Chereads / Almost hell / Chapter 2 - Recreation!

Chapter 2 - Recreation!

(Do you want to die?)

Azreal couldn't think straight, affected by the unbelievable torture of being slowly consumed.

He needed a few minutes to process that shit, and when that time was gone, he looked in the darkness and said, with a pained tone-


White... white all around me! What is this?

Azreal stood up, snow fell off his back, and the fur suit made him look almost like bear.

Looking around, Azreal was confused and terrified, more over, he was still traumatized by the torturous, agonizing last hour before dying... again.

Tears went down his pale cheeks, unable to hold back his emotions.

He fell to the ground and started to wail and cry.

He screamed, cursing his fate, which brought him to this place.

But his whining didn't last long, Azreal heard a loud rumbling, and in the next second he found himself thrown to the air, and before he could realize what was happening to him, he was already swallowed by the giant white snake.

His spine immediately bent and cracked because of the way he was swallowed.

The muscles of the beast folded him and kept pressing on him.

Azreal lost sensation over his body as well as being paralyzed, but he could still see and hear things.

Inside the snake, everything was black, and the world was heavy, but a few seconds later, it brought acid with it, making the world full of pain and agony.

His skin burned, his eyes melted, his ears devoured from the inside, and his consciousness slowly faded to black.

Then that black spoke, its voice sounded repulsive to his ears -

(Do you want to die?)

What choice did he have? His answer was the same, but what he said was different.

With a meek tone -


Black slowly turned to white, and the white was colder, very cold in fact.

The more white he saw, the colder he felt, then a big fur-suit was again covering his body.

He stood up, snow fell off his back, Azreal felt cold, weak and dead inside.

His lips cracked with the cool air, foggy exhales left his mouth, snow covered his eyelashes making his dead eyes look more lifeless.

Then Azreal suddenly stirred awake, the possibility of the snake being here again terrified him.

He looked around... nothing?! He listened carefully, hoping to catch the sound of the giant snake... but to no avail...

For a few seconds he was tense, looking left and right like a chicken, inside a cage.

After multiple minutes of silence, he tentatively started walking, Azreal was definitely startled that he was safe this time.

He looked around, but all he saw was the endless white carpet, and one long string connecting the earth to the... sun? Possibly

That was a tower not a string, and the black sun made the world look uncanny.

Where was he supposed to go now? He thought for a few seconds, then he realized that the sky had no clouds! That's a weird thing...

He looked at the black tower, and he started to walk across the white snow, his footsteps leaving deep marks behind.

He looked like a bear because of his wide fur-suit, his slow careful steps made him look like a bear trying to walk on two legs.

Azreal looked in the distance, he could see the ground go up and down, left and right, like an ocean and its surface, or the desert.

He walked further and further, hoping to see something new, but he only saw white.

In the horizon, there was a very faint red glow, its origin is unknown, more weirdly covered the horizon from every direction.

Azreal suddenly stopped, his skin which was pale because of the cold air, now absolutely white.

In front of him, something that literally just appeared into existence out of nowhere, as if it was hiding behind a veil.

A giant enormous walf, made of metal and machines, it's limbs looked like it was made a hundred years ago, in the 1900's.

The fangs and claws of the giant wolf were made to look like sharp knifes and scythes.

The wolf took one second, and immediately lunged at Azreal, who was caught off guard, but he tried to run away.

In the next second, half of his body was cut off, falling to the ground with no legs, he felt the snow touching his bloodied guts, and screamed as loud as he could.

The giant metal wolf gazed at its pitiful prey, and then went away, and suddenly disappeared out of existence.

Azreal was on the ground, a massive red patch covered the white snow, he screamed and screamed, but who'd hear the pitiful man?

After what felt like an eternity, everything turned dark, and something darker spoke-

(Do you want to die?).

He took a very long time to answer, actually, he didn't want to ander, he wanted to stay here in this darkness, safe and alone...

But the darkness did not care-


Before he could talk back, everything turned white, cold and painful.

He looked around, his eyes looked even more dead, and to Azreal everything felt more cold.

The young man wanted to scream, he still remembered the pain and agony of losing half of your body, and be left to die very slowly.

'The giant iron wolf, definitely did it on purpose...'

He thought, weakly.

'First a snake, and now a wolf?! What's next?'

But his thoughts were futile, weak, and even he, did not listen to himself.

Suddenly, his depressing thoughts were interrupted by a giant silhouette of a wolf, in a blink of an eye, Azreal found himself thrown into the air, then he was easily swallowed by the giant iron wolf.


In a different spot on the snow, which looked the same, there was another person with also an unnecessarily big fur-suit.

The human walked across the snow with a purpose, his footsteps are strong and full of resolve, he made his way forward.

Then he heard a very quiet scream, looking in its direction, he could see far, far away, a small dot that he recognized.

'The iron wolf, that's a trouble.

I should stay away...

There might be a new human here...?'

She hurried away...