Chapter 23 - Chapter 23

Luckily, Soo-Jung understood what I meant.

She had had a similar experience with Geumbi, and my desperate expression must have been convincing.

"Actually, I thought it was strange too, because you wouldn't have done that with your brothers..."

"But you were accusing me of this before?"

"Yes, but as the eldest sister, I have to find out the truth...! I was worried about you too, so I called you out of consideration."

"I'm grateful for that. If I'd asked at home, someone would have heard and made a fuss."

In fact, Geum-bi's sister was accused of something similar, and the situation got worse during the night when Hwa-yeon and Soo-jung found out that she had slept in her room.

Today's incident was related to that, so it was easier for me to deal with it on my own.

Hwa-yeon wasn't the only problem.The other things weren't all your fault.

For example, Geum-bi spent the night in her room without telling Soo-jung.

And waking up with a erection in the morning... well, that's a bit unfair. It's a natural instinct, and I didn't expect her to like men so much.

"But when did you realise that, and didn't you always wake up later than me?

When I was leaving the park and heading home, I suddenly realised something.

I turned my head and looked over to see Soo-jung looking to and fro, still feeling guilty.


"Why? Are you still angry with me, Terra?"

"No, I'm better now, and you apologised properly when we finished talking."

"But... after all, Terra, you were suspected unfairly."

"No, it was nice to know that you cared so much about our family, although I always knew that, hehe."

"No, don't tease me. It's just that they're family... I care about them as much as anyone else."

Maybe embarrassed by the indirect compliment, Soo-jung tucked the side of her wavy jeans hair further into her belly and blushed.

It was comforting to see her like that, and I was tempted to forget the past, but it's worth mentioning.

"By the way, how did you know?"

"What? About Hwa-yeon? I didn't find out from her! I heard you and Geum-bi talking and went to..."

"No, that's not it."

"Eh? So what?"

"When I wake up in the morning, she's downstairs with me.You always wake up later than me. When did you see that?"

"Uh...? Ah, ah, ah... I know, when was that, haha."

Soo-jung defended Hwa-yeon, thinking that she was wrong, but she would have to deal with that later.

Right now, the problem was herself, and the way she was throwing her hands up was even more suspicious.


"Huh? Why did you call me, Terra?"

"You... you were up first thing this morning?"

"Huh? Well, that's not possible, you know I'm a morning person, hehe."

"No, wait, that's strange. The most diligent sister in the house is a morning person?"

"Well, it's true... everyone has a weakness, ah."

The crystal sister flinched and looked away.

I stopped walking and pushed her against the wall.

"What? Is that the Earth? I can't do it, the wall is sticking to my back..."

"Come to think of it, you got up for work, didn't you? I thought you'd be discreet enough not to wake me."

"Maybe it's a habit you picked up from being an office worker?

"Even before that, when Goldie called me and dragged me into the kitchen. You woke up alone in your room and even contacted your mum, didn't you?"

"Oh, that time, Terra, you woke up because you got out of bed... maybe?"

"You said in the park that whenever I sleep with you, I perform oral sex on you 'every time'. You're not so sure about that, are you? You've only seen it from time to time, haven't you?"

"I don't usually... I'm a good head, then..."

Crystal tried to defend herself, but she was struggling to think clearly.

I put my hands on the wall and got ready to punch her. I looked down at Crystal.

"Since when?"

"What, since when?"

"Since when are you watching me there?"

"Wow, I didn't watch you, I just looked at you to see what you were sleeping with in your pockets... Ew!"

"So that's how you first saw it?"

"Aaah, no... Hehe, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"

With no way of escaping, either in words or actions, Suzuki finally gave up and bowed his head with his hands interlocked.

"To be honest, I didn't know what it was at first... but then I realised it was something like that, but I was too embarrassed to tell you, so I pretended not to notice... because you do it every day."

"Have you come to appreciate mine every day?"

"I don't appreciate it, Boo. I just can't help seeing it when we sleep together..."

Suzie finally started crying and said how frustrating it was.

Although the circumstances were enough to prove she was guilty, I saw her despair and gave her a slap on the wrist as a kind of suspended sentence.

"Ouch, why are you hitting me... Shi Ying?"

"Who are you to complain, you should be grateful that I let you get away with a peanut."

"I heard the whole story, even though you behaved badly."

"You mean after you hugged me to test me?"

"I trust you, but what if?"

"Haoh, so can I test you too, just in case, to see if my sister has an evil heart for my brother?"

"Eh? What? Ew?! What, what... Why are you getting so close again, eh?"

I moved my face closer to the Crystal Elder Sister's reddened forehead.

I didn't hit her anywhere else, but she was just as red, and I flicked her fringe slightly, making sure there was no one around.

And then...

One side.

I kissed her lightly on the forehead and pulled away.

"What did you just...?"

"Kissing between brothers is something we've done many times before, haven't we?"

"I don't think we did it often... until..."

"From my point of view, it was frequent, but most of it was one-sided."

"So...! You're the first human to do that... not often."

"It's a test.Hmm, let's see...?"

"What, what, why are you getting so close again? No lips?!"

"Don't exaggerate. I like that too. Anyway, is that enough?"

"Huh? What?"

"I'm just checking my sister's reaction. It seems the same as before. OK, I passed!"

"What do you mean, you passed? You can't be serious!"

"Yes. I've just shown that my crystal sister doesn't get excited around her brother, so you can relax now, haha."

"I would never do such a thing. How dare you question my sister?"

"After everything they did to you, it's just a little brother getting his revenge. You can't come into my house."

It was funny to see them jumping up and down when they were being mean to me and when I was being mean to them in return.

I felt bad, so I decided to apologise by messing up Soo-jung's hair.

"What?! Who's messing with your hair! No, I did it this morning... Ew."

"We're almost home, I'm going to go in and have a shower anyway, what's the problem?"

"But still... it's embarrassing for your brothers."

"I'm your sister too. Look, you're naturally beautiful, so don't worry about it."

"Nu, don't give your sister weird compliments... Shame on you."

Normally, Soo-jung would have laughed at such compliments.

But she had been through a lot on the way here, and now she pulled her hair over her face and shook her head.

"At least I can see your red ears.

I laughed and followed my sister to the street, where we could see the gates.

It was getting dark and I stopped to realise that I'd forgotten to call Goldie.

"Hmm, but there's no point in calling her now, is there?

I glanced at my mobile, but luckily there was nothing from her.

I wondered if it was too late... Just as I was thinking this, Soo-jung, who was standing a little way back, stuck his head out.

"What's going on? Is something wrong at home?"

"No, I was wondering if we got home too late."

"You can't be late, can you? Are you supposed to eat with someone?"

"No, not at all. On the way to the park, Goldie said to call me if we were going to be late."

"Goldie? Why?"

"I didn't ask her that, but... maybe she's just worried?"

"Hmph~ Really? Hmph~."

I ask myself, as Hwayeon narrows her eyes at the mention of Geumbi's sister.

She hugged her like a child and said, "Is it because Geumbi's sister is still a target?

That's a problem. If things get complicated between the sisters, I'll be the one stuck in the middle.

She's the reason I got involved with Geum-bi in the first place.

Last night, I even had to change my bed because she fell asleep drunk.

"Oh, that's right, I forgot."

"Huh? What?"

"Sister, why did you drink yesterday? You didn't have a party and you don't usually drink on your own."

"Ah, that's the problem, actually..."

Before I went home, I decided to clear up one last doubt.

It was a simple question, but for some reason, Soo-jung seemed reluctant to answer, taking a long time.

"Sis, why can't you tell me?"

"No, Terra, for you... I think I can tell you."

"For me? For... what?"

"I'm not sure yet."

Crystal's eyes widened several times, then she stood up straight, determined.

"I think the chances are... very good that you're an adoptee too, Terra."

"Huh? What?"

"It's not obvious, but I've remembered something from my past."

Crystal's comment was quite shocking, and I could see why she was drinking on her own.

But I told her, because she trusted me so much...

"What are you talking about, sister, from Earth?"


I don't know what the man behind me thought. He had fierce eyes.

"Is the Earth like an adopted child?"

Soo-jung and I looked at the same time.

There she was, clinging to the wall, her legs trembling slightly.

But her eyes were fixed on me.

It was as if she couldn't believe it, as if she found it hard to believe.

But even so, if it's true, her quivering pupils were pointing forwards.