Chereads / FATED A Widow's Secret Curse / Chapter 4 - BOND pt.2

Chapter 4 - BOND pt.2


A month has passed since our first family outing and that craziness in town, but everything seems to be going well. The kids seem a bit happier, including Teresa. Which was great, we still have our moments, but I have noticed they have been fewer. I hate seeing her hurting so much when the younger ones are adjusting better. She misses her father which was totally understandable I still missed him too. He was a part of my life for so long I knew that I could never get over him. He will always be with me and the kids forever. But Teressa and Juan were two peas in a pod and I just hope one day she can let go of the hurt and sadness… She deserves to be happy. But all in all, everything was going pretty smoothly, I was doing great at the farmers market and at my shop in town. The locals and tourist seem to like what I am selling, and everyone was loving it. I sweeten the deal for the rental by also selling native items, as long as I give a portion of the money I make to the reservation, they would allow me to rent. They do not know this, but I do not keep a single penny from what I sell for them. I was doing just fine with my own stuff and I felt it would not have been fair of me. They worked hard making all of the jewelry pottery and apparels. It would have been wrong of me to profit from something I did not have a hand in making. So, I give everything back to them, they have been more than kind to me, and I would like to pay it forward. It was not a hard sell; I took the deal and it has been working out so far. If things keep going this well, I will catch up sooner rather than later.

Having another busy morning, I had a lot to do when I got home, and I was going to be beat later. I was restocking some produce when I heard. "Hey Lurena, how's business going?" Linda was a new friend I met two weeks ago. I had a lot on my mind one night and had a fight with Teresa that evening. So, I took a night off and went to the bar in town, it was the only bar there, they called it 'The Wolf's Den'. It was not easy getting in, in fact, it was Linda who got me in in the first place. I was about to leave after begging and explaining to the bouncer how much I needed this, to please let me in, but he did not care, and he did not budge. So, I turned to leave but Linda had stopped me. Then she walked me in with her like if nothing ever happened. I had thanked her and was going to the bar to have a drink, the bar tender was cute, but he was not 'him'. The bar itself was well kept, the owner took pride in his business and his employees followed suit. They had a good amount of liquor; I found my favorite and ordered two doubles with no ice. When she saw that I was alone she called me over to join her and her friends for a few drinks. I do not remember much of the night; I had a little too much and most of it is a blur. I just hope I did not do or say anything stupid, like have a one-night stand, then not remember it.

I smile at my new friend. "It's going well thank you for asking." I was glad to see her pass by. That night at the bar I told her about what I do and asked her to check it out. "I'm glad to see you decided to come." She seemed nice enough and god only knew how much I needed a friend. Living here all alone except for the kids was starting to be a bit overwhelming, I had no adult friends here.

"Oh, Lurena this is amazing, I've been meaning to stop in, but it's been a bit crazy… sorry it took so long." She smiled her apology; she did look annoyed with herself.

I laughed a little. "Oh, don't worry about its Linda, you're here now. Have a look around and let me know if you need anything."

Smiling she says. "Thanks, oh I wanted to ask you if you wanted to join us tonight for some drinks?" She had a twinkle in her eyes that said this would be fun. And with everything that is happened, it would be good for me to get out. Maybe meet new friends so I do not feel so alone, and if this shows the kids that I am ok, then they will be ok too. To see that life here will not be so bad, as long as we make an effort to try.

Besides, I feel that I am owed a drink or two, maybe even three or four. Business is going well, and the kids are getting along as best to be expected. "Sure, that sounds great… Just let me see if I can get a babysitter for them on such short notice." It should not be too hard… right? She nodded her ok and went off, I had a few things to take care of around the store. Everything was on track with a few good sales. Forty-five minutes later, Linda had found more than a few things around my store. Which was saying much since my building was only twenty ft. by forty ft., not much room to have a lot of things. "Oh dear…" I helped her with her purchases that were about to fall to the floor. "I see you found a thing or two." I smiled brightly at her.

"Yes, wow Lurena; I love everything here. I wish I could take it all. Oh… The wood furniture, are they handmade? They're to die for, you got something good here." She was talking a mile a minute, about how she was going to tell everybody she knew about my store. The bestselling point she told me was that everything I was selling was good for the land and helps the people in town. She really seemed genuine about it too, which made me proud of what I have accomplished here with the kids. Best part is that I will be getting a whole set of customers.

"Gee, thanks Linda, I would be forever in your debt. But really, you do not have to do that, it is not the reason I told you about my store. So please don't feel obligated to do me any favors." I smiled my thanks hoping she believe me because it was true, it is not why I told her about my store.

"POSH, girl stop, you should be proud this is a lovely place you have here. And by the looks of it, you work really hard at what you do. Getting more customers in here is what you need, I am going to help. Oh… ideas are flowing, I'm going to work everything out and I'll bring it to you tonight… and maybe even a proposal." She laughs at what I am sure was, my reaction. "Of our partnership silly, I'm already married, sorry you're a bit too late and missing a few things." She laughs even harder.

I blush like a schoolgirl being teased about a boy I like. "But why?" I did not understand why she would want to invest in my little no name store. This will not become a chain, that is not the way I want it to be… Yes of course I want and need customers, but I also want to keep it simple. But the fact is that, we do not even know each other, not really, we only just met two weeks ago. This is the only other time I have seen or talked to her, so why would she even offer such a thing to me. Without knowing anything about me, to say that she could trust me or I her? I do not think I could just say yes to someone I just met with just a few praises and an idea.

She tilts her head to the side. "You know, the other night at the bar, you told me about your family and everything you've have gone through. Losing your husband so young and having to move here with your children and not having anyone to help… It really touched me, more so when I actually saw your hard work." Excuse me? What the hell… How in the hell did she know so much about me? What the fuck were in those drinks that night, truth serum? She saw the shock and confusion that was running frantically across my face. She quickly went to explain. "You talk a lot when you had one too many. You do know that, right? Oh no, you do not remember, you were very forth coming about almost everything. Don't worry nothing to embarrassing but we had a blast together though. And you seem like someone I'd love to hang out with, that's why the invite." She smiles again with a little laughter behind it.

My face turned superhot with embarrassment. "Sorry about that, that's too… I cannot believe I said all those personal things to you. You must think me desperate for a friend. I just don't understand why you would want too, even knowing all of that about me. Do you really think you know me well enough to want to go into business with me? It will be a big risk you know that right? Things are going great now, but what if..." She raises her hand to stop my ranting.

"Lurena, stop ok… I know all what your asking is legitimate concerns and I promise you, that I will have everything to show you how this will work and be worth it, even if we did just meet. I see us being close long-time friends, and I am never wrong. Please… Just come tonight, it will be fun and if by the end of night and what I say still don't make you feel better… Then, I will let it go… k?" She pleaded with her big blue eyes, I was having conflicting feelings and I did not know why. At the same time, I felt her words to be true, she did feel like she could be a long-time friend to me as well.

Well I did say that I was going to meet new people and hopefully new friends. Why not start with Linda who is here right now and is offering hers' to me. "Okay, but no promises on the partner thing." Giving in, in the end.

"Great, see you tonight. Promise, you won't regret it either way." She left waving her goodbye. The rest of the day went by pretty quietly; closing up is what took a bit. I had one last customer for the day, my kids walked into the store as I was helping him. It was taking a bit longer than usual helping the man, my mind could not keep on task all day long, all month long really. I could not Granted, the guy did not know of my Juan's parting but still even if he was not dead, what gave him the right to speak about anyone in such a way. The kids were waiting for me to finish up with my inventory. But it was becoming difficult with every minute. As I fumed about tall dark and handsome, my insides did not seem to agree with my anger toward him, which made me angrier. In truth I have not been able to stop thinking about him and that day. I have not been able to stop thinking about him all month. Anytime I see something that would remind me of him, his daughter or that day, I end up thinking about him and how he made me feel. How my insides would tingle at the thought of him. Or if I caught a sent close to his, a burning need starts at my belly and flows to my clit, making it vibrate with anticipation. Wanting to know how it would feel like, to have him inside of me, making love to me. To feel his hands all over me, kissing and holding me; never letting me go. To have his strong muscular arms wrapped around me, playing my body the way, a pianist plays a piano. Lifting me to heaven on an orgasmic roller coaster ride… This really needed to stop. I can't keep daydreaming about some random dude I never even met, in a; 'oh hi, my name is-type of way. He helped me out with a man with octopus tendrils for hands, but I did most of the talking. Yet I never mentioned my name to him either. He also did not look like one to talk much, he was very to the point, in a matter-a-fact way. Which in the end had pissed me off and I left him there staring after me? You would think I would have not thought of him ever since but that was not the case, he seemed to be on my mind a lot and in my dream's day and night. Dreams so vivid, I would wake up sweating and panting for air, with my panties all wet and my heart racing. It was wonderful and disappointing at the same time. I wanted it to keep going, but it always ended with him trying to tell me something important.

"Hey mom, we're getting a little hungry." Teresa popped her head in the back scaring the bejesus out of me.

She laughs as I jump out of my skin. "Teresa! no agas eso nena, you scared me half to death." I shake the lingering scare that still chilled me. "Sorry baby, yes I'm done, we can go. Vamonos, Esta poniendo tarde." I shut off the light in the small office, in the back of the store. Locking up the front door and left to go home. "Teresa, I'm going out to night with Linda, a friend I'm met the other night, she wants to get to know me better and maybe become friends and even help with the store… So, Jenny is coming to babysit you guys tonight, ok? You guys liked her last time, right? You told me she was the best, so I thought she could watch you tonight." I hoped that this will not backfire on me. What I really hoped, that if by me doing this; it will help them see that there is life after the hurt and sadness, then maybe they would be better sooner.

"Yeah mom, that is fine, we liked Jenny. She's the best really, when she was here last time, we did a lot of cool things and then she let me stay up later and watch scary movies and we talked and everything." Whoa… Well that was different, I think I am a bit jealous of Jenny now. No, if she can help my kids in anyway, that is good for them and us as a family, then so be it. But I will make sure to keep her and me together on this, so they see I am here for them too. I know that I have been working like crazy, but the first two to three years is going to be hard work before it gets to smooth sailing. It has been a bit harder than I thought it would, being alone and all. We had made these plans for two, not one. But I am not going to give up, I cannot! the kids needed to be able to do this and I swore to them that it would work out for the better. If this fails, I do not know what I am going to do or how I will face my children. That is when Linda's offer came to mind, maybe I should take her up on that offer. The workload would be cut down by half or more, if she is not a mother or have other responsibilities. Then maybe Juan's plans will not fail in the end. I Think I just made up my mind but, I am going to wait, see what she has to say first before I say anything.

I smile at Teresa. "Great, I'm so happy you found a friend in Jenny, maybe we can have her over for dinner sometime as a friend, what do you think about that?" God, I hope that was smooth and not very obvious. They all chimed in at once.

"REALLY?" Teresa went into a rant again. "Mom, that would be so cool, can we mom please?" Tears welted in my eyes; my baby was back. Not fully, but with this move, I think I will have her back to the happy girl I once knew and that is all I have ever wanted.

I clear my throat. "Yes, mama we can do that, I'll talk with Jenny tonight and see if that's ok with her, ok baby?" her face brightens up and she gives me the smile I have been missing in so long. And I know Juan was with us right now, I could see him in her face. He was happy with how we are; I think… I know I can do this, I know he has faith in me to do what I need to do, to keep our children happy. 'I miss you Juan, thank you for giving them to me… I will cherish them always.' Hoping that he does not see me as betraying him, for thinking of another man in the way I would think of him. I love Juan with all my heart. But this thing I am feeling, for this man is different, I do not know what it is or what it means. But I know, I have to find out or I will never be able to stop thinking or dreaming about him. If maybe I met him, and saw him for who he was, I can see if it means anything. Finally, at home I get the kids their dinner and ready for Jenny. As we wait, I get ready for a night out with maybe a new friend and partner.



"Hey man, you coming tonight, right? Everybody is going to be there." Red, Falcon's little brother was sitting on my couch eating everything in sight. But I let him, seeing as I owe him and his family a life debt to their son and brother. He gave up his life for mine and I got to come home alive and he did not. Falcon asked me as Alfa to keep his family as my own and to care for them as he would. That was how I was to pay my debt to him. His passing was hard on me, I cannot shake the fact that someone was willing to do that for me. I may be Alfa, but I never saw myself as better than anyone, whether be human or not. The fact was I blamed myself for his death, it was me who asked him to send me off with one last big bang, (no pun intended) … He jumped to the opportunity. But I should have just said no and came home, then maybe Falcon would still be here and not in the afterlife. I came home to my Lilly Pad, took my father's place as Chief to the tribe and Alfa to the pack.

Then there was the ranch, mother had to sell a piece of our property to stop the bank from taking everything. It helped but it hurt us too, more pride than anything really. Father pride himself with his ranch, he worked hard on this land and made it earn its keep. The ranch had paid for itself, but then after his death it was getting harder for my mother to keep up with everything and Lilly. I have yet to meet our new neighbors, but I hope I can get along with them. I have been too busy with Lilly to really care to meet people. Well maybe just one person. I will ask mother to invite them to dinner. So, we can do a proper meet, and I can feel them out. I know there are children living there too. Maybe Lilly can gain a friend. "Yeah, sure man let me just tell Amá, and get ready." I walk to the back of the house where my mother and Lilly were having a tea party with some stuffed friends. I walk to the door and lean on the door frame watching the two women that mean most to me. They were dressed to impress, castle full of royals. I clear my throat to get their attention. "Hey mom, is it ok if I head out with Red tonight? He really wants to hang out… You know?" Ever since Falcon's death, Reds been stuck to me like glue. Lilly Jumped into my arms and I spun her around in a circle. She giggled in delight, while I am sure was the feeling of butterflies fluttering in her tummy. "Is that ok with you Lilly Pad?" she shakes her head happily at me.

"It's ok daddy, go play with uncle Red and I'll be here with mema having my tea party with princess Brown Bear." She giggles some more as I tickle her neck. "Hehe, daddy stop. That tickles…" I laugh along with her and Amá smiles her joy in seeing us together. I look to her eyes and she sees my worry for the boy. "But you have to promise to make it up to me and princess Brown Bear." She puts her stubborn face on. I had learned recently that my baby does not play games when it came to making promises to her, and she gets her way every time.

"Ok, that is a promise I will be happy to keep, how about tomorrow night?" She screams and claps her excitement, jumps out of my arms after kissing my cheek. She runs back to her table and continues her played date. "Amá, do you mind?" Mom knew how much this hurt me to have to face them every day, but she felt for them too. It was her son who had cause their son's death, so she felt just as indebted to them.

"Of course, my dear, give him my love, and don't let him get too drunk tonight. We don't need any more trouble with the humans." She shakes her head. "His parents worry for him, he is not taking things well even though he's not showing it, watch him well son." I nod my agreement and walk to the living room. I found him in the kitchen instead, digging in the fridge for something else to eat.

"You know, you do have your own fridge to raid at your house." Red pops his head out with a chicken leg in his mouth and a big fat smile.

He bites into the chicken and spoke around the piece of meat. "You ready yet? Don't want to be too late." Not waiting for an answer and completely ignoring me he went back to searching for more to eat.

"Be out in ten." Walked to my bathroom took a quick shower and got dressed. Exactly ten minutes and we were out the door. Leaving Lilly was never easy. After her mother had left her on the doorsteps to my mother house… G0d, if I find that bitch one day, she is going to wish she never left. I hated her for doing that to our daughter, anything could have happened to her that night. Thank god mom was home and heard the car leave. She ran downstairs to see why Sasha was here but never knocked. Instead she found my daughter wrapped up in her bear skin hide in a basket. A singl