enthusiasm Carlyle's "Heroes and Hero Worship,'' but on the evening
of "Old Settlers' Day,'' to my surprise, I found it difficult to go on. Its
sonorous sentences and exaltation of the man who "can'' suddenly
ceased to he convincing. I had already written down in my commonplace book a resolution to give at least twenty-five copies of this hook
each year to noble young people of my acquaintance. It is perhaps fitting to record in this chapter that the very first Christmas we spent at
Hull-House, in spite of exigent demands upon my slender purse for
candy and shoes, I gave to a club of boys twenty-five copies of the then
new Carl Schurz's "Appreciation of Abraham Lincoln.''
In our early effort at Hull- House to hand on to our neighbors whatever of help we had found for ourselves, we made much of Lincoln. We
were often distressed by the children of immigrant parents who were
ashamed of the pit whence they were digged, who repudiated the language and customs of their elders, and counted themselves successful
as they were able to ignore the past. Whenever I held up Lincoln for
their admiration as the greatest American, I invariably pointed out his
marvelous power to retain and utilize past experiences; that he never
forgot how the plain people in Sangamon County thought and felt
when he himself had moved to town; that this habit was the foundation for his marvelous capacity for growth; that during those distracting years in Washington it enabled him to make clear beyond denial to
the American people themselves, the goal towards which they were
moving. I was sometimes bold enough to add that proficiency in the
art of recognition and comprehension did not come without effort,
and that certainly its attainment was necessary for any successful career in our conglomerate America.
An instance of the invigorating and clarifying power of Lincoln's influence came to me many years ago in England. I had spent two days in
Oxford under the guidance of Arnold Toynbee's old friend Sidney Ball *of St. John's College, who was closely associated with that group of
scholars we all identify with the beginnings of the Settlement movement. It was easy to claim the philosophy of Thomas Hill Green, the *road-building episode of Ruskin, the experimental living in the East *End by Frederick Maurice, the London Workingmen's College of Edward Dennison, as foundations laid by university men for the establishment of Toynbee Hall. I was naturally much interested in the
beginnings of a movement whose slogan was "Back to the People," and