The more she thought about it, the more irritated Chen Pingyue became, and the smile on her face also changed flavor—it became like a frostbite-damaged dung ball; shiny on the surface, but reeking inside.
Everyone present was no fool; they of course knew this was to cover up the embarrassment caused by Tang Su, so they all started to change the subject, talking about other matters. Tan Xiao kept her head down and stopped talking, and when she sneakily glanced at Tan Xin again, the young man was there merrily helping himself to a drink.
Trying to find you a bride, and it didn't even end well. Looking at Tan Xin's manner, Tan Xiao couldn't help but burst into a mix of anger and laughter.
Hm? Just when it seemed the matter had passed and everyone had moved on to new topics, the son of the Tan family suddenly stood up, his complexion clearly not looking so comfortable.
"Xin Xin, what's wrong?"