In the bustling city of Lagos, a tragic event would change the life of Tommy, a young man with a heart of gold. Tommy, who suffered from asthma, had always been a defender of the innocent. One fateful day, he stumbled upon a group of bullies, known as the "Area Boys," harassing a young woman named Lisbeth, who was also his coworker. Without hesitation, Tommy intervened, standing up to the bullies and chasing them away.
However, the bullies, fueled by revenge, regrouped and launched a vicious attack on Tommy the next day. In the heat of the assault, Tommy's asthma inhaler was crushed beneath the wheels of a car. As the bullies fled, Tommy desperately tried to catch his breath, but without his inhaler, he was unable to restore his breathing. Despite Lisbeth's frantic efforts to save him, Tommy's airways constricted, and he tragically passed away.
Tragically, Tommy's mother was left to mourn the loss of her beloved son. In her despair, she prayed to Olorun, the Supreme God, to intervene and save her son. Olorun, hearing her heartfelt plea, sent Shango, the god of thunder, and Oya, the goddess of magic, to assist Tommy's mother.
Shango and Oya were moved by Tommy's mother's selfless love and devotion. They revealed to Tommy's subconscious that a great war was imminent, one that would threaten the very fabric of the world. The Orishas believed that Tommy, with his pure heart and courageous spirit, was the only one who could wield the powers necessary to defeat the impending darkness.
And so, Shango and Oya bestowed upon Tommy the powers of the gods, transforming him into a Demigod. With his newfound abilities, Tommy was resurrected, and his legend as POWER_TOM was born.
POWER_TOM's name was coined by his teammates, who recognized his incredible strength and abilities, which surpassed those of any other hero. As a Demigod, POWER_TOM wielded the powers of two gods, making him a formidable force against evil.