"There are a few, every now and then, but not many. Maybe it's too difficult to get to. And people around here are a bit funny about Glenkildove. They don't like talking about it, or the Beast, with outsiders. So not that many people know about it."
While you have been talking, the sun has hidden itself behind a veil of gray clouds, and a cold mist risen up from the ground. The sunny summer day has suddenly turned chilly. It's getting late.
Kitty meets you at the monastery gate, looking concerned.
"Oh, there you are! It's time we were getting home. I think it's going to rain soon. Cormac had a row with Daniel and now he's vanished off somewhere."
"He's probably off in the woods, by the standing stones," Claudia pipes up. "That's where he goes to sulk."
"Would you mind going to fetch him?" Kitty asks of you. "I think he's in one of his moods. Maybe you can talk to him."
"But I barely know him!"
"Shouldn't Simon go? They seem close."
"What was the fight about?"