Chereads / Dragon Ball Saiyan Z / Chapter 2 - SUPER SAIYONS


SUPER SAIYONS "This is the end" Krillin said greatly annoyed, "I didn't become a Saiyon so that I would all be killed by an android" after these words Krillin's anger increased and his Ki changed. "I WILL NOT LOSE TO YOU" Krillin snapped summoning his anger, "Kame ha me ha" Krillin tried to stop Twenty's attack but this time something inside him changed. Krillin's eyebrows tuhe attack that the android Twenty used, and at the very end managed to stop it. rned golden and his eyes blue, he became a Super Sayon. It seems to be a surge of anger that has built up in him from the fact that no matter what he does, he will not be able to win. "Tri-Bem" Tien said trying to help Krillin, followed by Yamacha letting out a "Kame ha me ha". All three fighters did their best to repel t"We made it," Krillin said cheerfully coming out of his super form, to which Twenty said "Bravo, bravo. You managed to fend off my attack, but I'd like to end this once and for all" when he said that Twenty headed towards them, only to be stopped by none other than Vegeta. "As expected you humans couldn't face a single android, what a disappointment" when he said that he began to transform, "After all this time of training I have finally reached this level of power. I'm a Super Saiyan". The overwhelming energy Vegeta produced caused Piccolo to stop, allowing the Nine to disappear, realizing that it was useless to continue chasing him, Piccolo fired a "Special Beam Canon" in an attempt to hit the Nine, which he eventually succeeded in doing. . After this he started to return to the others. "Oh I didn't know robots could sense fear" Vegeta said looking directly at Twenty who couldn't believe how powerful Vegeta had become. Suddenly, Vegeta disappeared heading towards And reappeared in front of Twenty, shocking everyone. "How" asked the frightened android in disbelief, to which Vegeta just grabbed his hands and ripped them off and then immediately blew Twenty to pieces as if as a joke. "What are you scared of" said Vegeta turning to the three former humans who were shaking knowing they had no chance against Vegeta. "Enough" said Gohan who returned after leaving his father, this didn't bother Vegeta who asked "Where are the other androids" unexpectedly suddenly Piccolo answered "Dead". After a little silence at the place where Vegeta killed Twenty Trunks appeared. "What happened" Trunks asked to which Vegeta said "Those Androids of yours are done", these words shocked Trunks who didn't know what to say until Bulma appeared with her little Trunks. After this, Vegeta and Bulma realized that this was actually their son from the future. "Can you describe the androids you fought against" Trunks asked to which Piccolo replied "One was an old man and the other was some kind of fat guy. I think they were called Nineteen and Twenty" this shocked Trunks who said "But the ones from my future were Nlisans called Seventeen and Eighteen" after which he recalled "Did you find the androi lab Twenty". After these words, everyone started searching, until Krillin managed to find some strange door. When you arrived, they opened the door and saw three capsules with androids on them that said 17, 18, 16. "We should destroy them" Trunks said annoying Vegeta who said "No, open them it's time to show you how powerful I am" they all tried to stop him but Vegeta went into his super form and woke them up "Man long you needed it" said the Seven, to which the Eight added "Who are these characters", "I am the prince of all the Saiyans. Prince Vegeta, the one who is going to kill you all". Both androids started to laugh at these words. "Then it's time for you to defeat us," said the Eight, to which the Seven added, "If any of you interfere, I will kill him." After this they all went into the open and prepared to fight. "I'm going to send you back to the kitchen, and not only because you're an android, but because you're a woman." Vegeta transformed into a Super Saiyan and went to fight the Eight. Even though Vegeta gave his all, it wasn't enough to defeat the Eight who was toying with him. "I think this has come to an end, and you Seven," said Eight, to which Seven added, "I think there was enough play." Eight smashed Vegeta and together with Seven and Six flew to Goku's house, but before they left Seven said out of pure boredom, "We'll give you two days to get ready" for our return. "So what are we going to do now" asked Yamacha to which Tien told him "It's time to go to Goku's" so you headed to Kama's House where they met up with Goku who was healthy (in this universe Goku took his medicine a lot earlier). After agreeing to meet at Kami's Lookout to train in the time room Goku told Gohan "Everything will be fine now". So now something happened to Kami's Lookout Kami and Piccolo teamed up in order toPiccolo became significantly stronger and more powerful, and Vegeta and Trunks started their training. And two days later when Piccolo came out, Vegeta and Trunks headed towards the androids, and Krillin, Tien and Yamacha entered the room just in time to do their training.

Now the only question is whether our heroes will be able to defeat the androids with their new power, or if something will stop them.