Chereads / YOUR ROLE = MY POWER / Chapter 28 - A Story Of Stories

Chapter 28 - A Story Of Stories

How do you start a good story? You have a hook right away.

Probably not with an info dump. That'll bore people.

How do you manage the scale? Start off small, don't escalate too fast.

Don't make the first problem something as important as missing memories. Do that later.

How do you raise the stakes for someone who is overpowered? Put them in a scenario where their power isn't the answer.

But what if it can be? And why shouldn't they just cheat?

The only reason I haven't just used everything at my disposal is because of how boring it'd be. But at the same time, I'm getting myself involved in problems where the boring answer is what the one with the problem wants.

And of course they would. Up until now, they've lived their entire life having already solved that dilemma.

They never got involved in others' problems because of how easy it is for them to solve everything. When they did get involved, when there was no one to hold them back, they made everything the way they wanted it to be.

They wanted their religion to be a certain way? They spread it themselves, made everything about it themselves, and it still continues the exact way they want it to.

The only time they didn't do so was when they held back. Either from their own restrictions like with Mortal Forms, or for the sake of others like with the tenth Hero.

That's why they're so distant, isn't it? Why they only went down there twice, why they left the mortals and the Deities to their own devices.

If they got attached, they'd want to help them. And with powers like these, they have no excuse not to.

But I'm not them. I want to get attached. I want to care about others. I want to be friends.

But my role is God. Things work the way I want them to. Even under restrictions, there's loopholes and other ways around them. The only reason I don't use those is because… because I don't want to.

So then… what do I do in a situation where someone WANTS me to go all out? To solve the problem in the most optimal way?

I'm a God playing mortal, trying to fix an ex-Goddess' problem that they want solved by a God. How do you even raise the stakes and keep things interesting after THAT?

Well… what do you want? Or I guess… who do you want to be?

"... I want… to be me."

"... ake up…"

"... orry… yell…"

"... ur ti… ot yet…"

I hear voices. Not my voice. Do I answer them? Or do I keep my distance?

… What am I thinking? Of course I'll answer. I'd never ignore someone who wants to talk to me…

"... stabilizing. Stand…"

I feel so weak. Even opening my eyes feels impossible. It's like sleep paralysis. You can try to fight it, but it's better to let it take over, right?

"... you for… me…?"

But I don't… I don't want to let it win. I have to struggle with everything I have. Fight the urge, and wake up. I can't lose this… I won't…!

"Nnnngh… gaaaah…!"

Everything is bright and blurry. Figures standing around me, plus something floating in front of me. I can't move a muscle, but… but I can at least let them know I'm here, right?


Eyes, check. Mouth, check. Hearing is still weird, lot of white noise. Gotta focus… and listen…

"Camlyonn Hospital… Kamamein district…"

A hospital…? That explains it. But everything still feels so light. If only… I had a little more energy…

Maybe if I still had my God powers… I could do something. Like, I imagine an image of myself… but with the energy I need. And then… I let it flow through me… and it… becomes…

… True.


Eyes open wide. Like I just got a shot of adrenaline. The light feeling is gone. I can move, I can see, and hear, and speak, and all that other stuff! My upper body jolts forward from it all!



The ones calling me Jamaarl are Mo, Len, and Zoops. They're standing around. The 'Yoru' came from Kandance, which none of the mortals could hear. And Deutralohs… is just watching silently.

"Try not to move too much. Your body should still be feeling the effects of all that fatigue at once."


There's a Hewmitahl doctor speaking to me. Their outfit is a mix of fantasy robes and regular doctor equipment.

"There's a reason fatigue restoration liquids have printed warnings saying not to use them as a sleep substitute. Letting it wear off for even a second after using too many in a row causes the fatigue you held off to hit you all at once."

… Ah.

"You're lucky these three went to check on you so soon after you collapsed. Too much longer and you'd end up in a coma. It's like a miracle of the Goddess with that timing…"

I eye Kandance, who just shakes her head. She didn't have anything to do with it. But she is… crying a lot.

"I know… this is my fault. I should have spoken up sooner…"

No, you were dealing with your own problems. It's not your fault.

"And then I let you do this to yourself to be able to do that bet with the race…"

"The world first race… forget it…"

Deutralohs nods to that. Even he agrees that it should be called off.

"Yeah, that's for the best. Your health comes first, and… well, we don't mind giving up the race to stay with you."

Mo and Zoops nod to Len's idea. I… didn't mean to say that to them, but it works out, I guess.

"Everyone had some fault in it. You, my creator, for not taking his feelings into account. Me, for making a game out of all this. And The New God, for pushing himself to this point. We should learn from these mistakes and do better so that they never happen again…"

"Yeah… I'm fine not remembering everything for now. So don't push yourself to help, okay?"

I just nod. Since speaking would probably make everyone else confused as to who I'm talking to. I'll still relay Kandance's dreams to her, but that's about it. I won't do something like this again… not while I'm still unprepared for the consequences.

"Everyone… thank you…"

"Mister Jamaarl, we suggest you stay here and lay down for a while. You've been out for twenty-four hours, so your body needs some time to readjust."

The doc is right. I need a break…