Chapter 100 - :)CH100

"Exactly." Dorry said as Brogy came into view, looking ready to fight. "This battle is one of pride." he said before he and Dorry rushed each other. "THE REASON FOR THE FIGHT IS LONG FORGOTTEN!" All four of them were knocked onto their butts after a shockwave from their battle hit them. Vivi and Nojiko stared at them while Luffy had a huge grin on his face.


Back at Brogy's home, Nami and the others were watching the duel as well.

"This is a good time to leave!" Nami said.

"Right behind you." Alvida said. "Come on you guys." "Wow." Usopp said, staring up at the two giants trying to kill each other.

"What are you doing Usopp?" Nami asked.

'The reason? I forgot a long time ago!' were the words going through Usopp's head at the moment.

"No reason, yet they fight." Usopp said.

"They're just being stupid." Alvida said.

"Fool!" Usopp said. "This is what a man's fight truly looks like!" he said crossing his arms.

"Huh?" Nami said.

"Think of it this way." Usopp said as Johnny, Yosaku, and Gin began to join him in watching the battle. "Both of them have raised a metaphorical flag in their hearts. One that they value more than their own lives. They wish to keep those flags raised, no matter what. So they protect that flag by fighting each other, even after 100 years." he said. Gin was smiling while Johnny and Yosaku were on the verge of tears from understanding what he meant. "This fight," Usopp went on. "Is one of pride between these two great warriors!"

"That was beautiful big bro." Johnny said as he and Yosaku wiped their eyes. Gin only smiled while Alvida and Nami just stared at them before trying to leave, saying they weren't interested.

"I'm staying here to watch." Usopp said. "This is what I've always dreamed of becoming one day."

"A giant?" Nami asked as she and Alvida sat back down in defeat.

"NO! DIDN'T YOU LISTEN TO ANYTHING JUST NOW?!" he demanded as the others snickered. He calmed down before resuming watching. "Imagine a whole village of warriors like them. I wanna see it one day." he said with a smile. "Same here!" both Johnny and Yosaku said in agreement.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd like to see it too." Gin said.

"Men." Nami and Alvida said with a sigh before both giants reached the end of their 73,466th fight, which ended in yet another draw. Both fell to the ground and didn't move for a few moments before they both burst into laughter.

"GABABABABA! Hey Dorry! I got some booze from our guests!" Brogy laughed.

"Great! I haven't had any in a long time. Mind sharing?! GYEGYEGYEGYE!" Dorry laughed back as they both got up. Brogy handed him some barrels, but stopped Dorry before he could leave.

"One moment." Brogy said. "One of the guests said they needed to speak with their captain. Said it was urgent." "Alright." Dorry said. He waited for a few moments before Brogy came back and handed him Valerie.

"Thanks Brogy!" she said.

"Anytime! GABABABABA!" he laughed before heading back to his home, with Dorry heading back to his home as well.

"Hey Dorry!" Luffy said. "Looks like it was a draw!"

"GYEGYEGYEGYE!" he laughed. "Just like always!"

"What are those barrels?" Nojiko asked.

"Booze from Brogy's guests." Dorry said. "They wouldn't happen to be your crew, would they?" he asked. "Along with this woman?" They all looked up at him to see Valerie standing on his shoulder. "Hey Valerie!" Luffy said. "Yep. They're our friends." he said before his eyes widen. 'Wait a minute...that booze...CRAP!' he thought.

"Hey Captain Luffy." she said as she floated down until she was standing next to him and sat down next to him. While Vivi asked Dorry if it really takes a year for the Log Pose to set, Valerie and Luffy got to whispering about something.

"We've got trouble." Valerie whispered. "Baroque Works followed us to this island."

"They w-" Luffy stared screaming before Valerie covered his mouth. She let go of him so he could whisper "How do you know?"

"Because...back on the ship-" she said.


"Where's the booze?" Valerie asked Gin as they went below deck to find the alchohol and give it to Brogy.