Chereads / Song of A Northern Sorcerer / Chapter 12 - Chapter 4: Greyjoy Rebellion part 1

Chapter 12 - Chapter 4: Greyjoy Rebellion part 1

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The crowd from the presentation of Nox's glass, which had been dubbed ice-glass due to its color and strength, had barely begun to disperse before an errand boy had run up to Nox and informed him that Lord Stark wanted to speak with him in his solar immediately. Even before the boy could finish speaking, Nox knew exactly what Stark wanted to speak to him about. He'd felt it over a week ago now, but outside of telling Stark to order his bannermen to start gathering their men, he'd kept his thoughts to himself. He wanted to see if Stark had sensed it as well. Apparently, he hadn't. Or if he had, he hadn't been able to place what the feeling was.

Arriving at Ned's solar, Nox gave the wooden door a singular knock before calmly striding in. The Warden of the North was sitting behind his desk, a raven's note laying on the wooden surface before him. "How did you know?" Ned asked as Nox calmly shut the door.

"You will have to be more specific, my lord."

Ned's grey eyes turned on him and narrowed. "You know of what I speak of Nox. Two weeks ago, you advised me to begin telling my men to call their banners and ready themselves. And now today I received a raven from King's Landing. The Ironborn have sacked Lannisport. Balon Greyjoy has declared himself King of the Iron Island and no longer under the jurisdiction of King Robert Baratheon. The King has called all the banners to bring the Ironborn to heel. How did you know that this was going to come to pass?"

"I didn't." Nox answered simply. "At least I didn't know the specifics of what'd happened. All I know is that two weeks ago I felt a disturbance in the Force. Such a disturbance is usually associated with a great loss of life, like a terrible battle, or rather a slaughter. I merely assumed that someone attacked someone else on a grand scale. And given the King's…eagerness for a fight, I assumed that he would be answering whatever had happened with a show of force."

The Warden of the North stared at him for some time, as if trying to decide whether he truly believed him. "I felt this…disturbance as well," Lord Stark stated, bringing Nox up short. He hadn't expected Stark's force attunement to be quite so well refined already that he could sense the death and destruction of at least a thousand miles off. "At least, I thought I did. It was a chill, a slight shiver. One that I shrugged off as nothing more than a chill brought on by the morning air. But then you came to me and advised I begin gathering my banners, and I began to wonder if that slight sensation was truly something after all."

Pulling up a seat, Nox fixed the Lord of Winterfell with his full attention. "You're Force attunement is quite amazing for only having just reawakened your affinity. It makes me wonder just how powerful you could've been had you been discovered earlier and been trained properly."

Stark didn't necessarily seem entirely comfortable with the prospect. "Perhaps. But the past is the past and not the reason that I asked to speak with you today."

"No, of course not." Nox nodded. "You called me here because you are calling your banners and heading off to war. And you want me to come with you."

Stark nodded. "Aye, I do. I've seen the way you interact with the men in the yard. You might not have led a war before, but you've led in battle, haven't you?"

"You have no idea," Nox replied ruefully, thinking back to the many campaigns he participated in during his time as a Sith Lord of the Empire. "And I will go with you, Lord Stark. However, I must make you aware of something. I'm not going with you to fight in this war, I'm going with you to win this war. And to do so, I cannot be 'Master Nox'. I must reclaim my old moniker and become 'Darth Nox' once again."

"And what does that mean?" Stark asked seriously. "You have explained before that your title amongst your people was 'Darth Nox'. But what is so special about this title that you must hold it to fight in a war?"

"The title of Darth is not one that is handed out without cause, Lord Stark. In order to become a Darth, one must become death incarnate." Pausing in his explanation, Nox drew deeply on the dark side, letting it fill him as much as possible. While he couldn't see what was happening to the physical world around him, he'd done this enough in order to intimidate his subordinates that he knew exactly what was happening. The air in the room dropped several degrees, to a level where Stark's breath started to mist. And despite his usual stoic façade, Stark let out a slight shiver. "I will fight for you, Lord Stark. I will fight for the North against your enemies. But I will do so my way. I will not defeat the Ironborn. I will destroy them. I will leave such a lasting impression on them that the next son of a bitch reaver that even thinks of picking up a blade and turning to a life of piracy will shit themselves out of fear of retribution. And by the time this 'war' is done, there will be no hiding what I am nor what I can do. After this, there will be no going back to the way things were. So, having said that Lord Stark, do you still want me to march with you?"

Stark remained silent behind his desk as he absorbed the ultimatum that Nox had handed to him. Without saying a word, Stark pulled open one of the drawers on his desk and reached inside. Nox's lips turned upwards slightly as Stark pulled his ancestors lightsaber out of the drawer. "In truth Nox," Stark began, staring down at the lightsaber in his hands before placing it on the desk between them. "Things changed the moment you saved my son's life from the Wildings over a moon ago. Why should we stop the change now?"

The moment Stark offered him his lightsaber back, Nox, could feel a slight shifting in the Force. Stark handing Nox his lightsaber back meant something to the Force. Something that was supposed to happen. And Nox knew in that moment that he had truly started to earn the trust of the Warden of the North. 'Now all I need to do is to start training his children and Jon.' "There is one more thing I must inform you of, Lord Stark." Nox began, mentally preparing himself as he knew he was about to delve into a pain part of his past. "I can and will tolerate a lot during war. But there is one thing I will not tolerate, and that is the act of rape. Should I find any man committing this act, regardless of their rank or station, I will kill them."

Stark didn't bat an eye as he stared at him. "I can respect your vigor, Nox, but I cannot condone such an act with-"

"I assure you, Lord Stark, there will be nothing for you to condone." Nox countered, "this will happen. But do not fear, I will make sure that my actions do not come back to tarnish you and the North."

Stark sighed while shaking his head, "men lose themselves in battle Nox. Especially when a castle is raided. Lord's cannot control all of their men at all times."

"No, but you can make a statement to make it so that when their blood does rise, they think twice before takiing out their dicks." Nox once again countered. "You've never once asked me about my eyes, Lord Stark."

The abrupt change in conversation made Stark start. "No, I respected your decision not to tell me."

"Then perhaps it is time I tell you why I am like this, and perhaps then you will understand why I will kill every rapist I come across." Nox began. "I've told you that in the Sith Empire there were slaves correct? Well, my mother and I were born into slavery, no idea who my father was. But despite my station, I never once fought back, I accepted what I was. But then one day when I was no older than Jon and Robb I discovered I could use the Force. Per the law of the Sith, every Force sensitive was to be tested and sent to the Temple of Korriban for training. My Master however, did not like the idea of a mere slave joining the ranks of the Sith. So, the night before I was to be tested by the Temple Guards he summoned myself and my mother to his chambers."

Pausing, Nox had to calm himself as he felt the dark side steadily encroaching on him as he told of his past. "He had his men hold me down and watch as his guards violently violated my mother in every way conceivable right in front of my eyes. They could do whatever they wanted to her just short of killing her. It took nearly half a day before the last man finished. And once he had, my Master gutted my mother like an animal right in front of me. And then to make sure that my mother's defiled gutted corpse was the last thing I ever saw, he took a red-hot poker to my eyes and removed my sight. And sadly, his plan worked. The next day when the Temple guards arrived my emotional state was such that I could not use the Force in front of them, and then after giving one guard a hefty pride, they left me. I was then thrown into the local's mines to die."

Taking a deep breath, Nox made sure he had Starks full attention. "I've done a lot in my time that many could consider 'bad'. But I've never once taken anyone against their will and I've always made sure to punish those that do so. And I am not about to stop now."

Frowning, Stark held his head in his hands, weighing Nox's words. He could almost see the debate going on in his head. Rape was more than likely going to happen during the war, in which case Nox would act. And probably force Stark to do some damage control. But it was either that or leave Nox behind and fight the war without him.

"Very well Nox." Stark declared after a long moment. "I will agree to you handling of the rapists. But only if their guilt is without question. And they must be offered the chance to take the Black first before you legally deal with them. Deviate from this, and you will no longer be welcome in the North. Am I understood?"


"Good. Now come," Stark said, rising to his feet as Nox gathered his lightsaber, "Lord Manderly, Jory and Ser Rodrik are awaiting us to discuss plans in the great hall."

"Will Jon and Robb be joining in the discussion?" Nox asked as the two left the room and walked through the halls.

Stark hesitated slightly at the suggestion. "They are both boys. Not even old enough to start growing hair on their faces."

"Yes, yes. Their balls haven't dropped yet. I understand that." Nox replied dismissively. "But Robb will be acting Lord of Winterfell while you are gone, won't he? Acting in name only of course. But still, it is never too young to begin teaching them about warfare. And any lesson is a good one."

Stark seemed to consider the suggestion for a moment before stopping a random servant that was passing them by. "You, go and collect my sons from their lessons with Maester Luwin and bring them to the great hall."

The older woman didn't seem fazed by the command as she obediently bowed. "Aye, milord."

The rest of their walk passed in silence. For Stark, the silence was expected. No doubt the man was thinking about the dozen or some plans he would have to set up in order to make sure Winterfell ran without him while at the same time thinking of potential battle plans for the North. For Nox though, his mind was purely on the fight to come. 'From what I've read, the Ironborn are little more than glorified pirates. But to attack and make such a brazen declaration…it doesn't make much sense. Surely, Greyjoy must know what kind of reaction he'd garner from this. Which means one of two things. The man has a plan, or he is an incompetent idiot. Definitely something to ponder.'

Arriving in the great hall, Nox and Stark were greeted with the sight of three men standing around a large table that had a map and wooden pieces scattered across its surface. Jory and Ser Rodrik, he knew right away. But the third man was one he'd never met. 'Lord Manderly, no doubt.' Nox deduced as he observed the Lord of White Harbor through the eyes of the Force. 'He maybe one of the fattest men I've ever met, but his mind is keen. Very keen. And he's very accepting to new ideas and – oh. A daughter. And he, ah, I see. I was wondering how long I'd be able to last before I'd have to start skirting around marriage proposals from grasping Lords and Ladies.'

"Lord Manderly," Stark greeted the fat man as he motioned for Nox to take a step forward. "This is Master Nox. Master Nox, this is Lord Wyman Manderly, Lord White Harbor."

"Master Nox." Manderly greeted him cordially, his tone bright and welcoming. "It is an honor. Word of your prowess has reached us even in White Harbor. And I for one am glad to see that they were not overstating things."

Nodding his head, Nox quickly thought back to everything he'd learned about the Lord of White Harbor, arguably one of the most important Lords in the North next to the Starks as they controlled the largest harbor in the North, not to mention the fifth largest city in Westeros. "How are your sons, Wylis and Wendel, my Lord? And your granddaughters, Wynaryd and Wylla. Are they in good health?"

Manderly seemed shaken for a moment, but he quickly shook it off as a large grin nearly split his face in two. "Yes, they are, Master Nox. Thank you for inquiring. Wynafryd is three years older than Lord Robb and my youngest, Wylla, is but two years younger. Both are a handful, but I love them dearly. If you have time, I'm sure that my sons and lovely granddaughters would be thrilled to have the chance to meet you. A real live sorcerer. It's something we only read about in ancient history or fantasy."

Nox couldn't help but notice the way Manderly had accented 'lovely' when describing his granddaughters. Nor did he miss the less than subtle jab with the eldest one's age. The eldest may be 'of age' in this world for him in a few years, but Nox would never entertain the notion of marrying and bedding what he still considered to be a child. But there was a second hidden hint in discussing their age. And that was their prospects for Robb and the potential to become the future Lady of Winterfell.

"Perhaps, when time permits and after the Ironborn have learned their place, I will need to take a trip and explore your wonderful city."

"Aye," Lord Manderly agreed before his face turned serious. "But as you said, that can wait until the Ironborn have been dealt with. Forgive me, Lord Stark for taking your time during this session."

"There is no need to ask for forgiveness, Lord Manderly. We are still waiting on a few more to join us." Lord Stark explained, waving off the fat man's concerns.

Before anyone could question, the doors to the hall opened once more. Robb was in the lead, his young eyes wide and full of concern as he walked into the hall with Jon, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground, followed behind with Maester Luwin coming in last. "Lord Stark." Maester Luwin nodded in greeting. "We are here as you requested."

"Good," Stark nodded, motioning for Robb and Jon to approach. "Boys come here for a moment. We have much to discuss."

Robb strode forward confidently, but Jon always kept a pace back. Nox could feel the emotions rolling off the boy. The stench of fear and a sense of unworthiness rolling off him in waves. 'I'm going to have to work on that if he's to reach his full potential in the future.'

"Father." Robb greeted Stark before his eyes cast a quick glance down at the table. "What's…What's happening?"

"War, son." Stark responded simply, drawing quick looks from both Robb and Jon. "The Ironborn have rebelled and King Robert has called the banners of Westeros to deal with them. And as his Warden of the North, I am bound by oath and honor to respond to the call."

Robb's eyes widened to an almost impossible degree as he became ripe with fear. "You're…You're leaving? You're going to fight?"

"Aye," Stark answered simply again. "And while I am gone, you, Robb, will be the Lord of Winterfell."

At this, Robb's eyes very nearly fell out of his young head. "Father…I…I don't' know…I'm not ready!"

Sighing, Stark knelt next to his son. "No one ever is ready for this my son. But you are my son. A true son of the North with the blood of the First Men running through you. You can do this. And you will not be alone. Ser Rodrik will be staying behind, as will Maester Luwin, your mother and Steward Vayon. And if it is not an inconvenience Lord Manderly, I would ask that you stay here in Winterfell until my return to help advise my son as well."

Manderly blinked, but quickly nodded. "Of course, my Lord. It would be my honor to help your son during this time."

"Good," Stark nodded before motioning Jon forward. "Jon. You may not have my name, but you are of Stark blood and my son. The same blood that flows in Robb flows in you as well. And he will need your help, whatever help you can give him. Support your brother at all times."

Jon's back straightened, the feeling of inadequacy and fear being replaced slightly by a sense of purpose as Jon quickly nodded. "Yes father, I will do everything I can to help Robb."

"Good." Stark nodded again, rising to his feet and ushering both boys forward to the table. "Now both of you stay, watch, listen and learn. Ser Rodrik?"

Leaning over the table, Rodrik began moving various pieces around the board. "The squids have attacked Lannisport and several other ports along the Westerlands and even a few in the northern areas of the Reach and the Riverlands. Mostly raids and runs, but they are proving effective at cutting us off from the sea. Lord Stannis has set sail with the royal fleet from Kings Landing and his making his way around Westeros and, from the King's message, intends to meet up with ships from the Reach before continuing. They will then work to ferry men from the Westerlands and the Reach to the Iron Isles."

Stark nodded, taking in the map laid out before him. "Maester Luwin, send out the ravens to all of the keeps in the North. King Robert has made a call, and we will answer it. Timing is of the essence, so tell each House to gather only their bests for this war. All Houses that lie north of Winterfell will make for Deepwood Motte and set sail from there. The rest will converge on Torrhen's Square and set sail from that point. We will then set sail south and converge with the rest of the southern Houses around the Iron Isles."

"Yes, Lord Stark. I will send the ravens immediately." Maester Luwin.

While everything seemed simple enough, Nox didn't like it. Something wasn't right. "Tell me, Lord Stark. The Iron Islands can only field a few thousand at best, no?"

Stark paused before answering. "Aye, ten at most and that is if they arm just about every man and woman on the Islands. Their true strength lies within their boats and on the sea."

Leaning over the map, Nox immediately plotted out several attack plans that could be in play. "Tell me, boys, what do you make of this?"

Both Robb and Jon hesitated. "Make of what, Master Nox?" Robb asked after a moment.

"This war," Nox responded. "Seemingly out of nowhere, Balon Greyjoy sacks Lannsiport and burns it nearly to the ground. Not the smartest move in my opinion as Lord Tywin Lannister is a man that is known not suffer slights lightly. And then there is the Queen to consider as well. She is a Lannister as well. Attacking her homeland so brazenly would not only prompt an immediate response from the Westerlands, but from the crown as well. So, why did he attack? Why are they only raiding and then retreating instead of trying to make inroads onto the mainland?"

The two youngsters' frown as they both thought on his question. "Because he's trying to lure the armies out to sea where the Ironborn are stronger?" Robb answered hesitantly after a while.

"That is a good possibility, and more than likely correct in this instance." Nox agreed, earning a smile from the young lad. "But there is another potential piece to this plan. Can you boys spot it?"

Both lads leaned over the table, examining the map as closely as they could. When neither could answer him, Nox decided to give the two a hint. "Tell me, boys. In warfare, do you want to strike where your enemy is looking?"

Both boys shook their heads, but neither could come up with an answer. That was until Jon's eyes widened. "King's Landing."

All the men in the room blinked, save for Nox who wouldn't have even if he could. Jon, suddenly unsure at finding himself the center of attention, backed off slightly. "No need to be shy boy." Nox said, patting on Jon on the back and encouraging him to speak up. "Say what you see."

Swallowing hard, Jon stepped up to the table. "Umm, it's like Master Nox said. You don't hit your enemy where they think you're going too. Everyone is looking at the Iron Islands and the Westerlands, then who is looking at King's Landing?"

The men around the table all looked down at the map, considering his words. "A good thought, Jon." Eddard agreed, earning a bright smile from Jon. "But it is doubtful. It would take an army of considerable size to lay siege to King's Landing. And even with Stannis bringing the fleet away from port, the city is still heavily defended and a few reavers will not be able to take, let alone hold the city."

"Unless that is not their goal in the assault." Nox countered, drawing quick looks from everyone in the room, which he ignored as he turned back to Robb and Jon. "How does one win a war?"

Robb and Jon both looked at one another as if confused. "You…defeat your enemy…?" Robb half stated, half questioned as if the answer was obvious, but he wasn't sure.

"That is one way, yes." Nox nodded. "But there is another, and more common way for a war to end. Your enemy concedes defeat. This can be done by either defeating their armies. Outmaneuvering them and forcing them to admit that continuation of the war would not be in their best interest. Or, you can hold something over their heads, something they value enough that they are willing to concede defeat. So, having said that, and going back to what Jon and Lord Stark just stated, how could the Ironborn win this war without ever having to really fight?"

Neither boy could put it together, but the experienced men around the table quickly did catch his meaning. And Lord Stark was the first to give words to them. "You can't mean…the royal family? You think they mean to try and kidnap a member of the royal family and force Robert to concede defeat?"

"Why not?" Nox asked. "It's a strategically sound move. Balon cannot win on land, so he must keep everyone at sea. Not possible in a prolonged war. So, the next best option is to hold something that King Robert values enough that he would back off. To my knowledge, there are two royal children, Joffery and Myrcella. Children to the King, grandchildren to Tywin Lannister. Holding either would allow Balon to force two the main parts of the army attacking to hold back. And also, they don't need to hit King's Landing. Dragonstone is the seat of Stannis Baratheon, no? He too has a young daughter, and now with Stannis leaving Dragonstone and taking the royal fleet with him, the island has little more than a token defense guarding it."

"That's…That's dishonorable!" Robb nearly shouted, which only made Nox chuckle.

"Rule of warfare, young man. Never expect your enemies to hold to your ideals."

Across the table, Ser Rodrik was eyeing him wearily. "And how do you know the Ironborn would enact such tactics?"

"I don't," Nox responded, unconcerned by the tone in the elder man's voice. "But I've fought plenty of pirates or raiders or whatever you want to call them in my day. And while cultures and beliefs may differ, they are relatively similar no matter where you go."

Stepping back from the table, Stark turned to Lord Manderly. "Whether Nox is correct or not, it is a possibility we must consider. Lord Manderly, I would task you to send your fleet south to guard both Dragonstone and King's Landing while the royal fleet is away."

"Aye, my lord." Lord Manderly nodded, "I'll send the raven myself and order my son Wendel to depart immediately."

"There is one more thing we must consider, Lord Stark." Nox interjected. "Right now, the Ironborn are reaving up and down the southern lands of Westeros. But they know, with your public friendship with the King, that it is more than likely that you will march to war against them. It's logical that they will be seeking a way to stall your advance. If they were to try and sink a good portion of your ships, where would be a good place to hit?"

Pausing, Stark stared down at the map. "Barrowton. It's not heavily defended, the voyage upriver from the Saltspear. Torrhen's Square is another possibility, but the trek upriver is longer, allowing for a greater chance of being spotted and thereby allowing the men of the land to prepare a defense."

"Then I suggest that we head there immediately and reinforce the town."

"Aye, I agree." Stark nodded before turning towards Jory. "Jory, organize a hundred of our best and a hundred horses. We set out at first light and ride hard for Barrowton."

"Aye, my lord." Jory saluted, fist over his heart.

As Stark began listing off a series of responsibilities and do's and don'ts for Robb and Jon, Nox remained still studying the map laid out before him. 'Not necessarily how I imagined I'd announce myself to this world. But it will do. And besides…it has been sometime since I've been able to let go like one can during a war. Hopefully I'll come across an Ironborn that might prove a challenge. That would make this diversion somewhat worth it.'