As the double door to my father study opened, Tyrion and I entered after the unnamed member of the household."My lord, I have brought you your son's" The servant said respectfully.My father ,sat at the table barely acknowledged the servent with only a slight nod.
Taking that as his cue to live, the servant depart from his lord study."Father" me and Tyrion both say in unison, putting our lessons to etiquette to use.Tywin stares both of down with a look of hatred in his eyes.It was only then that I noticed other occupants in the room.
Jamie standing on my right, slightly sweaty from what most probably would be sparring. Cresei sat slightly to the left of father, obviously trying to make herself someone important.And then littered around the room are other members of the family.
My uncles Kevan and Tygett standing to the right of my father and then Gerion, my favourite uncle, is leaning against a wall with his arms crossed and his ever present smirk on the face. And then in most circumstances we would of seen my aunt Genna, however see was in twins with her children and her husband ,Emmon frey.
Seeing that everyone is gathered, Tywin spoke" Now, that everyone is here, we can begin. I'm sure that all of you that I have offered to host a tourney in celebration of the birth of the Viserys Targeryen .And not only the king but most of the great houses of Westeros are coming,I have brought you all here to discuss about your duties and what will be expected to whilst this event happens"
Turning to Kevan,the lord of Lannisport he reminds"Kevan how are the preparation for the tourney going" My uncle replies"All is going well ,the tourney stand have been built and most of the preparation are ready .There few small things that need sorted,but they will be done before the start of the tourney "
Tywin nods at that, and then he turns his head towards his other two brothers,"I'm sure that I didn't need to tell what expected of you both"Tygett nodded and Gerion flashes his elder brother a grin.
Now moving to look at Jamie, Father states cooly"This will be an important event for you Jamie.You are to do your duty as my son and heir ,and that also includes courting"And before Jamie could protest, Father elaborates "You are of an age where it is expected of you,Lysa Tully and Alysanne Lefford are both suitable to become the lady of the rock".
Leaving Jamie with a scowl on his face,Tywin turns to Cresei" And the same goes to you Cresei ,Prince Raeghar is also coming to take part in the tourney ,you are to do your best to gaining his favour having Lannister blood on the the throne would ensure Lannister legacy".
Finally leaving Cresei with a smitten look on her face,Tywin turns to Me and Tyrion"You two will do your best to not embarrass the Lannister name both of you will be present for joust, melle and main feast.Apart from that you are to stay in the Lannister apartment and the western wing".Leaning back into his chair he calls out to everyone, "Now, all of you get out and get ready.The king is to be here within the next hour".
[1 hours and 30 minutes later]
All of the Lannister, Well the important ones are gathered in the courtyard waiting for the arrival of the king, Just ahead of us the Lion mouth the gateway of the Casterly Rock, it can fit twenty riders wide and is nigh impenetrable in a siege due to tight confines and numerous arrows slits.
Not only my family waiting but also important members of household are present such as,Maester Creylen,Ser Rylen Algood head of the household also the last member of Algood house and then Vylarr who is the captain of the Red cloaks, an elite force of 1,000 sworn to House Lannister.
Suddenly , the sound of the horses, and the echoes of the cavern project out and gives one the image that an army is coming through the gate.
Tywin spoke"The king is arrived at the Rock".
A/N: Hey guys thank you for reading this fanfics and sorry that I am unable to update frequently but I will provide you 2-3 chapter per week. If you have any question or suggestion regarding the fanfics comment in the chat.Thanks for reading ๐