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Regressed and still a mess

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Chapter 1 - The heavens have grounds

A grand, vast plain littered with corpses left and right, with the smell of death and regrets

The clash of metal rang out amidst the cries of the dying and the countless men struggling to stand their grounds

'Right, it's the battle of the divine cult bastards against the orthodox sects'


The divine cult advanced relentlessly, tearing through the layers of the Zhang sect's prestigious heavenly net and the phoenix shield formation like carving through butter with a hot knife.

'That's probably my fault.."


The Zhang sect disciples struggled to keep the formation in line and tried every one of their tricks up their sleeves, even the ultimate tactic : "Kick them where it hurts."

Too bad the demonic cult bastards were experts in that very tactic, delivering pain with surgical precision, It was a bloody massacre.

'Of course, that's no surprise, I basically handed over the blueprints to one, ugly scheming spy..'

"These…damned legs…"

Jang Seokjin collapsed to his knees, his trembling hands slick with blood, his grip failed…his sword clattered to his sides, Useless.. just like him.

Looking up to the figure who stood before him. the one who led this massacre, It was a woman.. No, a succubus who came to kill me, disguised as an angel.

The figure stepped closer, she was breathtakingly beautiful, if you ignored that bloodied sword in her hands, her robes drenched with blood, none of it her own.

"A woman.." He muttered, his pitiful expression turning into laughter.

"A fucking succubus dressed up as an angel"

How could he have been this stupid? 

It was obvious she was too good to be true, an orphan jade beauty of a bar girl? fuck.. it was obvious she was a spy, a spy to end his damn life with all the embarasment a man can hold.

To have spent the last few months of his life with an enemy, spilling about the formations and strategies over to a woman just because it made him feel… wanted? 

He was pathetic, all the way to his end.

He tilt his head to face the sky, its serene blue mocking the chaos below.

'All this.. because of my stupid.. lust."

The attack seems to be nearing its end, with fewer screams and fewer clangs of metal, fewer people alive.

'This is it, my grand finale.. seduced, betrayed and humiliated? I thought I was the one winning her over with my skills,

'Arghhh fuck!! what was I thinking.. No, I wasn't thinking because I was horny-'

The woman stared down at him, "Do you regret it?"


"Of course! You aren't even my type"

He paused, reconsidering "Well you are my type but I regret it anyway."

The succubus.. no, the assassin from the divine cult smirked at him, mocking his sorry state.

"Maybe if you weren't so eager to talk in bed, to slip away all your life just to impress a woman who's to slit your neck"

It felt like a slap to his face, of course he knew he was an idiot, did she have to rub salt on the wound.

As she prepared her blade to sever his neck, he had his final words prepared.

"I have a favor to ask"

"What is it?"

"Tell everyone I died fighting valiantly, like a hero"

"And not the part where you gave me the information about your sect's tactics for a few kisses?"

"Exactly, leave that part out"

As he finished, the blade flashed through him, severing his neck.

His head went flying, his vision faded to black as his life slipped away, 


His head hit the ground, it was a pathetic life.. his life went on womanizing, eating and sleeping.. The amount of money he spent at brothels could feed the homeless beggars in the entire jianghu for over a year.

It was a jackpot for any brothel, especially if he broke some of their old furniture, they could get a free new replacement, he was like a god of wealth.. for the brothel owners.

His last thoughts, it wasn't anything about honor, glory or even revenge, it was far simpler

'The elders shouldn't know how I died… if they do I'll never live it down..'



When he opened his eyes, he didn't see any of the battlefield, the heaps of corpses or the smell of blood and sweat

Seokjin blinked, his eyes adjusting to the sunlight streaming in through the open window

His eyes darted across the polished wooden floors, the decorations and the aroma of incense filling the room, instead of the bloody battlefield he was in just a few moments ago.

"Am I in heaven..? ..Is Heaven based on my old room.."

He immediately patted his neck

"My neck! it's really here"

"I'm Alive! even my limbs are intact"

It was loud, too loud, but who could blame him, he just reached afterlife

"I died? from the divine cult? the genius Seokjin?.. fuck" 

"But.. what is a sinner doing in heaven.. I guess I never broke any rules-"

He immediately flashed his whole life through his mind, not breaking rules? yeah right

"Shouldn't there be other Zhang sect disciples here? fuck that"

'But.. I hope they don't know I was the reason behind the formations failing, can't have my legacy tarnished-'

"Ha.. the ceiling is so high.."

As much as the bed was comfortable, he had to get up

"Goodbye, sweet silk bed- our fleeting love will be reunited later this night"

"Does heaven reduce your height…the sins couldn't have cut me down this bad!"

 More importantly, what happened to the war? 

Who won? 

I should know the results, perhaps I could watch it from the skies"

'Who knew I'd accept death so easily..'

Seokjin opened the door, taking a step outside to see the bright sun shining without a single worry. It almost made him feel jealous. All it had to do was shine all day and go to sleep.

"Lucky bastard, even in heaven, you're standing so tall"

but rather than the expected clouds he expected to stand upon, he was standing on the ground, barefooted

"Heavens have grounds? 

No, wait.. this feels too…

familiar to be heaven, too vivid to be a dream"

- He went back to his room, in fear of what's going on and spent a few hours there.

 He had a few things to confirm.

"I.. regressed back to 10 years.."

"Would anyone even believe me? of course not, they'll think I got drunk and hit my head or something

They might even send me to those shaolin bald heads if I keep spewing things about the future, can't happen, never"

Jang Seokjin, the only son of the Zhang family, a second grade sword sect ruling over the southern Jiangnan alongside Quenzhen and Wuyue sword sects.

"Right.. I should play this part properly"

and the current year is, 1189

"The year I got embarrassed by the lightning prodigy, Namgung Sihyeon"

"Fuck.. I can never rest in peace huh.."

"I can't die again, if I die again, I'll be the first man to die twice in one lifetime"

"I should make some "new life" resolutions"

"No more womanaising, more training"

But is that enough? of course not, he had to consider the whole sect

"Fuck.. This is too tiresome to think alone, I need to get some fresh breath"

"Afterall I just passed through a war, to this"

Seokjin stepped outside, the sun already started setting, he didn't even know he was instinctively walking to the brothel.

"I have to fix the sect, there are many things to consider, the most important ones being, Talent and techniques"

"Zhang sect's teachings focus on group strength than individual strength, while that's a shortcut to defeat stronger foes,

The sect has many weak individuals who make up the formation, 

Making a formation with weaker members means sacrificing the formation just to look cool,

and the Zhang sect's martial arts are a joke, other than Turtle Crushing Sword, the rest are useless for anyone.

I should buy some 'cooler' martial art techniques for the sect.

"Argh this is burning my head-"

As he strode down the street, he saw the brothel in the corner. He hesitated to enter but justified it. What's wrong with just getting food and leaving?


Suddenly a body flew to his direction

He dodged the human meteor and looked back inside at the Inn.

'That's..I recognise him from the tournament, is he causing ruckus at a brothel?'

He entered the brothel, since most of the furniture and items here are frequently replaced with the Zhang sect's money, he had to stop this destruction

He stepped up, his voice was shaky as he was almost hit by a sudden human meteor, he sounded like an angry tiger.

"Stop bothering the guests and leave if you have nothing better to do"

'There's no need to fear this guy, he failed in the Heavenly Dragon and Phoenix competition while I placed 2nd'

"If it isn't the womaniser young master of the Zhang family, your status means nothing to me, leave if you don't want to get beaten up too"

'Me? Beaten up?'

"Even a dog would bark at a sleeping tiger it seems.."

"What? I guess words aren't enough to make you understand then let's talk abou-"

As Jo Wibo was about to provoke Seokjin with more precision

Wibo was greeted with a fist, right into his teeth, it felt like a sudden gust of wind, Seokjin dashed at him, and threw a fist which broke Wibo's teeth like a boulder shattering some twigs

"if you're going to cause trouble, you should at least have someone to back it up"

The spectators watching the scene applauded, shouting the name of the young master in glory

'That confirms another one of my suspicions, the future is the one I lived through, I should have studied the world more then-'

"A jar of rice wine and the most expensive meal please-!"

"No women?"

"Yes, no woman"

'I'm a changed man~ a changed man~ ooh ooh~'

He saw the sedective ladies, wandering around and accompanying other customers, but Seokjin didn't feel his lust rise, as if he had grown immune to being horny after his experience.


He chugged down the wine, and started filling himself up like a balloon with all the food, the food was enough to feed a family of four.

"Hm.. what should i do next~"

He sat back against the chair, readying himself up slowly, then his eyes fell to watch a crowd of people leaving the brothel as a group

'They must be going to watch that dance from.. My own sect's third grade disciples.. That's their usual routine after evening training, they get drunk and have a dance with other sect disciples or scholars'

"I should give them some work to do if they have free time to dance together"

He left the brothel after leaving a satisfying bunch of coins on the counter

'Saved half my pouch with selecting no women option"

He followed the group, they joined a huge crowd surrounding the plateu

He blended in with the crowd around the dancers. In his past life, he had no idea why a bunch of people would come to see some disciples and scholars dance and sing, until he realised..

"To the moon, let's go to the moon~" 

he was exactly right, why would someone watch these drunk kids dance? it's boring.

The music kept rising through as their song hit halfway, they seemed to move in circles, then a V shaped formation then a horizontal formation split into 6, and back to V, it looked like water… flowing...

Are they.. using the River flowing stance and the Iron wall formation? they taught that to the other sect disciples and scholars? How did I not notice that in my past life-'

'It wasn't just me who leaked the Zhang sect's formation- these drunk kids

"The pure Taoist sword energy-? so pure so bright like the moon shining bright~ Wooo!!!!"

Seokjin pushed aside the crowd and walked up to the people who were dancing, he then shouted, loud as a huge.. Ape?

"What. The. HELL. Do. You. Think. You. Are. Doing."

The voice shook the kids who were dancing after a tiresome day like getting hit by lightning when you try to fall asleep under a tree, too bad they didn't know a thunderstorm was approaching

This was their way of relief from all the worries in their life before sleep, but as he shouted, they stopped dancing

'The Young Master? Why is he here- did we do something wrong?'

One of the third grade disciples spoke up.

"Young Master, you should know we have our own freedom of what to do when we are outside the sect perimeter"

"Freedom? this is what you call freedom?"

The third grade disciples gulped, they hadn't seen Seokjin being so angry, he's usually so… carefree, even drinking with us just last week-

Seokjin cracked his neck, it sounded like a broken wooden doll, he bit his lips to contain his anger.

Afterall the River flowing stance and Iron wall formation are the fundamentals for most formations, it's fast to set up and easy to adapt and fight.

and they used it for.. dancing, others must have came to watch it to gain enlightenment-

Seokjin didn't know it was just a normal dance formed by the scholars,

Being drunk gives one many different insights, he had seen the River Flowing stance countless times, it looked like martial art formations, but more fancy-?

"Follow. Me"

The third grade disciples fell meek, but their senior disciple fought back

"I know you are the young master, but even you have your limits, You are not our master, heck you're not even much older than us-"


Seokjin cracked his neck as he tilted his head to look back at the disciple who just let his mouth run

"Nice teeth, Wouldn't want you to lose any"


"Clench your jaw."


Seokjin's fist came flying, locked to the disciple's lower jaw, sending him flying 


The disciple fell to the ground, thankfully no teeth was lost

"Does anyone else want their freedom?"


The disciples fell silent, no one dared to say another word after seeing what happened to their senior brother

"Good, now follow."

Seokjin led the group of disciples like a farmer leading his sheeps back to containment.

'They should pass the heavenly dragon and phoenix tournament with me, the news of 30 passing where the Zhang sect's disciples are sure to stab any sect's pride.'

"Perfection! Here we come!"