any other person I've met." Nojiko said.

"You just figured that out now?" Zoro said with a smirk.

-Up on deckLuffy ran and sat up on the Merry's head as he gazed at the island in front of him. 'CHOPPER!' he thought as the ship sailed closer. "It's an island full of snow! It's amazing!" he cried out. "We're here to find a doctor for Nami-swan and little Grace." Sanji said. "Not for an adventure."

"Snow is beautiful." Luffy said, ignoring Sanji. Everyone was staring around at the island, especially at the giant mountains that looked like drums.

"Aren't you cold in just that?" Usopp asked Luffy.

"Huh?" Luffy said.

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