Chereads / Song of A Northern Sorcerer / Chapter 32 - Chapter 8: Winter Years (2) part 4

Chapter 32 - Chapter 8: Winter Years (2) part 4

If you want to help me financially, you can do it on

When the proposal had first be brought to him, Ned had nearly laughed the men, and woman, out of his solar when he saw the sheer scope of the project. Not only would it cost a substantial amount of coin to build, but to keep the sailors onboard and the ship properly maintained would cost a small fortune. But Nox, like always, had a counter to his argument. As well as laying out the designs, the four had also laid out a plan to pay for the vessel without putting a dent in the coffers of the North, as well as to how to keep it manned. And if their plans worked out, not only would the vessel hardly cost them anything, but in a decade or less it would be bringing in a substantial amount of coin from trade.

"A year will be fine. It will give us time to prepare." Nox responded almost immediately. "That is, of course, if you still plan on allowing the expedition I requested to come to fruition."

Ned felt his head start to ache as Nox brought up his wish once more. "Your request is not one that is so easily granted, Nox," Ned sighed. "Many have tried to navigate the ruins of Valyria and the Smoking Sea. Gerion Lannister, the youngest brother of Tywin, set out himself no more than a few years past. And he, like all the others who have attempted the venture, have yet to return home."

"All those others were missing one key aspect that we will have, Ned. Me." Nox responded, sounding incredibly sure of himself. "My lack of eyesight is exactly what will allow me to help to navigate the Smoking Sea and venture deep into the ruins of Valyria. And once there, perhaps I can locate the strange darkness I've felt emanating from the east."

'The darkness,' Ned thought, his eyes wandering to the east.

Ove the years, Nox had been able to help him hone his abilities with the Force. He wasn't nearly as well versed in the Force as Nox, nor even his own children at this point. But he was able to at least meditate and reach out with the Force, and at times even receive visions as Nox called them. Although deciphering the cryptic messages from the Old Gods and Force was still something that mostly alluded Ned. But during one of their meditation sessions, Ned had sensed what Nox had. A great darkness to the east, an almost…hunger. An insatiable hunger to devour. It was a strange sensation to say the least. And one that Ned had no desire to ever encounter at its source.

"Is this darkness you speak of the one you saw in your vision when you first arrived?"

"No," Nox answered almost immediately. "It is…similar, almost kindred if you will. But it is not the darkness that I sensed that threatens to devour the land. However, should this darkness in the east not be quelled, then it will aid the other darkness that is to come."

And that is what it always came back too. This darkness that Nox claimed will devour the land unless it is stopped. Even after years of knowing him, Ned still wasn't completely convinced of the darkness that Nox spoke of, it sounded too much like the myth of the Others and the White Walkers to his liking. But in the end, Nox believed in his vision, and that belief led to Nox aiding and strengthening the North to almost unheard-of levels. And Ned knew, that if he didn't aid Nox in combating what he perceived as a threat, that the man would go off and do it himself.

"Very well," Ned nodded. "But the Lords of the North will be most anxious. As I have said, few have dared to traverse those lands since the Doom. And if you should find any spoils of Valyria, they will want something as well."

"Then send out ravens a moon's turn or so before the ship is ready to depart," Nox counter argued. "Offer a spot on the vessel to the Northern houses. And whatever spoils that are collected from Valyria will be given out accordingly."

Scratching his chin, Ned nodded. "I'm not sure if allowing their heirs or vassals to travel with you will ease their anxiety or increase it. But the thoughts of scavenging the ruins of Valyria will most definitely be worth the risk to many, I think."

"Then it's decided." Nox declared with a note of finality. "But there is one more thing we need to discuss, Ned. A rather…personal matter regarding the expedition. I've been meditating long on what might happen, and most is still uncertain. But there is one factor that I know must occur. Jon must accompany me on this voyage. I am unsure as to the exact nature of what will happen, but something will occur during the voyage. And Jon must be present for it. Maybe it has something to do with his ancestry and where we are heading."

Ned felt his blood run colder than the wall and his heart cease in his chest. "Jon, why?" Ned asked nervously. Truthfully, he didn't want Jon within a hundred leagues of the home of the Dragonlords. "He is but a boy or not even twelve name-days. And despite his actions of late and the fact that he has been bloodied in battle, he is not yet a man. And his blood, Jon is my son, a son of the North. Nothing more."

Turning his back on him, Nox waved his hand towards the door. The door closed abruptly as the latch clicked shut. A gentle wave of the Force pulsed from Nox, settling around Ned and the sorcerer. 'A…silencing dome,' Ned recalled Nox calling such a technique, his anxiety growing with each passing moment. 'A useful technique to ensure there are no unwanted ears to a conversation. But what could he say that is so pressing that…no. He can't know. Can he?'

His hopes of Nox not knowing the secret of Jon's birth were quickly dashed as Nox faced him once more. His eyeless face completely devoid of all emotion. "I am not a fool, Lord Stark. So please do not take me for one. Think back, my friend. I have been here for nearly five years, and in all that time have I once called Jon your son?"

Ned felt like he'd been punched in the gut by the Great Jon while wearing a steel gauntlet. "How long?"

"Since the first moment you two stood side by side," Nox answered. "I will admit, it is a good ruse, and you're lucky the boy takes after his Stark heritage. I doubt that any who simply look at the boy would mistake him for anything but your son. Especially given your reputation as the most honorable man in the realm. But to someone like me, someone who can see beyond the surface, I can tell that is not the case. There is a familial connection between the two of you, to be sure, but it is not the connection that is held between a parent and their biological child. So, at the start, I knew he was not yours. Which left three options. He's not Ben's, as he would have no need to hide it. Your elder brother was a well-known skirt chaser so that was a possibility, but it was unlikely that you would dishonor your brother's name by denying him the knowledge of who his true parents were. Which left one option. And the mostly likely candidate for the father became obvious when I read the history of what happened. Which even goes to explain your motivations in naming him your bastard and keeping him, and indeed the rest of the realm, in ignorance."

If he had a dagger on his person, Ned would've been gripping it's hilt by the time Nox had finished speaking. There were only two people who knew the truth of Jon, himself and Howland Reed. And now Nox. While two people could keep a secret, especially as one preferred to stay isolated in his keep in the Neck, three people increased the odds of others finding out. And how long until more pieced it together? And what would Robert's reaction be once he learned of Jon's parentage? Would his love for Ned's sister overrule his hatred for the dragon blood that ran through his veins? Or would the fact that his sister had a child and with her last breath begged Ned to keep him safe finally push his friend over the proverbial edge?

"You are worried that I will spread this secret, or that I have plans to put Jon on the Iron Throne to usurp your friend, Robert," Nox stated, giving voice to Ned's thought, which made him immediately pull back on himself as he tried to form the 'mental walls' around his mind as Nox had shown him. "I don't need to read your mind to know your thoughts, Ned. Your feelings are practically screaming them. And to ease your mind, I have no plans to place Jon Snow on the Iron Throne or to usurp your friend. You have my word and oath on that. And seeing as how I haven't brought up Jon's true parentage in the past five years, I hope that I've earned your respect enough to acknowledge that I can keep this a secret. No one, and I mean no one, will learn about Jon's true ancestry from me."

Ned felt himself relax at the oath. 'He speaks the truth.' He thought, trying to calm his racing heart. 'By his own admission, he has known of Jon's true parentage for nearly his entire time here in the North. And no one knew, not even myself. He's proven he can keep a secret, especially one that is as dangerous as this. If word got out of Jon's parentage, combined with the spreading knowledge of Nox training him, many would assume that, given Nox's appearance, that he was indeed trying to put the dragons back on the Iron Throne. And while his word and oath are enough to ease my mind, Nox's sense of self-preservation does so in equal measure.'

"And what purpose will Jon serve on the expedition that another man cannot?" Ned pressed, trying to see if there was anything nefarious in Nox's request.

"Truthfully? I don't know." Nox shrugged, surprisingly Ned. "All that the Force has shown me is that if we are to survive the coming darkness, then certain things need to happen. Some of which will occur on this voyage. And Jon must be there to experience them. But don't worry, Ned. I don't plan on putting Jon in a situation I don't believe he can handle. I've grown quite fond of the boy over the years."

Breathing deep, Ned closed his eyes. 'Lyanna…what would you want for your son?' It was a silly question, and he knew that the moment he asked it of his sister. He knew what she would want for her son. She would want him to live free. Live a life of adventure and excitement. The life that was denied to her. "Very well, Nox." Ned nodded. "Jon will accompany you on this voyage."

"Thank you. And there is one more topic regarding this voyage that we need to discuss. Asha. She will be coming along as well."

Now Ned wanted to ram his head against the stone wall of the tower. "Another Force prediction, Nox?"

"No. Just saying, Asha helped to design the ship we'll be using to get there. And honestly, from what I've seen and heard, the Northmen are not the greatest sailors. And even at a young age, the girl probably has more time on the water than most of the sailors in White Harbor. Her knowledge will be vital. That, and I doubt you'd be able to keep her from going even if you wanted too."

The sorcerer had a point. The girl was even more headstrong than Lyanna. And that was saying something. And although she was still a ward of House Stark, per the King's command she would be free to return to the Iron Islands in a little over a year, roughly the same time during which the expedition would be taking place. Staying silent, he began weighing the decision in his mind should anything come to happen to her during the voyage. He could argue that he did not have a say in her decision should anything come to pass during the voyage. But still, he doubted that Lord Greyjoy would be so understanding should his only daughter come to harm during her stay as his ward. On the other hand, he was sure that the possibility of having his daughter on a voyage to the heart of Valyria would be something Balon would want. Especially if she was able to replicate the voyage under the banner of the Ironborn. And he wasn't so sure he wanted the Greyjoys to have a map laid out to them that would lead into the heart of Valyria. There was no telling what a man like Balon or his brothers would do if they managed to get their hands on such knowledge. But then again, allowing her to go could reaffirm her loyalty to the crown and help to influence the Iron Islands back into the true fold of the Seven Kingdoms. Something that Ned knew Nox was working on.

"Should she request it of me, I will not deny her request," Ned spoke, coming to a decision that he truly hoped he wouldn't come to regret. "I take it that you will be continuing her training in her Force abilities during the expedition as well?"

Ned had hoped to have caught Nox off guard with his comment, but to his surprise, Nox only shrugged. "Of course. She's not as Force sensitive as your children or Jon. But she does have certain skills that can be honed. Much like your own."

Turning to his friend, Ned stared at cloth covering the man's ruined eyes. "You don't sound surprised that I know of your secret training of Asha."

To this, Nox scoffed. "Please, Ned. Winterfell is your keep. The seat of House Stark. Plus, while your powers have not been able to be refined like the young ones, your powers are still developing. Enough so that you should be able to sense an individual's Force sensitivity and be able to identify if they've had training or not. At this point, I'd be more disappointed and surprised if you didn't know that I was training her. And as you have not stopped her from learning, you must obviously know what I'm trying to accomplish. And tell me the truth, Ned, if you had to choose, who would you rather see on the Seastone Chair leading the Ironborn? Theon or Asha?"

The choice wasn't a difficult one. Or at least it wouldn't have been had both been men. "Asha is a Lady of the Realm," Ned countered. "She cannot inherit her father's seat in front of her brother."

To this, Nox merely shook his head. "Why? Because her reproductive organs are inside rather than swinging between her legs? Cause she bleeds once a month in a biological cycle that? How does that make her unfit to rule a land? She is far smarter, more skilled, more powerful, and most importantly older than her brother. Why should she not rule the Iron Islands? Lady Dustin rules her lands in the absence of a husband and son does she not? And if the tales are true, Lady Orlenna rules the Reach through her puppet of a son. And in Dorne, the eldest regardless of gender takes the mantle of rulership when the time comes. Why should Asha be any different?"

"The Lords of the Iron Islands will never accept a woman to lead them." Ned tried to argue, trying to make Nox understand. He'd grown to care for the girl. He saw his sister in Asha almost as much as he saw her in Arya. The Lords of the Iron Islands would tear her apart should she try and stake a claim to her father's seat.

"Asha knows full well the uphill battle that she will have to fight, should she wish to claim the Seastone chair. And she more than willing, and capable, of fighting and winning such a fight. Especially if she has the backing of highly influential individuals in the mainland Kingdoms."

Ned was losing the argument, both to Nox and to himself as he began to see the benefits of having Asha controlling the Ironborn. As much as it pained him to say, as he did not like to favor one child above the other, if he had to choose between the Theon and Asha, he would choose Asha. The young woman had a good head on her shoulders. And she seemed to genuinely want the Ironborn to abandon the 'old way'. Something that Ned was highly in favor of. "And what of Theon?"

To that, Nox merely shrugged. "That would be up to Asha. She will be his head of house if all goes well. What position he will hold will be up to her."

Looking down at the clear glass in his hand, Ned finished off the small amount of whiskey within. "Very well," Ned sighed. "Should Asha manage to have herself named as Heir to the Iron Islands, then she will have the backing of the Starks and the North."

"Your backing will help her keep hold on the islands after she's managed to take it for herself to be sure," Nox nodded, taking the empty glass from Ned. "Now that those unpleasantries are out of the way, shall we start discussing the specific details of the expedition to Valyria? Even with a year wait, I'm sure it will take some time to gather enough volunteers for the voyage. And the more details we can give your bannermen the better odds of getting those volunteers quickly and getting them trained to sail."

Walking across the smooth deck surface of the newly christened 'Sea Wolf', Nox took his time to examine every inch of the large sea vessel that had quite literally just been put into the water less than a month prior. 'I have to give credit where it is due,' Nox thought as he finished his examination of the vessel, finding no faults in the construction of the ship that would serve to ferry the Northmen and himself across the Narrow Sea and to Valyria. 'While primitive, the natives of this world can truly build some wonderous constructs when they put their minds to it.'

The ship was impressive to say the least. And the builders had managed to follow the designs that he, Asha, Luwin, and Wendel had collaborated on. Although, truth be told, his contribution was less in the actual designing of the ship and more along the lines of potential ways to improve it while the other three worked his ideas into something that was functional. It was…humbling, to say the least. His time as a slave and amongst the Sith had forced him to learn an extremely wide range of subjects from anatomy, to medicine, to ship mechanics to politics, to agriculture and just about everything else in between. But one thing that he had spent very little time on was seafaring wooden ships, understandably given the primitive nature of such a vessel.

Stopping near the bow of the ship, Nox heard the voice of Lord Manderly as he led Lord Stark around the deck. The man had puffed up like a prized winning bird when Lord Stark had arrived and congratulated the Lord and his men on their construction of the ship. And now, it looked like the man was trying to capitalize on the praise to integrate himself even more so into the good graces of Lord Stark. His ambition shining like the suns of Tatooine. 'Which is reassuring,' Nox thought silently with a smile as he sensed the two men wander away from him. 'I wouldn't be able to trust the man if he'd gone through all of this for nothing.'

Leaning against the railing of the ship and breathing in the sea air, he let his mind wander as he took stock of those of import that had decided to join on with the expedition. He'd been pleasantly pleased with the response that Ned had received from his bannermen when he'd announced the expedition to Valyria to his bannermen. Within a mere two weeks of having sent the initial ravens, dozens were flying back from the various keeps littered across the North promising their backing in the forms of men, coin, or even in a few cases heirs or spares of the Lords themselves. Although what was even more telling were the houses that had not offered men or coin and had merely offered their well wishes.

'House Bolton, Dustin and Ryswell,' Nox repeated in his head for the hundredth time since the ravens had returned to Winterfell all those moons ago. 'To give up the chance to explore Valyria and take a share in the riches of the land… Even if they truly believed the voyage was doomed to fail, the chance was well worth the price. So why would they snub the chance? Does their hatred of House Stark truly run so deep?' To that, Nox almost laughed at his own naivety. He'd sensed the pure hatred and loathing almost rolling off Lady Dustin the first time he'd met her before heading to the Iron Islands. And Lord Bolton, while he didn't outright hate Lord Stark and was able to keep control of himself at least visibly, was clearly lusting after the power that came with the title of Warden of the North. 'Be it the Sith Empire, the Galactic Senate, or here in this backwater world. Politics and the desire for more power, no matter the definition, never ceases.'

Chasing away such thoughts, he went back to those who were on the ship with them. Asha Greyjoy was near the helm of the ship and was, unsurprisingly, grilling three shifts of helmsmen on the controlling of the ship. No doubt the young woman was intending to take the ship designs back with her to the Iron Islands when she left the North to return home, something that Ned had brough up with no small amount of concern. Which was understandable to a point. Should those who wished to continue the 'old way' get their hands on this ship, it would take an armada to stop it. Especially if it was under the control of such seafaring people like the Ironborn. But Nox had faith in Asha. Or rather in her ambition at any rate. She was smart enough to see the path of destruction that her people were on. They needed to change. And she had the spine to do it. And if a ship akin to the Sea Wolf could help further her plans, then Nox and a begrudging Ned were willing to accept it.

Near the gangplank were Jon, Robb, and Theon. The three boys, or rather almost young men according to this land's sense of appropriate age, were laughing good-naturedly with one another. But despite their good-natured barbs, Nox could sense the underlying feelings within each of them as clearly as if they were shouting them at the top of their lungs. Jon was excited and nervous, understandable considering the voyage ahead of them. Robb was…more complicated. He was excited, but at the same time extremely jealous that his 'brother' was going, and he was being forced to stay behind. The boy had gone so far as to get down on his hands and knees and beg his father to let him go as well. But Lord Stark had been resilient. Which was understandable, Robb was his heir. The boy couldn't risk himself on a potentially dangerous voyage like this one. Not when he was still so young. And as for Theon, well, the Ironborn boy was a whirlwind of emotions. Depression at being left behind. Anger by the fact his sister was allowed passage over him. And mixed in was a sort of…relief that Jon and Nox would be away from Winterfell for a time. A sentiment that Nox mildly shared with the boy. Whereas Jon, Robb, Asha, and even Arya had begun to excel and grow substantially under his tutelage, Theon had stuttered and basically failed. The boy had very little Force potential, and his sense of entitlement, which was still prevalent even after several years, was still a major hurdle that the boy was unable, or willing, to overcome.

Letting the three have their moment to themselves, Nox scanned the other Lords and Ladies that were giving last minute instructions to those who would be accompanying Nox. The Great Jon had his son 'Small Jon', which was an ironic title as the young man was just a fist width shorter than his father, firmly by the shoulders. A fair distance away, the Lord Karstark has his second son Eddard Karstark in a fierce hug. And a small distance away from the Karstarks stood Maege Mormont and her daughter Dacey Mormont, the latter of whom would be accompanying Nox. While many were joining the expedition for the chance at fame and glory, the Mormont's reason for joining was not as grand. It was no secret in the North that Jorah Mormont had recently been draining the coffers of Bear Islands in order to keep his new wife, a noblewoman from the Hightower House from the Reach, pleased. No doubt the she-bears thought that this voyage would be their best, and potentially only, way of refueling their coffers without having to resort to anything drastic.

All in all, the diversity of Northern houses that were represented was impressive. But it was who would not be joining Nox that he felt most keenly. Nyra. The young native Northern woman that had managed to work her way into his hardened heart so thoroughly that even now the thought of leaving her for months on end caused a pain in his chest. He hadn't intended for their relationship to develop to this point when he'd first met her, nor even when he'd returned from the Iron Islands and had taken her under his wing. At best, he figured that she would be a nice little distraction when he needed it. But as time passed, he found himself drawn to the young woman. She reminded him so much of Ashara that it was almost painful. Not physically of course, he doubted he would be able to find any Togrutas here on this world. But all the same, she had the same fire, the same drive within her that had attracted him to Ashara in the first place.

Nyra hadn't been pleased to be left behind either. Their argument at his decision was…unpleasant. And had left him with a very cold bed for nearly a month. But in the end, she relented and saw his point of view. It wasn't because he thought her uncapable. Quite the opposite in fact. He needed her to stay behind because she was capable. She was the only one he trusted to continue overseeing the various projects and business ventures he had set up, both for himself and of the North. The night before they left Winterfell, she had proceeded to give him a farewell that had sent more than a few tongues wagging in Winterfell. Despite his not so inconsequential stamina that came from years of Sith training, Nyra had nearly worn him out to the point where his body almost refused to move. 'I wanted to give you a reason to come back to me,' she had said the next morning, 'and to make sure you were sated enough not to search for the company of whores when the ship inevitably makes port.' Well, she had certainly marked her territory as the nail marks on his back and chest that had still not healed completely were any indication.

He was so caught up in his memories of Nyra's parting night, that he didn't even realize Ned and Manderly were approaching him until the two were nearly on top of him. "Lord Stark, Lord Manderly," he greeted properly, turning to the two.

"Nox," Ned acknowledge back. "The last of the supplies are loaded and all of those who volunteered are onboard."

"Good." Nox nodded. "Well then, I guess that this is it."

"Aye, it is," Ned nodded before turning to Lord Manderly. "Lord Manderly, let the men know that everyone who isn't going should disembark. Once everyone is off, the ship is to cast off."

"As you wish, Lord Stark." Manderly nodded, bowing once to Stark before bowing to Nox and making his way away from the two.

Once alone, the two men stood in silence as Ned's grey eyes met Nox's ruined eyes. "I need your word, Nox, Alim," Ned began. "He may not have my name, but he is my blood and my son. Your word that you will make sure he will return."

"He will, Ned," Nox nodded. "I give you my word on that."

Ned's presence in the Force relaxed ever so slightly. "Then, I will hold you too it." The Lord of the North said, holding out his hand. "May your gods watch over you, my friend."

Clasping Ned's forearm, Nox nodded. "And may the Force be with you, my friend."