"If this gets into our lungs *cough* we'll be turned into candles from the inside!" Vivi gasped out.
"Yes. That look of fear and desperation is what I crave for my art." he said before he made some wax run down his arm. "And you three will be nice additions, along with that failure Mr. 5!" All three of them took defensive stances before they heard someone walking behind them. They turned, hoping to see Luffy, but gasped when they saw Mr. 5. "Well, about time you showed up." Mr. 3 said as Mr. 5 blew his breath into a gun. "Now I have everyone here for my candle ser-"
"Explosive BREATH!" he shouted before firing the gun six times, aiming at Mr. 3.
"WHAT?!" he shouted in astonishment before the bomb exploded around him. Everyone looked at the smoke that was billowing out from the explosion before they looked at Mr. 5.
"Mr. 5?" Valerie said in confusion. "But...why?"
"I heard what you said." Mr. 5 said.
Mr. 5 was walking through the jungle looking to finish off the four he left. He was about to clear the jungle fauna and began to pick his nose. "This 'ideal nation' that we were all led to believe...hearing it was a lie hurt." Valerie said. Mr. 5 stopped picking his nose at those words.
'A lie?' he thought before he got a little closer while staying hidden. He listened in as Valerie began crying and speaking about how she, her fellow agents, and others had dreams, but wouldn't come true. He waited there as they kept talking, thinking about what he just heard.
"I know you're there." he heard Luffy say. He looked up to see Luffy staring in his direction before walking out into the clearing.
"I heard." he said. "Is it true? What Miss Valentine said?"
"Yeah." Luffy said. "So now that you know, you still gonna try and kill us?" he asked before getting into a fighting stance. They stared at each other before Mr. 5 sighed. "Nah. No point now." he said. "If what you guys said is true, then I'm doing all this for nothing as well."
"Ah." Luffy said before standing up straight. "So what will you do now?"
"Seeing as how I've been lied to and how I've failed in killing you all, I guess Baroque Works will come after me as well." Mr. 5 said. "I hate to ask, but I don't have a lot of options...You guys need an extra hand?"
-Flashback Ends-
"So...you're helping us?"
"Just until you guys stop Baroque Works. Then I'm gone." Mr. 5 said.
"Well if you are on our side," Alvida said. "Then how about doing something about this wax?"
"He can't break it." came Mr. 3's voice. Everyone looked at the smoke to see it clear up and reveal a wall made of wax before it too disappeared, showing a calm, but very angry Mr. 3 in a battle suit made of wax. "Very foolish Mr. 5."
"Didn't you hear what we just said?!" Usopp yelled.
"I heard." Mr. 3 stated. "Even if it's true, I have no intention of being targeted for failing to kill you all."
"Shit." Mr. 5 said.
"This is bad guys." Valerie said. "He took down a pirate worth 42,000,000 berries."
"Then don't worry about it." Usopp said. "Our captain is worth 48,000,000 berries."
"Is that so?" Mr. 3 said with a smirk. "Then it looks like my reputation will increase after killing him...if he bothers to show up that is." he laughed before telling Miss Goldenweek to paint his Candle Champion a cool color. "Can I take a nap afterwards?" she asked in a bored tone.
"Whatever!" he shouted. "It's not like you need to help anyway since I'm already strong enough to beat him! I am invicible!" he shouted as she finished painting it. "Now then, where is that captain of yours?"
"He said he'd be here in a minute." Usopp said before looking at Mr. 5. "Didn't you say you spoke with Luffy?"
"I did. I don't know why-" Mr. 5 said before a the ground shook lightly. "Huh?"
"What was that?" Valerie asked as another rumble was felt under their feet. Off in the distance, they could hear birds and other animals making sounds as the rumbles got louder and more violent. "Feels like a giant's walking nearby."