Chapter 74 - :)CH74

"NOW! BEFORE I ARREST YOU!" he screamed, clearly losing his patience with Luffy before being knocked out by an iron mace.

"Long time no see Luffy." said the woman with the mace who was now looking up at Luffy. "I've been looking for you." When Luffy looked down at her, that strange feeling hit him again, although it was tiny and very different from when he looked at Nami. "Hi." Luffy said. "Who are you?" He thought hard trying to remember her, but was having trouble remembering.

"That's rude." she said. "You're telling me you don't remember this face?"

"I'm trying to remember." he said.

"Well, I remember you Luffy." she said. "You're the first man to have ever struck me."

"I did?" Luffy said as some of the fog was clearing in his mind.

"Yes. When you did, it felt good." she said as Luffy tilted his head in confusion. "Listen up boys." she continued. "Who is the most beautiful on these seas?"

"YOU ARE!" the crowd shouted before bowing to her. That question seemed to be the final key to jogging Luffy's memory.

"Alvida?" Luffy asked. "That's right." she said with a smile. "Glad you remember." Luffy just looked at her as a group of officers surrounded her.

"Stop right there!" one of them shouted. "You're under arrest for attacking a police captain! Drop your weapon!" he said before looking up at Luffy. "And you! Get off that!"

"Who did you say you're going to arrest?" Alvida asked in a sweet voice.

"Y-you." one of them stuttered as they all blushed at her.

"Are you really going to arrest me?" she cooed.

"We can't do it sir!" they all said with hearts in their eyes. "She's too beautiful!"

"I don't care!" an officer said with hearts in his eyes. "Just arrest her!" Before they could do anything, a cannonball blew up the fountain, sending a hunk of it at Alvida before it slid off her, leaving her unharmed as it went towards Luffy, who only caught it before dropping it.

"How'd she do that again?" he mumbled as Alvida spoke with the hooded figures who approached her. Alvida looked up to see his confused face before smiling.

"Surprised?" she asked before removing her cloak, showing everyone her slim body. "I guess I did change after eating the Smooth-Smooth Fruit. No attack can hurt me since it slides right off." she said. "Though it couldn't make me any more beautiful than I was before, it did get rid of my freckles."

"Right. That's it." Luffy said, though his face said otherwise. "So what are you here for?"

"To make you, the only man who has ever hit me, all mine." she cooed. "And these guys were looking for you as well." she said as the cloaked men revealed themselves to be Buggy and his crew. "Now that I've flashily made my entrance, it's time for the real show to start!" he shouted. He then went into a long rant about some of his adventures before screaming "WHY AM I TELLING YOU A STORY?!

"Don't know." Luffy said. "Didn't you learn anything about the last time we fought big nose?"


"Buggy the Clown?!" some of the audience said before running, only to be stopped by his crew.

"Stay flashily right where you are!" Buggy shouted "Everyone's going to see how scary I am!"

"Really?" Luffy asked. "By having your crew do all the work like this?" Luffy said as he found himself caught in a stockade thanks to Cabaji. "Hi again." Luffy said in a calm tone as if he was talking to an old friend.

"Hello again rubber freak. How's Zoro doing?" Cabaji asked in a smug tone.

"Nice shot Cabaji!" Buggy screamed as he announced that to his 'followers' that he would flashily execute Monkey D. Luffy. Luffy just looked around bored, remembering how stupid Buggy is before he looked down at Alvida.

'Maybe she'll join if I ask.' Luffy thought before being brought out of his thoughts by Buggy's yelling.

"Do you feel honored kid? You're about to die right where Gold Roger did years ago." he said with a smirk.

"Is that so?" Luffy asked with a blank face. Buggy nearly fell over at his calm attitude. "OF COURSE! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! WHAT ELSE DO YOU THINK WOULD BE HAPPENING?!" he screamed as it started to cloud up in the sky.

"You couldn't kill me before." he said with a smile, which caused Alvida to grin and piss Buggy off.

"QUIET! I NOW START THESE FESTIVITIES WITH YOUR DEATH!" Buggy screamed, sending his men into an uproar as they cheered.

"Guess this is the end." Alvida said with a sad smile.

"Any last words rubber boy?" Buggy asked as he brought out a sword. Luffy smiled before taking a deep breath before speaking with everything he had.

"I AM THE MAN WHO WILL BE KING OF THE PIRATES!" he shouted with the wind. His words left everyone in awe as if they thought he could do it, but Buggy was still laughing at his statement.

"If that's all you have to say, then let's get this started!" he said as he raised his sword.

"STOP THE EXECUTION!" Zoro shouted from behind the crowd. He, Sanji, Johnny, Yosaku, and Gin had met up and were looking for Luffy. They ran towards the square when they heard him shouting.