In a world full of monsters,magic,heroes and demon Lords. There lived the most spectacular demon lord. The most powerful, had the strongest army and the most intellectual subordinates. The demon lord Vint.
Vint was once an ordinary boy. His parents were not rich by any means. Just had enough money to live life without any luxuries.
His parents met their fatal end while adventuring. His parents were both C+ adventurers which wasn't bad but not so good either. One day as they were adventuring a new labyrinth they met a red dragon,the rarest types of dragons. Things didn't end well for them and Vint was sent the bad news.
He didn't want to be adopted so he decided to do the insane. He swore to get vengeance for his parents and he snuck into the labyrinth late at night one day. Bare in mind he's just 13 by now. The dungeon was only for adventurers over 15 so he would be in trouble.
Vint didn't care and ran after he snuck past the guards. It wasn't soon until he saw the red dragon sleeping. But by the time he took out his sword (his father's), the dragon was looking straight into his eyes.
"Human boy, what are you doing. Are you here to meet your fate just like your parent's. I could remember that black hair with red highlighting anywhere. Your mother was pathetic and your father wasn't strong either but they were both so resistant."
"What did you say about my parents." Vint stared at the dragon with rage. You're going to pay for that. You're going to wish that you were never born." Vint began to charge at the dragon.
"Wait! Please stop for a second I'll apologise just stop!"
Vint stopped confused. "What are you scheming dragon?"
"I'll apologise ok and I'll be your servant from now on." The red dragon exclaimed petrified."Here put some of your blood and put it in this magic circle she pointed."
"Sound pretty suspicious, what made you change your mind. I thought you said you were going to kill me."
"I know please I'm sorry,forgive my rudeness."
Vint uses the sword to make his thumb bleed a little bit. "Here I put it, now what?"
"Just wait a second." All of the sudden, the magical circle rises and puts a collar on the dragon. "See from now on I'm your servant. Oh and to answer your question from before. The reason was because when I saw you charging at me with rage, I took a glance at your magical potential. The aura of your potential was so bright it hurt my eyes."
"Oh it makes sense now, but I won't be friendly with you because you killed my parents."
"Well I lied about that."
"What do you mean, do you mean you didn't kill my parents."
"Yes matter of fact I tried to protect them, the real murderers were the other humans that came to the dungeon. They had set a trap for your parents, I tried everything in my path to save them but at the end it wasn't good enough. And I lied saying I killed your parents, I just wanted to scare you off. Please forgive me master."
"So it was the humans eh, I can't say I'm truly surprised after all I could only trust my parents, everyone else just wanted something from us even though we had barely anything. I don't even have a place to go anymore."
"Or do you? You know I'm the queen of dragons so just live in my castle. Does that make you the king as you're my master."
"As much as I'd love being a king, I have to disagree. But I appreciate it if I could live with you so thank you."
"You know I can transform into my human form. It isn't all human." It isn't all human. She transforms into a girl with red eyes, and tail.
"Ha for a dragon that's kind of a cute puppy."
"If I wasn't in this form, I would be getting hunted right now. Maybe I can raise you, like a mother you know."
"Maybe but it's too late you think I can get some sleep."
"Sure, come here." She opens her arms.
Vint crawls on on yawns and falls asleep.
Later after he opens his eyes and sees the dragon carrying him as they glide through the clouds.