Chapter 72 - :)CH72

"I'm gonna go pick up some food." Sanji said before he jumped from the ship.

"I'll go look for some supplies." Usopp said. "I need some new swords, but I'm pretty broke." Zoro mumbled.

"I'll lend you some money at 300% interest." Nami said with an innocent smile.

'Don't do it Zoro.' Nojiko thought with a knowing smirk. "We'll go with you big bro." Yosaku said as he and Johnny followed Zoro.

"I'll...take a walk." Gin mumbled as he left the ship.

"You okay Gin?" Nojiko asked while following Nami.

"Just...clearning my head." he said before they all walked off.


"What's wrong with you big bro?" Johnny asked as the three of them kept walking, looking for a shop to get some new swords.

"Nothing." Zoro said without looking back. Moments ago, the three ran into a blue haired woman who took out two pirates effortlessly before tripping over herself, falling, and dropping her glasses. Zoro picked up her glasses while onlookers laughed before giving them back to her, but nearly crushed them at the sight of her. 'She looked just like her.' Zoro thought before they entered a weapons shop.

"Greetings!" said the owner as he rubbed his hands together with a smile. "We have new blades, old blades, and rare blades! What're ya looking for?"

"I have 100,000 berries. Give me two swords." Zoro said bluntly.

"Only that much?" the owner said, his happy mood deflating at hearing how poor he is. "And you two?" he asked, seeing Johnny and Yosaku.

"Looking for better versions of these blades." Johnny said as he and Yosaku held up their blades.

"Over there." the owner said as he pointed at display case to the right of the store. "And over there are 50,000 berri swords." he told Zoro as he pointed to some barrels to the left of the store. His face lit up in confusion and shock when he noticed Zoro's blade. ' that?!' he thought. "Excuse me." he said with a bit of sweat and a force smile on his face. "Do you mind if I see that blade of yours?" he asked. All three looked at him skeptically, but Zoro let him see it. He nearly pissed himself when he saw it was what he thought it was before he calmed down and tried to buy it at a low price, with Zoro naturally declining each offer.

"Is that what I think it is?!" said the blue haired swordswoman from before as she looked at Zoro's sword. "It is! Wado Ichimonji!"

"You again?!" Zoro said as the owner got pissed at her for blowing his deal. She told them all about how his sword was very rare before the owner tossed her blade Shigure to her.

"You never told us about that sword big bro." Yosaku said as he picked up a sword he liked. "It's amazing that you have that kind of sword." Tashigi said as Zoro was now looking for some swords. "But you're looking for three? That reminds me of a bounty hunter called Roronoa Zoro." she said before she sighed. "Why are the best blades in the hands of pirates or bounty hunters?"

"Something wrong?" Johnny asked.

"No." she said before holding up her blade. "It's just that I made a vow to obtain these blades ."

"Like my blade?" Zoro asked.

"No no." she said. "Not for me. Just to keep them out of evil hands." Zoro smirked at her that she didn't know who he is before his eyes widened at the sword he grabbed.

"What?" he said before he pulled out the blade. Tashigi stared in awe before she flipped through a book, while the owner had a grim look on his face. "That's Kitetsu III!" Tashigi said before talking about it and the ones that came before it.

"I won't sell that blade!" the owner yelled. He and Tashigi talked about why not, along with Ippon-Matsu's wife before Zoro interrupted them all.

"It's cursed." he said, gaining everyone's attention.

"You knew?!" Ippon said.

"It is?!" Johhny and Yosaku said in unison.

"I can feel it." Zoro said. Ippon-Matsu then told them about how everyone who carried a Kitetsu sword met a horrible death. Tashigi bowed and apologized for saying he should get it, but Zoro only smirked. "I like it. I'll take it."

"WHAT!?" they all said.

"Didn't you hear what he said big bro?!" Johnny asked. "I know you want good blades, but wanting a cursed blade is nuts!" Yosaku yelled.

"My luck...or its curse." Zoro said. "How about we find out which is stronger?" He then tossed the blade into the air before holding out his left arm.

"BIG BRO?!" Johnny and Yosaku screamed.

"Look out!" Tashigi yelled.