Chapter 94 - :)CH94

"HE'S ALREADY HERE?!" the three women shouted.

"Been here before we got here." Alvida said. As they were departing, Usopp and Sanji came to and argued about staying a bit longer. Nami explained the situation with her fists before they sailed away.

"Looks like the fog's lifting." Nami said. "Glad we're away from those people chasing us." came a voice.

"Right." Nami said.

"Careful of the rocks." said the voice.

"I've got it handled." Nami said before she noticed something amiss. "Hey...did one of you say that?" she asked as she pointed to the other woman on board. They all looked at her confused before the voice cleared her throat. Everyone looked up to the railing to see a woman sitting on the railing and looking down at them all with a smile.

'Robin!' Luffy thought with a smile. It was great to see her again, even if she's their enemy at the moment.

"This is a nice ship." she said. Vivi and Miss Valentine's Day gasped in horror at the sight of her. "Who are you?" Luffy asked. "And why are you on my ship?" "Answer him!" Vivi shouted. "What are you doing here Miss All Sunday?!"

"Miss All Sunday?" Gin asked. "Then she's in Baroque Works as well huh?" "That's right!" Robin said. "And I happened to have met a few friends of yours along the way princess."

"So you killed them?!" Vivi shouted in anger. "Who's partner is she with?" Alvida asked. "Mr. 0." Miss Valentine's Day answered, now looking a little blue in the face. "CROCODILE'S?!" Nami shouted.

"Yes." Vivi said. "We followed her to her boss. That's how we found out who he was." "Correction. I allowed you to follow me." she said before looking at Miss Valentine's Day. "And who do we have here?" Robin asked. "Another traitor?" she said, making her squeek in fear.

"I know you knew!" Vivi said. "You told him we were there, didn't you?!" While they were talking, Johnny and Yosaku were looking at her like they were trying to remember something.

"Hey."Johnny whispered. "Doesn't she seem familiar to you?"

"Yeah." Yosaku whispered back. "But from where?" Both pondered for a moment before they heard Vivi scream. "YOU KILLED THEEEEEEEMMMM!" Both of them, along with the rest of the crew besides Luffy, pointed their weapons at her.

"You have any idea what's going on?" Usopp asked.

"Not a clue." Sanji said as he held a gun up to her. "I'd appreciate it if you would," she said with a smile before Usopp and Sanji were thrown off the railing. "Not point those at me."

"You mean?" Zoro said.

"She's eaten?" Nami said before she and all the rest of the crew were disarmed faster then they could blink.

"A Devil Fruit?" Zoro finished.

"But which one?" Nami asked before Sanji looked up at her with hearts in his eyes.

"Now that I see her, she's beautiful!" he said, making her chuckle at his words.

'Actually, he's right.' Luffy thought as he smiled before his hat was lifted from his head and was now in Robin's hand.

"So you're the Captain?" she said. "I've heard so much about you...Monkey D. Luffy." "Hey!" Luffy yelled before he appeared right next to her on the railing, making her look up at him in surprise. "Only my friends and crew may touch my hat." he said as he took his hat back. She smiled at him and raised her hands in defense.

"I apologize then." she said as Luffy jumped back down to his crew.

"You are not welcome here. Please leave now." Usopp shouted from behind the mast.

"Still, you seem to have a bit of bad luck." Robin continued, not bothering what Usopp said. "To pick up a princess marked for death by Baroque Works. And wit only a handful of pirates to protect her no less. But the bad luck doesn't stop there. Do you happen to know where your Log Pose is taking you?"

"No. Where?" Nojiko asked with a glare.

"A place called Little Garden." Robin answered back. "It'd be foolish to let yourselves be wiped out, right princess?" she said before throwing her something. Vivi caught it and saw that it was an Eternal Pose. "If you use that, you'll bypass Little Garden and head straight to an island that none of Baroque Works know about. It's also very close to Alabasta as well."

"Nope." Luffy said, breaking it immediately.


"Because I'm the captain." he said with a blank look as he looked at Robin. "I decide where we go, not you. I don't care if you're being nice."

"Nice?" Vivi said, looking angry. "After killing Igaram and the others, you think she's nice?!"

"She must be, since all three of them are alive." Luffy said.

"What?!" she said. Robin was just surprised. "That Haki of yours Luffy?" Zoro said knowingly.

"Yep. They're faint, but I can hear them." Luffy said.

"Hmm." Robin said with a smile. "Interesting how you knew."

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