Chereads / AERTHY / Chapter 23 - Victor, Second in command

Chapter 23 - Victor, Second in command

The moon has turned red as blood and a teenager (5.7 feet tall )walking in the woods carring a Katana on his left hand ,

He calmly walks a forest blessed by trees that cover the sky and takes away the light of the moon. A few steps he takes and a light escape the imprisonment of the trees and point the way out , Calmly he walks towards the light , He reaches the light ,From where he stands he sees wide area below the hill . Scars as deep as the eye can see , He stood from the top and watch the wounded mother earth ,Flames were spreading everywhere and smoke was covering the sky. Without any word he decends down the hill , With no worry of the hight he jumped from he land swiftly on the grounds, Infront of him was flames and it was all he can see, out of the flames a dark figure appears , Blinded by the light of the moon He couldn't clearly see the foe infront of him , He draws hes sword and takes a Fighting stance .Without hesitation they both charge towards each other .

Mole wakes up inside a tent , brushing his head with his hand " This dream , it keeps coming back to me , why cant i..." a man calling out to him disturbs him , Mole wondering whos outside and why is he calling for him , so he stands up and gently unzip the tent , the light of the sun shine to his eyes living him a bit blinded ..." Its a wonderful morning , can we have a word?" A man speaks onto Mole , Slowly Mole recovers his sight , And see who is speaking to him , But surprisingly it was non other than King Ryker , A surprising expression from Mole " King Ryker, what - what are you doing here?" He speaks to him as if he was hes equal . " I have come to see the rampaging boy , But you are as young as they described you to be , i can hardly believe it ." The king reaches for Moles head and brushes it with his hand " Have you had breakfast yet? And sure your starving , I have a table , please follow me." He turns his hand and walks away , Mole still wondering why has he visited him ... But that wasn't the only thing on his mind ,Mole was hungry and the thought of eating always excites him.

Both king Ryker and Mole arrive at the table , The table filled with riches , Fruit and all different kinds of food, Prince Zane was found sitting there taking a sip tea with his one good arm , Mole and King Ryker join him " Good morning, prince Zane. " king Ryker and Mole greet him , the prince smile and gently stands up despite his injuries and bows his head as a sign of respect. They all seat down to enjoy a wonderful meal " I heard your the son of Thorn ? " King Ryker ask Mole . Mole lost in delight over the food all he can do is nod when he respond "I dont detect any elemental core within you , can it be that you use your strength to fight ?" King Ryker ask Mole a series of questions all Mole can is nod his head to respond.

" May i have a word my king ?" Prince Zane ask king Ryker for his time , King Ryker respond by nodding as he takes a sip of green tea he seem to love so much ." I have fought alongside Mole , i have noticed that he has the same ability that giants use , he is able to manipulate nature by distributing a little bit of energy to them."

King Ryker surprised " how wonderful that is . Such great power , This is within the blood Rose Verdani ... " King Ryker takes a sip of his tea then on the side of the table a voice is heard " May i join you?" An individual speaks while sitting at the table with them wearing a wonderful suit and he has very light skin . King Ryker indulging the last piece of bread on his plate as he wonder ("how did this man appear here without me detecting him.")

The man takes a piece of napkin and prepares himself to indulge food with them , Then he speaks "Ooh my how rude of me ,Im Victor and im the second in command of the Luminary nice to meet you ...." In no less than a secon King Ryker and Prince Zane on their feet aiming sharp blades at victors neck. But he doesn't even show a sign fear " Calm yourself i have come here to relay a message to you i beg you to sit." Both King Ryker and Prince Zane experience a huge weight in their bodies forcing them to sit down. He takes a piece of bread and eat it he follows up by taking a sip of green tea to make his swallowing even more smooth " Starting from today my leader will show himself to the colt and to the world."

Victor : We have found all we need to break the seal but we lack one thing , is either we take one of Theodorus dissident or a Member of the Blackwood clan .

King Ryker : We wont let you have any of those people.

Victor : You see , Mole here has what we need , He is the dissident of Theodorus.

King Ryker and Prince Zane surprised for they could not believe what they just heard .

King Ryker: No that cannot be ...The last children of Theodorus were banished out of this land , How can he be the dissident?

As they all speaks Mole just finished eating and shout " wow that was wonderful!!" Holding his tummy to show his full .

Victor: Give him up to me now...I may spare your meaningless life.

King Ryker start to look tense on his face , despite the force that forces him to sit he stands up and the way his energy feels it is different from before " Dont insult a king saying his life is meaningless, I will have your head for such nonsense. " King Ryker picks up his sword to attack but a huge light appeares in the direction of Ignisia, Everyone including Victor was caught by its radiance. "That - That is my father's Believe...! But why?" Prince wondering what is happening in Ignisia that King Arin himself could use such a secret technique .

Victor: Aahh so it begins , I welcome you , my master .

A secon later the light fates away , Everyone was wondering what was going on in Ignisia " Victor!!..." King Ryker shouts Victors name , only to find not even a single trace of him , Then he quickly looks around to see if Mole is there but with no worries was sitting on a chair his head up to the cloud and sleeping . King Ryker calm himself down and try to think of what is going on at Ignisia

Back in Ignisia...

Flames around the distroyed tower fall with the distroyed rubble's Igniting camps and buildings around Ignisia , flames spread but the people dont penic , they orderly evacuate the areas filled with flames and guards go around killing the fires so that not much damage is done to Ignisia . In the top of the scout tower , Oarkborn and the others start coming back to life after being knocked out by a heavy blast from Gambit " Aaah , my head ." Says Oarkborn " Where is King Arin? " Queen Calantha ask the others . " Foot marks , and it looks like they are burn marks , a huge fight was happening here" King Thorold speaks as he follows the foot mark up until he loses them and look at the sky, " My guess is that the fight went on ...but in Air and look at the wall , the way its damaged can only be the mark of a fight." Everyone of them exorsted and dont know what to think and the thought of king Arin surviving that blast has not come into mind . All they could do now is try to get themselves some rest , But if only it was that simple. 

Somewhere in mountains of Aerthys southwest from Ignisia ...

Within those mountains a group of Luminary have gathered in a large hall, The room is dark and lit up by candles and it almost seem like the room is orange , Within that crowd of people that were wearing gowns with a dagger crest on their backs , a Crest known to have no holder , a man wearing a different colour gown pass through the crowd of people and all he could see infront of him , Was their feisty eyes and heavy glare . He walks pass them all, Infront of him a towering number of stairs were calling , with no hesitation he took his time ascending the stairs , The hole room filled with silence and the energy of the room went down. The man gets to the highest point of the stairs , And then from the shadows Victor appeares , he stares to the man's eyes then he makes a cold smile , Then he bows on one knee with a dagger on hes hand and placed on his chest, The man keeps walking and through the shadows he appeares at the highest point , Where everyone can see him . At moment of his arrival Victor raises his hand .Then a door just below where the man stands but at a hight where everyone could see a door opens, And a man chained , The man behind the person brings a lit candle on hes face , The man there was non other than Lee ( The winner of the YET( Youth Elemental Tournament) and got enrolled to the Ace warriors...) With a blade on his neck...

To be continued...