An invader tore through the heavens, unleashing a catastrophic extinction event that tested mankind's resolve. Faced with an overwhelming foe, humanity united in a desperate attempt to defend their realm. But their efforts proved futile. The invaders, massive and seemingly indestructible, shrugged off humanity's weapons as if they were mere nuisances. Despair loomed until an ultimate being of omnipotence descended a savior who delivered mankind from the brink of annihilation.
This being, whose power is unfathomable, singlehandedly vanquished the invaders, leaving no trace of their existence. The war, which had raged for a hundred years, came to an abrupt end. Peace was restored, and those who survived revered this celestial savior as Vaelmir, the ultimate ruler.
Vaelmir, however, did not seek dominion. Instead, he sought to determine mankind's worth. Weighing the size of their existence against their potential, he bestowed upon them wisdom and strength. A select few, twelve in number, were granted a portion of his power an unprecedented authority to defend against future calamities foreseen in the threads of fate. These chosen protectors were named the Sentinels, entrusted with the preservation of the world.
Before departing into an eternal slumber in a dimension beyond human reach, Vaelmir left a final decree, the Sentinels were to stand guard, preparing mankind for the unseen horrors to come. But as time wore on and peace prevailed, stagnation crept into the hearts of men.
The unity forged in the crucible of war unraveled. Humanity fell to infighting, warring over territories, plunging into cycles of violence, murder, and slavery. The Sentinels, bound by their creed not to interfere, watched helplessly as the world they were tasked to protect descended into chaos.
A hundred years passed, and the bonds of unity were completely shattered. The Sentinels, now adrift and purposeless, began to question their very existence. In time, their convictions eroded. One by one, they seized power, casting off their roles as protectors to become rulers themselves. With their unmatched might, they overthrew kings, carving the lands into their own domains.
Under their reign, a fragile semblance of peace returned, but it was a peace built on tyranny. The once-revered Sentinels now made themselves as gods, wielding absolute power and demanding obedience. Champions were appointed to rule territories in their name, ensuring no opposition could arise. Yet true peace eluded mankind. Beneath the surface of this enforced order simmered resentment and despair.
Now, in the present age, the world trembles under the shadow of these self-proclaimed gods. None dare oppose them, for their power is absolute. But within the cracks of their dominion lies the seed of chaos, waiting to bloom once more. The foreseen calamity the terror Vaelmir had warned of looms on the horizon, threatening to lay waste to everything once again.
And this time, there may be no savior to stop it.