The leg fork stabbed into Ye Tian's back heart, where it is much easier to kill a person as the heart is protected by the sternum at the front but has no bone protection from the back.
Dust settled.
Gongsun lay on the ground, blood flowing continuously from the corners of his mouth. He had been struck by Ye Tian's Mountain Clinging technique, shattering his chest cavity. The entire sternum along with the organs inside turned into crushed flesh – the heart, alveoli, trachea, liver... all mixed together, like... a blender.
"Ye Tian, I... I have a favor to ask you..."
Ye Tian didn't know when Song Qian had arrived; he hadn't even heard her footsteps on the ground. As Gongsun Muyang peacefully closed his eyes, a cold metallic sensation pressed against the back of his head.
It was the cold of metal.