"That's so awesome!" he shouted. Nami turned to them all with a smile.
"Alright everyone. It's time to set sail to the Grand Line!" she said.
"YEAH!" everyone shouted. ()()()()
Some time earlier.
"This is Captain Nezumi of the 16th Marine Branch calling Marine Headquarters! Code #00733." Nezumi shouted over the transponder snail.
"This is Marine Headquarters. Stop shouting already." said the marine on the other line.
"I'm calling to inform you all about a pirate named Monkey D. Luffy! He wears a straw hat, has five people on his crew and effortlessly defeated Arlong. He is highly dangerous, so I'm formally requesting a bounty be placed upon his head! I'm sending a picture now!"
"Alright, we're receiving it now." the marine said.
"Couldn't you take a better picture?" Nezumi asked one of the marines. "That was all we could get." said the marine. Luffy's picture was the same as last time. While Nezumi complained, the marine at HQ was looking at Luffy's picture before he remembered something.
'A Straw Hat?' he thought before his eyes widened in shock. 'Wait a minute! He couldn't be...' "Alright. We'll inform the higher ups." he said before hanging up. He then grabbed the picture before running through HQ, sweat forming on his face as he ran. 'There's no mistaking it. He matches the description perfectly!' he thought before he came to a higher ranking officer.
"What is the meaning of this?" the officer grunted. The marine was out of breath as he handed him Luffy's picture.
"Sir...I believe...he's the one...from the Goa Incident." It had been a day since Luffy and his crew set off from Cocoyashi and everyone were doing their own thing. Gin was keeping an eye out for enemy ships, Johnny and Yosaku were dueling each other, Zoro was taking a nap, Usopp was making his special tobasco star, Nami was arguing with a News Coo about the price of the newspaper, Nojiko was tending to the tangerine trees planted above the cabin, and Luffy was being himself as he tried to get a tangerine, only for Sanji to kick him away right into Usopp, who was splashed in the eyes with his tobasco star.
"Can't I have one?" Luffy asked as Usopp cried out in pain.
"NO!" Sanji shouted as he stood between Luffy and the trees. "These are Nami's and Nojiko's tangerine orchard. I won't let anyone lay a finger on them!" he shouted before his eyes turned into hearts and he looked back and forth between both of them. "Nami! Nojiko! Can you see how well I'm protecting your trees?!"
"Yes Sanji. We can see." Nojiko said as Nami smiled.
"Thank you Sanji. Keep up the good work." Nami called, making Sanji hold his chest as he fell over in happiness.
"Ahh, to be praised by you two is nothing short of utter joy." he said.
'He's whipped.' thought the other crew members.
"Eh, I'm happy." Luffy said before he grinned.
"The world today is a turbulent place." Nami said as she flipped a page in her newspaper. When she did, a small piece of paper fluttered out, getting Luffy's attention. He, Nami, and Usopp watched it flutter to the ground before yelling out.
"NO WAY!" Luffy yelled with a huge grin. ()()()()
Back at Marine Headquaters, elite officers were gathering in a small room to discuss the affairs of East Blue by Lieutenant Commander Brannew.
"aboveBuggy the Clown. Bounty: 15,000,000 berries. Foul-Play Krieg. Bounty: 17,000,000 berries. Saw-Tooth Arlong. Bounty: 20,000,000 berries. All three, which are above the average 3,000,000 bounty for East Blue, were all defeated by the same man. The same one which also caused a major commotion on Dawn Island, in the Kingdom of Goa. Reports say that he achieved all this without taking a single scratch. Therefore, his bounty shall be a new record for East Blue: 48,000,000 berries.
"Check it out guys! We're wanted criminals!" Luffy shouted out as he held up his wanted poster. Usopp looked at it as Luffy laughed. "Wanted: Dead or Alive. 48...48,000,000 berries?!" Usopp shouted in surprise.
"This is so awesome!" Luffy shouted out.
"How can you think that's awesome?!" Nami yelled. "Now we'll be hunted by the Marines and bounty hunters."
"She's right about that big bro." Johnny said. "If we hadn't of met you, we'd probably take a crack at turning your head in ourselves." he said as Yosaku nodded.
"48,000,000." Gin said in an impressed tone.
"Well, no turning back now." Nojiko said as she went back to tending to the trees.
"How are you so calm?" Nami asked, ready to lose her mind.
"What's everyone yelling about?" Zoro asked as he was woken up from his nap. He was shown the reason as Johnny and Yosaku showed him Luffy's wanted poster. "Oh is that all?" he said.
"Check it out. I'm here too!" Usopp shouted out, looking giddy that people around the world would see him.
"What?!" Sanji said as he looked at it. "Where?"
"Right there." Usopp said as he pointed to the back of his head in the poster.
"It's only the back of your head." Sanji said as he pouted on the deck.