"In the intricate strings of fate, he was compelled to confront the realization that human nature is profoundly entangled in a web of treachery. Faced with this harsh truth, he stood at a critical crossroads: either succumb to the depths of despair or rise to defend his beliefs."
With three days having swiftly elapsed, David, immersed in his reading within the library's quietude, found himself unexpectedly interrupted by a guard.
"The members of the parole board are here to conduct your hearing. You must come with me at once; we will collect your documents on the way," the guard informed David.
David closed the book, said, "Goodbye, Mr. Robert," and then left with the guard.
"Good luck," a voice called from the back as a result.
Since his parole hearing was being held in the prison, David was spared the necessity of traveling any significant distance.
When David arrived at the venue for the hearing, he observed three figures: an elderly man whose deeply etched wrinkles obscured his eyes, though he retained a remarkably keen and penetrating gaze; and another man whose robust health belied the presence of half-white hair, indicative of extensive experience in his field.
Finally, a young woman dressed in informal attire, almost of the same age as David, was present. He recognized her immediately; her stoic expression showed no reaction to his entrance. It was evident that she carried herself with a distinct sense of dignity.
"Please take a seat; it won't take long, I promise," the man with half-white hair said to David.
Given that most inmates tend to be visibly tense in such circumstances, David's composed demeanor was all the more striking.
His mind appeared to be preoccupied with other thoughts.
"Open the quest menu," he thought inwardly.
▫ Escape the prison
▫ Win today's hearing
[ Reward : 3 System Units ]
▫ Use light power to heal one person
[ Reward : 2 System Units ]
"I must understand how the system comes up with such absurd quests," David thought, finding them unacceptable.
First, the absence of daily quests for the past three days undermines their intended purpose. Second, it appears that the system lacks meaningful tasks for me while I am in prison, so when something of significance occurs, daily quests seem to follow.
"Close the window for now," he thought to himself.
"So, I have all your documents here, and it seems you have chosen to represent yourself in today's hearing. Is that correct?" the old man inquired.
"Yes, sir, that's correct," David replied.
"These documents also mention your participation in several rehabilitation programs, but I don't see your family here to support you. Is it because they don't believe you should be eligible for parole?" the man with half-white hair asked.
"I must clarify that my family's absence has no bearing on the hearing. If you don't mind, I would like you to proceed," David responded.
"We also have a two-year education certificate you completed, along with testimonies affirming your good behavior," he said, glancing at a nearby guard.
It was the same guard who had returned David to his cell the day he lost consciousness in the library.
"That would be all of your documents," the hearing continued.
"Moving forward, from a standpoint of justice, what leads you to believe that you have fully reformed yourself in applying for parole?"
"Being completely honest, I don't care much about those details, but I am absolutely certain that I will not repeat my previous abhorrent actions."
"In fact, with each passing day, I develop a growing aversion to the actions that should condemn me to a life of shame in this prison. Nonetheless, for some reason, I feel a pressing need to leave this place."
"And what is that reason?" the board asked.
"A life that I once abandoned, a life I am compelled to reclaim, that is the extent of what I shall divulge."
Both of them directed their attention toward the young woman and began discussing in muted tones.
After a considerable lapse of time, the young woman ultimately broke her silence and spoke for the first time.
"Since you are already aware that I am not a member of the parole board, I should clarify that I represent the Walkers Association. My department is tasked with investigating data regarding individuals with abilities who have committed unlawful acts of violence."
"I have already conducted two of your hearings, both of which were rejected. If your application is rejected this time, you will not have another opportunity for three years, I must add."
"'Therefore, the sole query I will pose on this occasion is: What recollections do you have regarding the incident?' she said once again, her expression unwaveringly neutral."
"Aside from the incident, my memory is quite intact. For example, I still recall your name, Rebecca," David said, aiming to provoke her.
"Please quit with the pleasantries and address my question directly," she demanded.
"David released a heavy sigh before he began to speak. I was at school, having just returned from the training grounds where I had been practicing my darkness powers, but after that, my memory becomes unclear. What follows in my memory is a nightmarish blur, me standing over the disfigured corpse of my friend, my hands drenched in his blood."
"In the previous two hearings, you also mentioned that you believe you are guilty. What do you have to say about that?" Rebecca asked, maintaining a straight face, still showing no hint of emotion as she posed the question.
"The truth is, I don't know whether I am guilty or not."
"What do you mean?" the board asked, seeking clarification.
"I don't know because I can't remember anything. Earlier, my guilt made me accept responsibility, but the truth is, I genuinely don't know if I did this."
"What about the evidence against you?"
"You have no substantial evidence against me. The witnesses the court brought forward were unreliable, and the only thing they relied on was my confession, which was enough to secure my conviction."
"Why the sudden change in your defense? Do you realize that it won't help you at all?" she asked, her voice rising.
"I would characterize it as an effort to clear my conscience."
"Why are you so confident in your plea this time, if I may ask?" she continued.
"Because I am not relying solely on my plea this time, I would like to apply for parole to reduce my sentence by clearing Rifts."
"Enough," she declared, her demeanor altering markedly as her eyes widened, betraying an unexpected depth of emotion for the first time.
"Meanwhile, David was completely absorbed in a thought: how does he complete his healing mission, given that it had not worked on him earlier today?"
"Do you realize the gravity of the words you have just spoken?" she inquired, rising from her seat and causing her notable pen to fall from the edge of the table.
"Yes, I am completely aware. That is why I am certain that the law mandates the acceptance of the request."
David thought this was the perfect opportunity to complete his mission. Knowing the guards were behind him, he quickly moved towards the young woman, making it appear to the guards as though he was attacking her.
The guard positioned in the left corner unleashed a torrent of flame, erecting a formidable barrier between the young woman and David.
Since the distance between David and Rebecca was very short, David quickly dodged the fire barrier by crouching down and picked up her pen, making it appear as though he was merely there to retrieve it.
The guard, in his zealous attempt to detain David, was rewarded with curses for inflicting first-degree burns on Rebecca along with David.
David was let off as the board deemed his actions unintentionally harmless. He then turned to Rebecca, gently requested that she raise her left hand, and graciously offered to heal her.
Having given up on her steadfast composure, she raised her left hand with a sense of hesitation, curious to observe how David would proceed.
David understood that he had but a single opportunity to execute this task. Even during his prime, he had neglected to practice his light power, having been excessively proud of his dominance over darkness.
It was his first time using his light power to heal someone with his power restraints on, as using abilities in prison was not permitted. The only way he could heal her was by expending all his mana at once, or at least that was his theory, which would momentarily nullify the effects of the power restraints.
He stood still for a moment, gathered all his mana in his hand, and released a concentrated and potent burst of light power, aimed at healing Rebecca.
Somehow, it proved to be successful.
▪ ▪ ▪ REWARD : +2 SU +20 XP ▪ ▪ ▪
Although Rebecca was completely healed through the process, it had no effect on David; his burns continued to hurt.
"Please return to your seat; the board wishes to proceed," said the old man.
The board began discussing the matter and, after some time, made a statement.
Since the law mandates acceptance, we are obliged to inform you that your parole has been officially granted.
"You are required to clear 7 Rifts of Rank E, 5 Rifts of Rank D, 4 Rifts of Rank C, 3 Rifts of Rank B, 2 Rifts of Rank A, or 1 Rift of Rank S in order to reduce your sentence by one year. Additionally, after clearing a Rift, you must wait one week before clearing another. I trust you can calculate the details."
"You shouldn't have exposed yourself to this risk. Only a rare fraction of prisoners, merely a few among thousands, emerge from this process alive," she continued, in a manner almost as if she cared for David.
"This hearing is now adjourned," Rebecca declared, striking the gavel with a resounding echo throughout the room.