Chapter 85 - :)CH85

"That explains that." Alvida said as both groups stared at each other.

"Rules still the same?" Zoro asked. "Stupid codenames, no one knows who the other is, the boss man's name and location unknown to all of you? Baroque Works. The criminal organization that blindly follows orders like obedient dogs." he said before he chuckled. "Some secret."

"This is a surprise." Igaram said in a calm voice. "Since you know our secrets, we have no choice but to kill you. And the cactus rocks shall have a few more gravestones added to them tonight." he said before pointing at them. "KILL THEM!" he shouted before they all noticed that they disappeared. "WHAT?!"

"They're...gone?" Vivi whispered in disbelief.

"What are you looking at?" Zoro asked as he looked up at the spot they were at just now, like he didn't know either. All of them looked at him with bulging eyes as he smirked. Zoro, along with the others, were all ready to fight them. "So then...shall we?" Zoro was standing in the middle of a group of bounty hunters, who turned their guns on him and fired, only for Zoro to disappear again and have them shoot each other.

"Idiots." Igaram said before a blade was shoved through his hair right next to his eyes.

"Those gravestones you mentioned." Zoro said as he stood behind Igaram holding the blade. "Who are they for again?" he asked as several bounty aimed their guns at him again.

"Wait! Stop! You'll shoot me! IGARAPPA!" he shouted as he blew into his saxophone, which shot at the bounty hunters as Zoro disappeared again. He then looked around to see that all of the pirates were gone. "What are you all standing around for?! Spread out and find them!"

"Yes Mr. 8!" they said. While they were splitting up, Zoro was watching from behind a house. "What was that horn of his?" he asked before he looked at his new blades. "Well, I'll deal with him soon. First, I should test these two out."


Gin was surrounded by a dozen of them somewhere else in town. He looked around as a few more joined in.

"Nowhere to run pirate!" one of them said as he charged at him with his sword. He swung, only to miss as Gin had ducked under before smashing his back with his tonfa.

"Wasn't running." Gin said with a smirk before charging at them.

"GET HIM!" another shouted before they all started fighting. Two with swords attacked from behind, but were blocked by Gin's tonfa before jump kicking them both in the face. He landed on his back as he stared up into the sky to see another one jump from a rooftop towards him, blade ready to come down and pierce his body. Just before it struck, he rolled out of the way, leaving the bounty hunter to strike the ground, breaking his sword and leaving him open.

"Missed." Gin said before pulling out a gun and shooting him in the side. The bounty hunter fell to the ground as his accomplices rushed after Gin. 'Four down, more to go.' he thought as he picked up his tonfa and began swinging them around again as the others charged at him once again.

"It's one guy!" one shouted. "Get him already!" Soon, all were upon Gin, who only smirked before swinging both tonfa as he spun in a circle, smashing everyone into the buildings on both sides of the building. He looked around at all the bodies before running off to help the others.

()()()() Johnny and Yosaku were back to back against 20 of them, both looking a little nervous.

"That's a lot of them." Yosaku said.

"Yeah." Johnny replied. All the bounty were smirking at them both, which seemed to unnerve them both.

"What's wrong pirates?" one of them said in a smug tone. "Realizing how stupid it was to try to fight us?" Both were sweating a bit until they heard clashing coming from a nearby rooftop. All of them looked to see Zoro effortlessly handling bounty hunters with his new swords. "That guy might be a problem though. Still, we'll worry about him after we crush these two." Soon, all of them were ready to strike, not even noticing that both Johnny and Yosaku were lost in thought.

'Big bro.' both of them thought as they stared on in awe and slight shame. They then tightened their grip on their swords before facing the bounty hunters with determined looks.

"Ready to die?" one of them asked. Both of them said nothing as they glared at them.

'Big bro was on the verge of death, yet he kept going.' Johnny thought as images of his defeat at Mihawk's blade and his fight at Arlong Park went through his mind.

'And us?' Yosaku thought as he narrowed his eyes. 'We couldn't do anything.'

"You're mine!" one of the bounty hunters shouted as he ran at Johnny with his sword.

"I got this one!" another said as he ran at Yosaku. Both just stood there until Baroque Works swung their blades and they ducked, causing both men to clash their blades against each other. 'That...ends...TODAY!' both of them thought as they sliced both men, making them fall back unconscious.

"Ready partner?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah." Yosaku said. One by one the bounty hunters ran at them, attacking from both sides.

"DUCK!" Johnny shouted. Both ducked to miss a sword before Johnny slashed the attacker.

"ROLL!" Yosaku yelled, making them roll to dodge a salvo of bullets. Both got to their feet before going back-to-back as 3 hunters fell down from their bullet wounds. They looked around before noticing that they had more guns pointing at them.

"Run." Johnny said before they ran down an alley, splitting at a fork as the hunters split up and chased them. Johnny kept running until he spotted a few wooden barrels up ahead. 'Here we go!' he thought as he jumped onto them to get to the roof while causing a barrel to fall off the top and knock one of them out.

"Crap! He's on the roof!" one of them said in aggrevation.